WEEK9-DISCUSSION-Enterprise Risk Management

Course: Enterprise Risk Management

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Discussion Question

: The readings this week discusses broad context of risk and investigative  forensics. Part of risk management is to understand when things go  wrong, we need to be able to investigate and report our findings to  management. Using this research, or other research you have uncovered  discuss in detail how risk and investigate techniques could work to help  the organization. ERM helps to protect an organization before an  attack, where as forensics investigate technique will help us after an  attack – so lets discus both this week. 

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Reading Assignment

Chen, J. & Zhu, Q. (2019). Interdependent Strategic Security  Risk Management With Bounded Rationality in the Internet of Things. IEEE  Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 14(11), 2958-2971.

Borek, A. (2014). Total Information Risk Management: Maximizing the  Value of Data and Information Assets (Vol. First edition). Amsterdam:  Morgan Kaufmann 

Retrieved from 


Prof. Guidelines 

  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the   University Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional   information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial   discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and   other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references   in your post.

“APA Format” 




Plagiarism includes copying and pasting material   from the internet into assignments without properly citing the source   of the material.   

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