SOCW 6103 – Discussion: Challenges of Co-Occurring Disorders

Discussion: Challenges of Co-Occurring Disorders

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Addiction is often combined with other co-occurring disorders that impact one’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. For example, many individuals suffering from addiction also exhibit signs of depression. Clients and professionals may not differentiate the symptoms of depression and addiction. Often, a treatment plan for only one disorder is implemented, which may result in incomplete treatment and subsequent relapse. Co-occurring disorders have a wide range of prevalence and severity. Any mental disorder and addictive behavior has its own course of action that will require an effective treatment plan.

Clients struggling with co-occurring disorders may also use substances to “self medicate” in the face of symptoms of a mental disorder to blunt the emotional pain that they experience. 

For this Discussion, review the week’s resources and consider possible co-occurring disorders. How might co-occurring disorders present challenges for individuals seeking treatment for addiction? Finally, consider possible strategies to help individuals overcome these challenges.

Provide a Discussion Post that addresses the following Topics, Content, and Headings:

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–  An example of two possible co-occurring disorders PTSD and Opiate addiction. 

– Explain how those co-occurring disorders may present challenges to treatment for people with problems with addiction. 

– Finally, explain two strategies that an addiction professional may utilize to address those challenges. Support your response using the resources and the current literature.

Week 8: Addictions and Co-Occurring Disorders

For a client to present with only one addiction, without a co-existing addiction… or a co-existing psychiatric disorder(s) would be the exception rather than the rule (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016, p. 192).

Steven has been to inpatient treatment three times for sexual addiction and he still continues to have adulterous affairs with random people he meets at social events. He has reportedly been in a happy marriage for twelve years, but he cannot fight his sexual desires. Steven was recommended to try a facility that consists of a medical team that is well versed in both addiction and psychiatry. After being assessed, the professional at the facility realized that Steven suffers from a co-occurring disorder. That is, he was diagnosed with both a sexual addiction and bipolar disorder. Consider how the failure to identify Steven’s co-occurring disorder may have influenced earlier treatment plans.

This week, you consider possible co-occurring disorders and how these disorders present challenges in seeking treatment for addiction. In addition, you explore strategies to overcome challenges for co-occurring disorders. You also explore the symptoms of mental disorders and their impact on people with addiction problems.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Analyze co-occurring disorders

· Analyze challenges to treatment for individuals with co-occurring disorders

· Analyze strategies to address challenges

· Analyze the relationship between co-occurring disorders and addiction symptoms

· Analyze the impact of individual addiction on society

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2016). Foundations of addictions counseling (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Education, Inc.

· Chapter 3, “Process Addictions” (pp. 48-63)

· Chapter 9, “Treatment of Comorbid Disorders” (pp. 192-215)

· Chapter 12, “12-Step Facilitation of Treatment” (pp. 263-284)

Discussion: Challenges of Co-Occurring Disorders

Addiction is often combined with other co-occurring disorders that impact one’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. For example, many individuals suffering from addiction also exhibit signs of depression. Clients and professionals may not differentiate the symptoms of depression and addiction. Often, a treatment plan for only one disorder is implemented, which may result in incomplete treatment and subsequent relapse. Co-occurring disorders have a wide range of prevalence and severity. Any mental disorder and addictive behavior has its own course of action that will require an effective treatment plan.

Clients struggling with co-occurring disorders may also use substances to “self medicate” in the face of symptoms of a mental disorder to blunt the emotional pain that they experience. 

For this Discussion, review the week’s resources and consider possible co-occurring disorders. How might co-occurring disorders present challenges for individuals seeking treatment for addiction? Finally, consider possible strategies to help individuals overcome these challenges.

Provide a Discussion Post that addresses the following Topics, Content, and Headings:

·  An example of two possible co-occurring disorders PTSD and Opiate addiction.

· Explain how those co-occurring disorders may present challenges to treatment for people with problems with addiction.

· Finally, explain two strategies that an addiction professional may utilize to address those challenges. Support your response using the resources and the current literature.

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