Wk 4 Individual Assignment – Project Documentation and Implementation Artifacts [due Mon]


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Project implementation is arguably the most exciting stage of the project management process. It is during project implementation that project plans begin to come to life and assumptions are able to be tested and measured in real-life scenarios.

One of the outcomes of project implementation is a set of deliverables that typically includes a system diagram; a network diagram; a database design document, including an entity-relationship diagram, a data dictionary, and table definitions; a clearly articulated cybersecurity plan; and source code.

To complete this assignment, you will need to create the following 6 components:

  • A system diagram that shows, in graphic form, the components of your project
  • Your system diagram should follow the system description you submitted in your Week 2 project plan (but may differ based on the research you have conducted since Week 2).
  • You may create your system diagram in Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Microsoft® Visio®, Lucidchart, or a graphics program of your choice but must be saved and submitted as a PDF or jpg.
  • A network diagram that shows, in graphic form, the flow of data within your project
  • Your network diagram should follow the network description you defined in the Week 2 project plan (but may differ based on the research you have conducted since Week 2).
  • You may create your network diagram in Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Microsoft® Visio®, Lucidchart, or a graphics program of your choice but must be saved and submitted as a PDF or jpg.
  • A database design document, including an entity-relationship diagram, a data dictionary, and table definitions, representing all of the data that must be stored and maintained within the context of your project and how that data is organized
  • A clearly articulated cybersecurity plan that explains how you plan to secure project data and processes
  • Source code (may be partial) for at least one software application
  • Your source code may be implemented in HTML/JavaScript, Java, C++, or another programming language.
  • Download and unzip the HTML/JavaScript/CSS sample code files for an example of a partial software application implementation.
  • As a minimum you can modify the given sample code to include some specific information for your project.
  • A quality assurance and software test plan
  • Download the Software Test Plan for an example of what information is typically included and how it is typically organized in a software test plan.

Note: All deliverables must be portfolio ready, which means as complete and error-free as possible. Also your deliverables must be specific for your project and not just generic diagrams, documents or source code.

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Submit your 6 deliverables – the deliverables may be combined in to fewer than 6 files if applicable.

Please note that I do not consider simply parroting back material from another source to be sufficient – you will need to provide your material in your own words and discuss or describe how any external material you provide relates to the scenario. Also, please make sure you properly paraphrase, quote, reference and cite any material you are discussing. 

Project Proposal







Page 1 of 1

University of Phoenix


Project Proposal Template

Instructions: Fill out each of the sections below with information relevant to your project, and, add your company’s name.

Lewin’s Internet Banking

Project Proposal

Project Scope statement

Project Title:

Information Security in

Banking Industry

Project Sponsor(s):

Company’s project manager, chief information officer (CIO) of the company because this is an IT project.

Business Context for the System:

Banking Industry

Project Scope Description:

This is a program that would be used in banking industries to improve the efficiency in service provision. It would also be used to improve cyber security by protecting online transaction between the customers and banking institutions.

Date Prepared:

October 15, 2020

Prepared By:

Michael Bishop




/opportunities the proposed system expected to Solve

Problems Issues


· Cyber security problems

· Improving online transactions between the banking agents and customers.

· The project would create a new opportunity for cyber security development in the banking industry.

project objectives

Project Objective Name

Project Objective Description

Create a competitive advantage. The banking software program is a project that would help banking industry to keep pace with the increasing competition among the banking institutions. It would be aimed at soaring demands for the banking customers.
Improving cyber security. Banking industry has suffered for quite long from the cyber criminals. This project is aimed at improving data security in the banking systems and monitoring transactions made by the banks and the customers.
To keep pace with the changing technology. Technology has been rapidly changing meaning that business organizations need to invest more on it to keep the pace with the changing trends. This project would come with improved features of cyber security for organizations’ systems. Its objective is to ensure that it is very sensitive to identify any malicious activity in the systems because the cyber criminals are also advancing with the technology.

project deliverables

Project Deliverable Name

Project Deliverable Description

Banking Security Software (BSS) As the name suggests, the software would be used in banking industry only. Its main objective is to make transactions between the bank and the clients more secure (Benediktsson & Dalcher, 2019). It also alludes to the implementation of computer software to make the banking services very simple and more efficient.

project acceptance criteria


Acceptance Criteria


Project Acceptance Criteria Description

Backup and Restore The project is expected to provide the banking system with data backups and restoration services.
UAT This is a criterion that involves the user acceptance and testing. The program must be accepted and tested by the user to determine whether it has met its initial requirements ore there some improvements that should be made.
BCP This criterion involves the business continuity plan. The software project shall provide for the continuity plan for business continuity in case an attack is successfully executed.
Project Approval For the project to be implemented in the organization, it should be fully approved after being tested (Benediktsson & Dalcher, 2019). The approval should be based on the performance outcome of the software program.

project exclusions

Project Exclusion Name

Project Exclusion Description

Coding The coding process to be applied in the system is excluded from the project. The scope of this proposal does not recommend a specific process to be used in coding.
Tmux Tmux is tool used in programming especially when the programmer is working with several terminals in different processes. Tmux is not included in the scope of the project.

project constraints

Project Constraint Name

Project Constraint Description

Business Constraints These are constraints that may affect the progress of the project from within the company. The organization may lack enough time and financial resources to facilitate the completion of the software project within the specified period (Benediktsson & Dalcher, 2019). However, our project management team must be ready to abide by these potential constraints to easily find alternatives.
Technical Constraints The project may be faced with technical difficulties which may in turn limit its design choices (Benediktsson & Dalcher, 2019). This is because technical constraints are usually fixed. However, any changes in technical personnel may affect the project planning and progress.

project assumptions

Project Assumption Name

Project Assumption Description



The company assumes that it would have enough resources needed to complete the project (Tomanek & Klima, 2018). Such resources include technical resources such as IT experts, time and financial resources.
Cheap Technical Skills The company assumes that it will source cheap technical skills from external sources.
Stakeholders The company assumes that the stakeholders involves in the project development will always avail themselves when needed

Waterfall methodology is the proposed methodology for this project that’s because waterfall methodology is the most traditional and a sequential choice for most programmers. Although most programmers see it as an outdated methodology it is very helpful especially when they want to understand the history and structure of the software (Tomanek & Klima, 2018). Therefore, this method is presumed to be the best in this project.

high-level work schedule: Project Scope

Description of Work

Assumptions and Constraints

The programmer will create a new security technology that would improve the working of the existing applications (Benediktsson & Dalcher, 2019). The main task would involve integrating the existing software and security protocols to create software in consistent with the current technology.

The main assumption is that the company’s IT professionals would have the required skills and expertise to execute this task. However, it will be a big challenge if the IT professionals would lack these skills because the company would be forced to outsource external professionals which may be very expensive.


Due Dates

The chief of information systems (CIS) has already announced the rollout of our new security software program lifecycle. This is the validation of the program intended to improve cyber security in the banking industry.

The project is expected to complete in the next 6 months. Therefore, the company hopes that by the end of February 2021, the project will have been completed.

$10 per unit



$10 per unit




$10 per unit
















Software designing

Human resources




per hour



$10 per unit



Owner approval




$15 per hour


1 $10


Software tools


$16 per hour




Reusable software components

$18 per hour



Quality Requirements

The banking security software is required to meet some specific level of service quality as provided in ISO/IEC9126-1 (Tomanek & Klima, 2018). According to this standard, the software program should meet the functionality, usability, maintainability, usability, portability and efficiency requirements.

Acceptance Criteria

The program shall be acceptable under the conditions that the software has is acceptable by the user, other systems or the customer (Benediktsson & Dalcher, 2019). This is because the three elements are unique for every story and they define the software based on their perspectives.

Technical Information

The IT security refers to the sect of strategies and rules used to prevent authorized users from accessing the company’s or personal computer system. The security software prevents the attackers from accessing the secured networks and data in a computer system (Benediktsson & Dalcher, 2019). Therefore, it is used to maintain integrity and privacy of sensitive information in computer systems.

Agreement Information

The pursuant of the banking security software shall use the best effort to adhere to terms and conditions of this agreement. They shall complete the software development task as described herein without compromise of duties and responsibilities assigned to each of them.


Benediktsson, O., & Dalcher, D. (2019). Estimating size in incremental software development projects. IEE Proceedings – Software, 152(6), 253. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/3422143_Estimating_size_in_incremental_software_development_projects

Tomanek, M., & Klima, T. (2018). Penetration Testing in Agile Software Development Projects. International Journal On Cryptography And Information Security, 5(1), 01-07. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274373999_Penetration_Testing_in_Agile_Software_Development_Projects

Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

ProjectPlan Draft
BSA/425 v1
Page 1 of 7

University of Phoenix Material

Project Plan Draft

Instructions: Fill out each of the sections below with information relevant to your project. Be sure to include the company name associated with your project.


Project Plan Draft

Network Technology Recommendation


Network Technology Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria


Selection Criteria Value (Weighting In Points)

(score out of 10)

Wide area network Connect computers that are long distance apart. 6
Local area network Used over a short distance to connect computers or devices of low voltage. 4
Wireless local area network Physical devices are not necessary. It works like wi-Fi. 9

Network Technology Recommendation

(out of 10)


Recommended Network Technologies



Aggregate Selection

Criteria Score

Software defining networking For communication with programming interface of applications and allowing virtual level resources control. Manageable, cost effective, flexible, and adaptable.
Edge computing Bringing target applications close to the source of action. Cheaper services of storing, secured data. 8
Multi cloud technology Utilizes many private clouds and more than two public clouds Enable easy data storage. 7

Network Technology Vendor Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria Description


Selection Criteria Value (Weighting In Points)
(out of 10)
Setting the needs of the company It makes it possible to know the suitable vendor qualities. 3
Have agents The agents will bring their vetting proposals.
Find the most appropriate vendor We will collect the experiences of clients of other vendors.

Network Technology Recommended Vendors




Vendor Name

Vendor Strengths

Vendor Weaknesses

Products / Services Provided To Project

Aggregate Selection Criteria Score


Out of 10


Alloys Good customer care, cost effective. Heavy rains and storms affect the network. Company’s encryption technology to avert external intruders.
Cisco 24-hour customer service and extremely fast network. Network is very expensive. Provide the company with heavy network.
Aruba Cheaper and good network. When using this system, the network slows down. Make sure the software is maintained appropriately and is readily available for use by the company.

Network Technology

Deployment Challenge


Deployment Challenge

Deployment Challenge Description

Deploying physical over logical Protocols are used in physical networks appliances in the logical due to different traffics which are agnostic to physical.
Automatic and scalable deployment Since systems are prone to errors, the network should adjust to faults.
Resilient deployment Given that the systems are prone to errors, the network should adjust to faults.

Technology Adoption Methods

Method Name

Method Description

Align strategy and technology The organizational needs should be met by technology. The adoption should be done due to the name of the company.
Buy ins should be communicated There should be communication with stakeholders for this technology to be used.
Analysis of current systems This will determine the essence of new technology.
Training Training on the net technology should be done on the employees for faster adoption.





New block $350000 Installation of computers and other technological items.
Hiring of more staff $14500 More productivity guaranteed.

Database System Recommendation

Database System Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria Description




Selection Criteria Value (Weighting In Points)

(Out of 10)

Definition of study reference terms The aim of undertaking the project.
Shortlisting of two-three products Selection of DDBS from some products matching main concepts.
Products evaluation Ensures deeper analysis for the shortlisted DDBS. 5
Selection recommendation After the research and analysis of the appropriate company this will give the findings.

Database System Recommendation






Recommended Database System

Benefits Aggregate Selection
Criteria Score
(Out of 10)
Desktop database Users can enter and store data logically. Faster large data changing and storing.
Relational database Has schema to create a database in one server. Users can store multiple work in comparison to desktop.
Object oriented They build elements bookshelves and permit access per book shelf. Storage of huge data chunks possible.
Normalization Breaks and processes data into small parts. Useful in sorting documents from first to last names.

Database System Vendor Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria Description





Selection Criteria Value (Weighting In Points)
Out of 10
Cost Database should be cost effective.
Safety and quality The database should not regularly fail.
Risk The database should be safe from hackings and attacks.
Convenience No past errors should be present.

Database System Recommended Vendors

Vendor Name

Vendor Strengths

Vendor Weaknesses

Products / Services Provided To Project





Aggregate Selection Criteria Score
(out of 10)
Oracle Complex, powerful, with support of cloud Ensure staff training and manages database like consolidated services of the cloud.
Microsoft SQL Most common globally Comes with MS excel, word, and SharePoint. It sports BI tools.
Microsoft Access Common for e-commercial sites Easy to run and comes with office suite.
Teradata For large database Handles large data volumes which are common for most companies.

Database System Deployment Challenges

Deployment Challenge

Deployment Challenge Description

Security of data Incidences of data theft and hacks have increased.
Performance Database performance may not suit big companies.
High availability The company may not function well when the server is not okay.
Data safety In case of computer errors, data may be affected.

Technology Adoption Methods

Method Name

Method Description

Align strategy and technology


The needs of the organization have to be met by the technology. The technology should not be adopted because of the name of the company.
Communication of buy ins Stakeholders should be aware of the technology.
Analysis of the current system To determine the need of a new technology.
For effective use by the employees and faster adoption.

Cost/Benefit Considerations




Purchase of new system of database $4356 The company will store the data for easy retrieval.

Software Application Recommendation


Software Application Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria Description

Selection Criteria Value (Weighting In Points)
Out of 10





Industry and business expertise The company has some individuals with IT skills.
Knowledge of the market The software should match the company’s market.
Capabilities of program management The project and program should be complex and capable of managing the firm.
Communication Departmental communication will be better with the program.

Software Application Recommendation



Aggregate Selection
Criteria Score




Recommended Software Application

Microsoft suite Include office access, excel, outlook etc. Managing and printing of documents.
Internet browsers Include opera mini, safari, Firefox, Chrome. Internet access.
Mobile piece software Pandora, Slack, and Skype for communication. Suitable in team collaboration, communication, and music appreciation.

Software Application Vendor Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria Description

Selection Criteria Value (Weighting In Points)
Out of 10




Defining broad needs Checking the necessary application and if it matches the requirement.
Find the list of features expectations Having the particular features of the software that are indispensable.
Assessing the capabilities of reporting The software should explain about the company’s summary.

Software Application Recommended Vendors

Vendor Name

Vendor Strengths

Vendor Weaknesses

Products / Services Provided To Project

Aggregate Selection Criteria Score
(Out of 10)




EMC Covers all software revenue products Maintenance of Software is not included. Provides the company with a sophisticated software.
Salesforce Covers the sales service of the software Does not include professional service revenues. Comes with cloud app and marketing applications supporting the revenues.
Sun Guard Supports FIS global revenues Does not include software maintenance. Transactions calculated as value of derivative same to straight software license.

Software Application Deployment Challenges

Deployment Challenge

Deployment Challenge Description


High availability

Inadequate knowledge Workers may lack adequate information on the software, so training is necessary.
Big companies may not be satisfied by the software’s performance.
The company may malfunction when the servers are not okay.
Safety of data Computer errors may affect the software.

Technology Adoption Methods

Method Name

Method Description

Align strategy and technology

Communication of buy ins

Stakeholders should be aware of the technology.

Analysis of the current system

To determine the need of a new technology.


For effective use by the employees and faster adoption.

The needs of the firm must be met by the technology.

Cost/Benefit Considerations




Hiring of more staff

Buying new computers $4355 The new software in the company will be used to operate them.
$3465 They will make sure the software is well protected and in good condition.

Cloud Services Recommendation


Cloud Services Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria Description

Selection Criteria Value (Weighting In Points)
(Out of 10)



Safety and quality






The cloud has to be affordable for the company.
The cloud should not fail regularly.
The cloud should be devoid of hackings and attacks.
It should be convenient for company use

Cloud Services Recommendation



Aggregate Selection
Criteria Score
(Out of 10)





Recommended Cloud Services

Drop box Up to 2GB Suitable for light browsers.
Google drive Up to 15GB Suitable for collaborations and teams.
Microsoft One Drive Up to 5GB Suitable for users of windows programs.
Box Up to 10GB Suitable for enterprise solution users.

Cloud Services Vendor Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria Description

Selection Criteria Value (Weighting In Points)
Out of 10



Security of data



If they are compliant with standards Governments set these standards for providers of cloud services.
Service roadmap The firm’s prevailing objectives are taken care of in the project.
Providers can offer data security to prevent hacking.
Service terms Presence of enough strategies for customer support for the ultimate customer satisfaction.

Cloud Services Recommended Vendors

Vendor Name

Vendor Strengths

Vendor Weaknesses

Products / Services Provided To Project

Aggregate Selection Criteria Score
(out of 10)





Amazon web services Offer services of database storage, computer power Suitable for integration with business. It is reliable and flexible
Google cloud It is a leading provider Suitable for Google search and You Tube and offers services of data storage, analysis, and machine learning.
IBM cloud Fast and improves Customer satisfaction Services offered include infrastructure as service and platform as a service.
Adobe cloud Suitable for editing videos, and web development They help to store pictures and web data.

Cloud Services Deployment Challenges

Deployment Challenge

Deployment Challenge Description

Security of data


Safety of data

High availability

Increased incidences of data theft and hacks.
The database performance may not be satisfactory with large firms.
Issues of computer errors may affect data.
When the server is inappropriate, the company may malfunction.

Technology Adoption Methods

Method Name

Method Description

Align strategy and technology

Communication of buy ins

Stakeholders should be aware of the technology.

Analysis of the current system

To determine the need of a new technology.


For effective use by the employees and faster adoption.

The needs of the firm have to be met by the technology.

Cost/Benefit Considerations




Employ more staff $2545 Who will control the cloud services?

Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Individual Assignment – Select a Business Scenario

Michael Bishop

September 17, 2020

University of Phoenix

Scenario B: Internet Bank

Figure 1: Technical Architecture


The overall process of creating this organization will have three phases:

· Business architecture driven.

· Application architecture driven.

· Technical architecture driven.

Initial steps for bank business architecture

· Adopt a lightweight business architecture framework required to design it.

· Understand the strategy of the bank.

· Develop a business capability model for the bank.

· Identify and map essential banking value streams.

· Generate a bank-wide capability to the system matrix.

· Align bank transformation needs to capability clusters.

· Translate the capabilities changes required to a roadmap

Various risks


Web browser

: Risks on the web browser include system damage, crash, lack of privacy, and misuse of private information (Pagano, 2012).



: In this case, there may be improper administration, system compromise, or misconfiguration.

· Web server: The presence of unnecessary services, system failure, misconfiguration, lack of firewall protection.



: Loss of data through tampering and design.

· Datacenter: Access and physical security or disasters.

Security component mode for internet bank required by the organization


Pagano, J. (2012, May). Microsoft Industry Reference Architecture. Retrieved from


Web browser

Interned Banking Database

Middle ware



Internet banking app

Web host


Data Centre


Internet Netwok






Project Plan Draft

Michael Bishop

Prof. Damron

BSA425 Capstone

Project Plan Draft

Instructions: Fill out each of the sections below with information relevant to your project. Be sure to include the company name associated with your project.


Project Plan Draft

Network Technology Recommendation


Network Technology Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria


Selection Criteria Value (Weighting in Points)

(score out of 10)

Wide area network

Connect computers that are long distance apart.


Local area network

Used over a short distance to connect computers or devices of low voltage.


Wireless local area network

Physical devices are not necessary. It works like wi-Fi.


Network Technology Recommendation

(out of 10)


Recommended Network Technologies



Aggregate Selection

Criteria Score

Software defining networking

For communication with programming interface of applications and allowing virtual level resources control.

Manageable, cost effective, flexible, and adaptable.

Edge computing

Bringing target applications close to the source of action.

Cheaper services of storing, secured data.


Multi cloud technology

Utilizes many private clouds and more than two public clouds

Enable easy data storage.


Network Technology Vendor Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria Description


Selection Criteria Value (Weighting In Points)

(out of 10)

Setting the needs of the company

It makes it possible to know the suitable vendor qualities.


Have agents

The agents will bring their vetting proposals.

Find the most appropriate vendor

We will collect the experiences of clients of other vendors.

Network Technology Recommended Vendors




Vendor Name

Vendor Strengths

Vendor Weaknesses

Products / Services Provided To Project

Aggregate Selection Criteria Score


Out of 10



Good customer care, cost effective.

Heavy rains and storms affect the network.

Company’s encryption technology to avert external intruders.


24-hour customer service and extremely fast network.

Network is very expensive.

Provide the company with heavy network.


Cheaper and good network.

When using this system, the network slows down.

Make sure the software is maintained appropriately and is readily available for use by the company.

Network Technology

Deployment Challenge


Deployment Challenge

Deployment Challenge Description

Deploying physical over logical

Protocols are used in physical networks appliances in the logical due to different traffics which are agnostic to physical.

Automatic and scalable deployment

Since systems are prone to errors, the network should adjust to faults.

Resilient deployment

Given that the systems are prone to errors, the network should adjust to faults.

Technology Adoption Methods

Method Name

Method Description

Align strategy and technology

The organizational needs should be met by technology. The adoption should be done due to the name of the company.

Buy ins should be communicated

There should be communication with stakeholders for this technology to be used.

Analysis of current systems

This will determine the essence of new technology.


Training on the net technology should be done on the employees for faster adoption.

Integration of a change management

Helps stakeholders adapt and adopt to technology

Creation of an effective governance structure

To manage and lead the adoption of the technology.

Integration of technology

Integration should be done into company policies and procedures and operational books to enhance adoption.






New block


Installation of computers and other technological items.

Hiring of more staff


More productivity guaranteed.

Database System Recommendation

Database System Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria Description




Selection Criteria Value (Weighting In Points)

(Out of 10)

Definition of study reference terms

The aim of undertaking the project.

Shortlisting of two-three products

Selection of DDBS from some products matching main concepts.

Products evaluation

Ensures deeper analysis for the shortlisted DDBS.


Selection recommendation

After the research and analysis of the appropriate company this will give the findings.

Database System Recommendation







Recommended Database System

Aggregate Selection
Criteria Score
(Out of 10)

Desktop database

Users can enter and store data logically.

Faster large data changing and storing.

Relational database

Has schema to create a database in one server.

Users can store multiple work in comparison to desktop.

Object oriented

They build elements bookshelves and permit access per book shelf.

Storage of huge data chunks possible.


Breaks and processes data into small parts.

Useful in sorting documents from first to last names.

Database System Vendor Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria Description





Selection Criteria Value (Weighting In Points)
Out of 10


Database should be cost effective.

Safety and quality

The database should not regularly fail.


The database should be safe from hackings and attacks.


No past errors should be present.

Database System Recommended Vendors

Vendor Name

Vendor Strengths

Vendor Weaknesses

Products / Services Provided To Project





Aggregate Selection Criteria Score
(out of 10)


Complex, powerful, with support of cloud.

Ensure staff training and manages database like consolidated services of the cloud.

Microsoft SQL

Most common globally

Comes with MS excel, word, and SharePoint. It sports BI tools.

Microsoft Access

Common for e-commercial sites

Easy to run and comes with office suite.


For large database

Handles large data volumes which are common for most companies.

Database System Deployment Challenges

Deployment Challenge

Deployment Challenge Description

Security of data

Incidences of data theft and hacks have increased.


Database performance may not suit big companies.

High availability

The company may not function well when the server is not okay.

Data safety

In case of computer errors, data may be affected.

Technology Adoption Methods

Method Name

Method Description

Align strategy and technology


The needs of the organization have to be met by the technology. The technology should not be adopted because of the name of the company.

Communication of buy ins

Stakeholders should be aware of the technology.

Analysis of the current system

To determine the need of a new technology.

For effective use by the employees and faster adoption.

Cost/Benefit Considerations




Purchase of new system of database


The company will store the data for easy retrieval.

Software Application Recommendation


Software Application Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria Description

Selection Criteria Value (Weighting In Points)
Out of 10





Industry and business expertise

The company has some individuals with IT skills.

Knowledge of the market

The software should match the company’s market.

Capabilities of program management

The project and program should be complex and capable of managing the firm.


Departmental communication will be better with the program.

Software Application Recommendation



Aggregate Selection
Criteria Score




Recommended Software Application

Microsoft suite

Include office access, excel, outlook etc.

Managing and printing of documents.

Internet browsers

Include opera mini, safari, Firefox, Chrome.

Internet access.

Mobile piece software

Pandora, Slack, and Skype for communication.

Suitable in team collaboration, communication, and music appreciation.

Software Application Vendor Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria Description

Selection Criteria Value (Weighting In Points)
Out of 10




Defining broad needs

Checking the necessary application and if it matches the requirement.

Find the list of features expectations

Having the particular features of the software that are indispensable.

Assessing the capabilities of reporting

The software should explain about the company’s summary.

Software Application Recommended Vendors

Vendor Name

Vendor Strengths

Vendor Weaknesses

Products / Services Provided To Project

Aggregate Selection Criteria Score
(Out of 10)





Covers all software revenue products

Maintenance of Software is not included.

Provides the company with a sophisticated software.


Covers the sales service of the software

Does not include professional service revenues.

Comes with cloud app and marketing applications supporting the revenues.

Sun Guard

Supports FIS global revenues

Does not include software maintenance.

Transactions calculated as value of derivative same to straight software license.

Software Application Deployment Challenges

Deployment Challenge

Deployment Challenge Description


High availability

Inadequate knowledge

Workers may lack adequate information on the software, so training is necessary.

Big companies may not be satisfied by the software’s performance.

The company may malfunction when the servers are not okay.

Safety of data

Computer errors may affect the software.

Technology Adoption Methods

Method Name

Method Description

Align strategy and technology

Communication of buy ins

Stakeholders should be aware of the technology.

Analysis of the current system

To determine the need of a new technology.


For effective use by the employees and faster adoption.

The needs of the firm must be met by the technology.

Cost/Benefit Considerations




Hiring of more staff

Buying new computers


The new software in the company will be used to operate them.


They will make sure the software is well protected and in good condition.

Cloud Services Recommendation


Cloud Services Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria Description

Selection Criteria Value (Weighting In Points)
(Out of 10)



Safety and quality






The cloud has to be affordable for the company.

The cloud should not fail regularly.

The cloud should be devoid of hackings and attacks.

It should be convenient for company use

Cloud Services Recommendation



Aggregate Selection
Criteria Score
(Out of 10)





Recommended Cloud Services

Drop box

Up to 2GB

Suitable for light browsers.

Google drive

Up to 15GB

Suitable for collaborations and teams.

Microsoft One Drive

Up to 5GB

Suitable for users of windows programs.


Up to 10GB

Suitable for enterprise solution users.

Cloud Services Vendor Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria Name

Selection Criteria Description

Selection Criteria Value (Weighting In Points)
Out of 10



Security of data



If they are compliant with standards

Governments set these standards for providers of cloud services.

Service roadmap

The firm’s prevailing objectives are taken care of in the project.

Providers can offer data security to prevent hacking.

Service terms

Presence of enough strategies for customer support for the ultimate customer satisfaction.

Cloud Services Recommended Vendors

Vendor Name

Vendor Strengths

Vendor Weaknesses

Products / Services Provided To Project

Aggregate Selection Criteria Score
(out of 10)





Amazon web services

Offer services of database storage, computer power

Suitable for integration with business. It is reliable and flexible

Google cloud

It is a leading provider

Suitable for Google search and You Tube and offers services of data storage, analysis, and machine learning.

IBM cloud

Fast and improves Customer satisfaction

Services offered include infrastructure as service and platform as a service.

Adobe cloud

Suitable for editing videos, and web development

They help to store pictures and web data.

Cloud Services Deployment Challenges

Deployment Challenge

Deployment Challenge Description

Security of data


Safety of data

High availability

Increased incidences of data theft and hacks.

The database performance may not be satisfactory with large firms.

Issues of computer errors may affect data.

When the server is inappropriate, the company may malfunction.

Technology Adoption Methods

Method Name

Method Description

Align strategy and technology

Communication of buy ins

Stakeholders should be aware of the technology.

Analysis of the current system

To determine the need of a new technology.


For effective use by the employees and faster adoption.

The needs of the firm have to be met by the technology.

Cost/Benefit Considerations




Employ more staff


Who will control the cloud services?

Supporting Research Report
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Supporting Research Report

Instructions: Fill out each of the sections below with information relevant to your project. Be sure to include the name and purpose of your project.

Supporting Research Report for: Information Security in Banking Industry

Purpose of my project: The purpose of this project is to create an information security program that would be utilized in the banking industries to enhance efficiency in the provision of services. This would also include enhancing cybersecurity by protecting online transactions between banking institutions and their customers. The project is also expected to give the banking system data backups and restoration services.

Executive Summary

I have identified some problems with cybersecurity, slow online transactions between customers and banking institutions, and customers that my program intends to solve. Also, this project provides a chance for the growth of cybersecurity in the banking industry. The aims and objectives of this project are to enable the banking industry to enhance its competitiveness with other banking industries, enhance cybersecurity, and keep updated with the technological changes through the implementation of this software program. This software is referred to as the Banking Security Software (BSS), specifically designed for the banking industry only for improving security, efficiency, and simplicity of transactions between banking institutions and their customers. The security software will typically prevent attackers from being able to access secured data and networks in a computer system, and in case of a successful attack, it will allow for business continuity.

Industry Background

Banks play a huge role in the economy, where they act as systems of payment. They are the main source of credit for huge swathes of the economy and operate as a safe haven for depositors’ funds. This process of intermediation facilitates the matching of deposit and loan supply and gives liquidity to an economy. The current banking industry is a network of financial institutions that have been licensed by state governments to provide banking services such as transfers, storage, extending a credit against, or management of risks related to holding different forms of wealth. The exact amount of financial services given at any particular time depends on the banking institution, time, jurisdiction, economic development, industry’s regulations, and technological advancements. The banking industry has been subject to attacks such as physical theft and now cyber-attacks. People can now hack into servers to gather customer’s personally identifiable information (PII). Therefore, cybersecurity is very critical for banking since the risk of data breaches increases as firms and individuals carry out online transactions. Cybersecurity helps protect customer assets, maintain trust between banks and customers as well as other banking institutions.

Technology Trends

The most significant technology trend in the banking industry is the transformation to digital, particularly online and mobile banking. Due to the unprecedented speed and convenience, most people no longer want to go to physical banks to deal with their transactions. This change has further increased competition in this industry. In addition to mobile banking apps, banks are required to put a temporary hold on cards, scan a fingerprint to log into an account or view recurring charges, etc. online banking has also vastly grown where banks can share the financial information of their customers securely and electronically as long as the customers approve. Moreover, investment banking has developed due to artificial intelligence and Robo-advisors that advises businesses, individuals, and governments on how best to invest their money. For instance, AI can assist in validating a hypothesis of an investment banker to lead to better decisions in the future. Lastly, BaaS platforms allow fintech and other different third parties to create a connection with bank systems through APIs to form banking offerings on top of the provider’s regulated infrastructure. This platform makes banks to gain from fintech that is entering the finance space as it makes them customers instead of competitors (Romānova & Kudinska, 2016).

Project Approach

This project will involve a sequential phase-to-phase relationship approach (waterfall). This entails the requirements phase>Design phase>development phase>testing phase>deployment phase> maintenance phase. This will enhance the control and management of the project and thus mitigate the risks and uncertainty associated with the project. The main aim will be to choose a phase-to-phase relationship that strikes a balance of the stakeholders’ preferences and the project team’s abilities with the general project characteristics. At the end of every phase (decision point), the senior management and relevant stakeholders will authorize a continuation or termination of the project. Also, this approach will take into account some of the business constraints, such as inadequate financial resources and time shortage that may hinder the completion of the project within the required time. Also, there is a possibility for technical constraints that may reduce the design choices, planning, and progress of our project. This approach will be great in that another step will not start unless the previous step has been completed, and there is no need for rework (Van Casteren, 2017).

Selected Vendors

Vendors for network Technology

Cisco was my best selection of vendors based on its renowned reputation with computer networking, its strengths of extremely fast speed, and 24-hour customer service despite its high cost. Cisco offers great security features, and it can serve any size of an organization.

Vendor for Cloud Services

IBM cloud was selected based on its fast speed and ability to enhance customer satisfaction. It also provides services inclusive of the platform as services and infrastructure as service.

Vendor for database

Teradata was selected due to its large size and its ability to handle large volumes of data.

Software application vendor

Sun Guard was chosen as it supports global revenues.

Alternative Approach

Depending on the time schedules, an overlapping phase-to-phase relationship approach might reduce the time consumed. This means that a phase that follows can be initialized before completion of the previous step, however, this approach is risky, and it can demand some rework (Biotto, 2019).

Impact Analysis

This project will affect all levels of the organization, including all external stakeholders and other banking institutions. It will be essential to create awareness of a change from the current technology to all affected parties. This project will be aligned with the business strategies to ensure that the technology positively contributes to the company. Also, employees will be trained on the utilization of this technology to improve its adoption. The operation of current applications will be improved by the new security technology, and it will entail the integration of existing software and security protocols, thus enhancing the overall cybersecurity.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

There is a need to build a new block at the cost of $350,000 to create room for the installation of computers and other technological items required for the project. Also, it will be crucial to get more employees to increase productivity since there are few employees in the IT department, even though this will come at an extra cost of $14,500.

Financial Analysis

· The company will need to purchase a new database system at the cost of $4,356.

· Acquisition of new computers – $4,355

· Staff hiring – $3,465.

· More staff to control the cloud services – $2545.

· Software designing – $90

· Approval by the owner – $40

· Coding – &210

· Testing – $230

Risk analysis

There are numerous risks related to the use of mobile apps as more individuals access their bank accounts through these apps (Gbongli, Peng & Ackah, 2016). Many of these individuals have little to no security, which makes them prone to attacks. Therefore, banking software solutions are critical to avoid such activities of malice. Also, with an upgrade of cybersecurity, hackers have resulted in third-party networks and common banking systems to get access, and as long as these access points are not protected, attackers can easily gain access. Moreover, there has been an increase in the risk for cryptocurrency hacks since this sector is still pretty unsure of how to implement the software of cybersecurity for banking in a rapidly changing market with a higher chance for attackers to grab more currency amounts. Particularly when it constantly jumps in value. Also, for the database, data may be lost via design and tampering, and the data centers may be subjected to disasters or other physical threats. The web server may create a point of vulnerability due to unwanted services, lack of firewalls, and system failure which there may be poor administration of firewalls, which poses a risk.


Gbongli, K., Peng, Y., & Ackah, O. (2016). Selection and Ranking of Perceived Risk Associated with Mobile Banking in West Africa: An AHP Approach from Customers’ Perspective. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 7(1), 80-86. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/303689746_Selection_and_ranking_of_perceived_risk_associated_with_mobile_banking_in_West_Africa_An_AHP_Approach_from_customers%27_perspective

Romānova, I., & Kudinska, M. (2016). Banking and Fintech: A Challenge or Opportunity? In Contemporary issues in finance: Current challenges from across Europe. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Retrieved from https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/S1569-375920160000098002/full/html

Van Casteren, W. (2017, March 17th). The Waterfall Model and the Agile Methodologies: A comparison by project characteristics. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313768860_The_Waterfall_Model_and_the_Agile_Methodologies_A_comparison_by_project_characteristics_-_short

Biotto, C. (2019). Integration of Overlapped Design and Construction Stages Through Location-based Planning Tools (Doctoral dissertation, University of Huddersfield).

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