Integration Paper Assignment and complete worksheet2


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You will apply theory in analyzing a case study based on the class lessons and using available information from the course pack.


The essay should be 3-5 pages in length and follow APA formatting.  The references page is required, and the essay should follow general paragraph patterns as taught in class. Included should be an introduction, a summary, a minimum of three integrated body paragraphs, and a conclusion.


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The movie “Dirty Pretty Things” (2002) or “Blood Diamond” (2006) will serve as the case study. You will watch this movie during one class by yourself. The movie “Dirty Pretty Things” is available through the following link: movie “Blood Diamond” is available via

. These movies are from Chinese channels which are the only free version that can be found on the web, so it has both Chinese and English subtitles. As this is an English class, you should disregard the Chinese subtitles. You should take notes using the available worksheet that you will apply to the essay. You may also wish to view the script of the movie in order to get quotations as evidence.  This is possible by searching for “Dirty Pretty Things Script” or “Blood Diamond” on the internet.

Selected articles from the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” will serve as the theory to be applied to the case study.  The Declaration is available through the following link:

Video 1:  What does an Integration Paper look like?  (12 minutes)


Video 2: How to write an IP Thesis Statement? (20 minutes)


Video 3: How to complete the Worksheet 2 Thesis Statement and Evidence? (8 minutes)


“I’m not here to meet you in particular, but I am here to help those that have been let down by the system.”


Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Notes/Examples/Quotes from
Dirty Pretty Things

Article #



All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

“I’m not here to meet you in particular, but I am here to help those that have been let down by the system.”


Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Senay is given refuge by the gobernment and is provided for everything.


Everyone has the right to life, liberty, & security of person.

Okwe does not kill Juan when he takes his kidney. Okwe uses his knowledge as a doctor to ensure the surgery is safe.


No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

Okwe refuses to work in Juan’s Kidney business despite being offered money.


No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

Juliett helps Senay by giving her morning after pills after Juan takes her virginity.


Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.


All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Okwe gives up his life in London in order to save Senay from losing her kidney which Juan was planning to sell.


No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.


(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.


Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

Okwe is concerned about the guests in the hotel after findinding the heart in the toilet.


(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection

Worksheet 2: IP Thesis and Evidence Worksheet

There are two ways to organize the IP: A: by Theory (UDHR). B: by Case (movie)

I will organize my essay by ( )


You only need to choose one way to write your essay, and only need to fill out the information below for the one you choose (not both).

Please think through about your choice as you need to use the same organization for completing the essay, including more upcoming worksheets and all drafts.

If you choose to organize by Theory, finish the task on the left as below: If you choose to organize by Case, finish the task on the right as below:




By Theory (UDHR)


By Case (Movie)




The UDHR is an effective tool for analyzing

(thesis key word)
revealed in (the name of the movie that you watched)

through the following articles: (article #), (article #), and (article #)

For example:

The UDHR is a valuable tool for explaining the
(injustice against immigrants)
revealed in the movie “The Visitor” through the following articles: article 3, article 6, and article 12.

Write your thesis here:


(thesis key word)
revealed in (the name of the movie that you watched)

can be analyzed by looking at UDHR

through the following characters/events:

(character 1), (character 2), and (character 3).

(event 1), (event 2), and (event 3).

For example:

The (injustice against immigrants) revealed in the movie “The Visitor” can be analyzed by looking at UDHR through the following characters: the vulnerability of Tarek, the restriction of visiting son for Mouna, and residential instability for Zainab.

Write your thesis here:

Evidence for BODY PARAGRAPH #1

Evidence for BODY PARAGRAPH #1

Evidence #1

from the theory (an article from UDHR)

As UDHR states in Article #, “article” (citation)

For example:

As UDHR states in Article 13, “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state” (United Nations, 1948).

Write your evidence here:

Evidence #1

from the case (movie)

In the film, (context), “quote” (citation).

For example:

In the film, Tarek is arrested in the subway station when the police believe he has jumped the turnstile. However, Tarek clearly holds the ticket in his hand, stating “I did not jump it! I paid. I paid!” (London & McCarthy, 2007).

Write your evidence here:

Evidence #2

from the case (movie)

In the film, (context), “quote” (Citation).

For example:
In the film, Tarek is arrested in the subway station when the police believe he has jumped the turnstile. However, Tarek clearly holds the ticket in his hand, stating “I did not jump it! I paid. I paid!” (London & McCarthy, 2007).
Write your evidence here:

Evidence #2
from the theory (an article from UDHR)

As UDHR states in Article #, “article” (citation).

For example:

As the human rights document states in Article 13, “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state” (United Nations, 1948).

Write your evidence here:

Evidence for BODY PARAGRAPH #2

Evidence #1
from the theory (an article from UDHR)

Evidence #1
from the case (movie)

Evidence #2
from the case (movie)

Evidence #2
from the theory (an article from UDHR)

Evidence for BODY PARAGRAPH #2

As UDHR states in Article #, “article” (citation).
Write your evidence here:

In the film, (context), “quote” (citation).
Write your evidence here:
In the film, (context), “quote” (Citation).
Write your evidence here:

As UDHR states in Article #, “article” (citation)
Write your evidence here:

Evidence for BODY PARAGRAPH #3

Evidence #1
from the theory (an article from UDHR)

As UDHR states in Article #, “article” (citation).
Write your evidence here:

Evidence #1
from the case (movie)

In the film, (context), “quote” (citation).
Write your evidence here:

Evidence #2
from the case (movie)

In the film, (context), “quote” (Citation).
Write your evidence here:

Evidence #2
from the theory (an article from UDHR)

As UDHR states in Article #, “article” (citation)
Write your evidence here:

Evidence for BODY PARAGRAPH #3

Today, class 8 (week 5)

• 8.1 Integration Paper Assignment (IP)
• 8.2

What is IP?

• 8.3

What is the theory UDHR?

• 8.4

IP Introduction Paragraph

• Homework
• Q&A

Simei Zhou (2020)

8.1 What is Integration Paper (IP) Assignment?

Simei Zhou (2020)

Integration Paper (IP) Assignment



Simei Zhou (2020)


Dirty Pretty

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Integration Paper (IP) Assignment
Please download it from
Moodle under Essay 2.

Simei Zhou (2020)

8.2 What is Integration Paper (IP)?

• a way to interpret or explain

something in the real world
• similar words include framework,

paradigm, construct.

Simei Zhou (2020)

• a situation or story (real or fiction) that

shows one specific event or one
person’s experience

How does a theory explain a case?

UDHR Dirty Pretty Things

What is IP?
Course pack p. 36

Other names for this assignment:
• Application Paper
• Personal Analysis Paper
• Movie Analysis

Instructions will often say something like:
• “Analyze _____ by referring to concepts from our course.”
• “Using X theory, explain the problem of ____.”
• “Take a look at your personal goals by reflecting on X theory.”
• “Examine your own life using concepts from our course.”

Simei Zhou (2020)
What is IP?

Simei Zhou (2020)

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Simei Zhou (2020)

8.3 What is UDHR?

Integration Paper (IP) Assignment
Simei Zhou (2020)
Dirty Pretty
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

What is the theory UDHR?
Simei Zhou (2020)

Simei Zhou (2020)

8.3 IP Introduction Paragraph

Title page Writing Page

Simei Zhou (2020)

IP General Outline

Writing Page Writing Page Writing Page Writing Page References
Two references
-one for UDHR
-one for the movie

3-5 writing pages, including:
– Introduction
– Background
– Body Paragraph 1
– Body Paragraph 2
– Body Paragraph 3
– Conclusion

3-4 sentences

• Sentence 1: Introductory sentence:
• the significance of human rights/ Why human rights are important?

• Sentence 2: Topic sentence (citation):
• What is the name of the theory, who developed it, when it was developed.

• Sentence 3: Summary of the theory (citation).
• the gist of UDHR

• Sentence 4: Thesis Statement (we will talk about this later)

IP Introduction Paragraph

Simei Zhou (2020) Course pack p. 38

Sentence 1-Introductory sentence: the significance of human rights/ Why human rights are

e.g. Conflicts and misunderstandings between older and younger people are timeless and

Sentence 2-Topic sentence: the theory and/or theorist name, and when it was developed

e.g. One way to understand the cause of this tension is through generational theory, which
was originated by two sociologists, William Strauss and Niel Howe, in 1991 (Cagle, 2018).

Sentence 3-Summary of the theory (citation).
e.g. Generational theory examines society in “cohorts” that are impacted by the social,
political, economic, and technological factors around them. In many parts of the world,
these cohorts are divided into the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X,
Millennials, and Generation Z (Cagle, 2018).

Sentence 4-Thesis Statement (You don’t need to write it yet. We will cover this later)

IP Introduction Paragraph Note: for your IP,
the theory is UDHR

Simei Zhou (2020) Course pack p. 36

Today, class 8 (week 5)

• 8.1 Integration Paper Assignment (IP)
• 8.2 What is IP?
• 8.3 What is the theory UDHR
• 8.4 IP Introduction Paragraph

• Homework
• Q&A

Thank you for attending!

Simei Zhou (2020)

WRTG 101 Integration Paper Assignment


You will apply a theory in analyzing a case study based on the class lessons and using available information from the course pack.


The essay should be 3-5 pages in length and follow APA formatting. A references page is required, and the essay should follow general paragraph patterns as taught in class. Included should be an introduction, summary, a minimum of three integrated body paragraphs, and a conclusion.


The movie “Dirty Pretty Things” (2002) or “Blood Diamond” (2006) will serve as the case study. You will watch this movie during one class by yourself. The movie “Dirty Pretty Things” is available through the following link:

. The movie “Blood Diamond” is available via

. These movie are from Chinese channels which are the only free version that can be found on the web, so it has both Chinese and English subtitles. As this is an English class, you should disregard the Chinese subtitles. You should take notes using the available worksheet that you will apply to the essay. You may also wish to view the script of the movie in order to get quotations as evidence.  This is possible by searching for “Dirty Pretty Things Script” or “Blood Diamond” on the internet.

Selected articles from the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” will serve as the theory to be applied to the case study. The Declaration is available through the following link:

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