Communication in Organizations


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Part 1B: Describe an issue or a problem. As a guideline this will probably be somewhere between 1 and 3 pages in length (double spaced, 12pt font). NOTE: there is one part of this assignment that says 1 and another that says 3.  Don’t be confused, just do what it takes to describe the issue or problem

Details for Part 1B:

· Describe the Situation you will analyze in the case study

· Describe the issue or situation that you wish to deal with in the case study. 

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· You can and should bring relevant information in from Part 1A if it helps you to be clear. Do NOT make me go back and forth hunting for something. The online submissions do not make that easy. 

· You should pretend that you either work for me, or that I have hired you as a consultant on this issue.

· After describing the issue, try to indicate what you think the initial or perceived problem is, and if you know it, the real problem or the root cause.

· Also briefly say what your initial approach might look like.

· NOTE: all of this is in one document that you upload per the instructions.

Communication in Organizations

Case Study Assignment:

Your task is to develop a case study about some aspect of organizational life, this might be a problem or some change issue. You should probably focus on an issue or a problem or something about change in the organization, but you can focus more broadly than that.

: Do


include any proprietary or confidential information or names of people or the organization if it could be harmful to you, others or the organization. Do let me know if it is a fictitious organization or a Real organization with the names changed to protect the organization.

It is very important that you follow the format very carefully. I will take points off for failing to follow the directions. Do each section separately and turn it in separately.

The parts are:

Part 1A: Describe the Organization (5%). Around a page in length, certainly not much more.

Part 1B: Describe the Situation you will analyze in the case study (5%). Around a page in length, certainly not much more.

Part 2: Situational Analysis (30%). Use the Matrix, and then write a half a page to a page on each of the 2 to 4 areas you will focus on.

Part 3: Recommendation (10%). A one or two pages at most.

all page descriptions are approximate and are 12pt font double spaced


Part 1B: Describe the Situation you will analyze in the case study (5%)

Part 1B: Describe an issue or a problem. As a guideline this will probably be somewhere between 1 and 3 pages in length (double spaced, 12pt font). NOTE: there is one part of this assignment that says 1 and another that says 3.  Don’t be confused, just do what it takes to describe the issue or problem

Details for Part 1B:

· Describe the Situation you will analyze in the case study

· Describe the issue or situation that you wish to deal with in the case study.

· You can and should bring relevant information in from Part 1A if it helps you to be clear. Do NOT make me go back and forth hunting for something. The online submissions do not make that easy.

· You should pretend that you either work for me, or that I have hired you as a consultant on this issue.

· After describing the issue, try to indicate what you think the initial or perceived problem is, and if you know it, the real problem or the root cause.

· Also briefly say what your initial approach might look like.

all of this is in one document that you upload per the instructions.

Format (you must follow) for Part 1B:

 ISSUE OR SITUATION: you can do this in 1 to 3 pages

 PERCEIVED PROBLEM: describe what you think the problem or issue is. This might be what the organizational members think the problem or issue is. You might change your mind later. This should be brief, no longer than 1 page, maybe only a short paragraph or a few bullets.

 REAL PROBLEM: (optional) if you think you know what the real problem is state it here, no longer than 1 page, maybe only a short paragraph or a few bullets.

 INITIAL APPROACH: describe how you think you might proceed and why. This will be brief, 1, maybe 2 pages.

 NOTE: all of Part 1B should be in one document that you upload per the instructions.

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