ENG102: Critical Writing


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Assignment 3.  Persuasive essay (600-750 wds)

Purpose: Building on 3-point thesis and opinion from Weeks 1,2, your task will be to write an essay to persuade your readership of some point/s, pro or con.

***Select a topic for a 600-700+ word persuasive argument. The topic choice is yours. You can consider me your audience, or you can hypothetically write to a different audience. Here are some topic ideas. You may choose one or you may choose a completely different topic. Remember,  a strong argument is necessary to writing a credible argument / opinion essay. 

Your previous task was objective and factual in nature. This task will be to Write an informed opinion / factual essay persuading some sort of action.

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  • Persuade your instructor to buy organic foods
  • Persuade someone to brush their teeth
  • Persuade your neighborhood to start recycling
  • Some topic of your own choosing

See this resource, but be very careful with using its materials


  1. Your thesis Paragraph (5-6 introductory sentences, WITH three-point THESIS SENTENCE)
  3. 5-6 development paragraphs, develop each of the 3 supporting points of the thesis. Your thesis should make clear who your general audience is.
  4.  Each paragraph: include at least TWO citations per paragraph and appropriate references (APA Format).
  5. As you conclude your essay, take care to argue for your proposition while being aware of counter arguments.

600-750 wds: TWO drafts. GRAMMARLY.COM Submit both drafts. 

In academic writing, the following style points will deduct from the marking:

  • Dummy subjects (there is,  there are, it is)
  • Use of Passive Voice (“The essay was written by the student”)
  • Pronouns (I me we us you your; unsupported  pronouns this, that, them, those)
  • Rhetorical cheerleading: I believe, I think, it is my opinion, I feel, clearly, obviously, etc)
  • Lack of citations, references, or incomplete APA format.
  • Use of thesaurus and inappropriate words

Your Essay will be reviewed by Unicheck, the plagiarism tool synced to Canvas. Unicheck will submit a similarity report a few minutes after you post your assignment. If the similarity index is above 30%, please redo and resubmit your assignment after you cite the sources properly to avoid plagiarism. 

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