Education Plan Assignment

N393 Patient Education Plan

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The purpose of the patient education plan is to plan interventions based on evidence-informed nursing practice for your MC Reads character using the Social Determinants of Health framework and one additional health promotion model (see course syllabus IIC “Health Promotion Models” for examples.



Use your “Social Determinants of Health” paper as a resource for this patient education plan. You have done the lion’s share of the work already.

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2. Think of your MC Reads character as one of your clients who has made an appointment with you in the clinic for an annual physical exam.

3. Take the social determinant identified to be relevant to your selected character and create a patient education plan for a) the patient and/or b) caregiver.

4. Write out minimum of two evidence-informed interventions based on the SDOH framework and your second health promotion model. What concepts in the health promotion model overlap with the SDOH? For example, does self-efficacy play a role in how a young black man would perceive crime and violence in his neighborhood? Use the resources embedded in the module to help you work through this part of the education plan. What if your education plan is met with resistance? How do you move forward with the plan?

5. Upload your patient education plan to two places a) drop box and b) Week 9 discussion forum.

6. Critique your colleague’s patient education plan. Be sure to include a brief introduction of your character as part of your initial post along with your patient education plan attached for review.

Peer Critique of Education Plan (these are your 2 peer responses).

1. Select two peers’ patient education plans to review.

2. Has your peer provided the following: a) character introduction, b) clear description of the social determinant selected for book character and rationale, c) two evidence-informed interventions based on the SDOH framework as well as a second health promotion model, d) a well-formulated backup plan for a resistant client or caregiver.

© Dr. Lori Wagner, 2019

Lisa Carter, Starr ‘s mother, is a registered nurse, she is an indispensable source of encouragement and treatment in the book. She urges Starr to do as relaxed in terms of politics and speaking out. Lisa fears for her family ‘s wellbeing and persuades Maverick that their family should relocate off from Garden Heights neighborhood. She serves as a nurse in a Garden Heights clinic at the beginning of the novel, but later secures a higher-paying position in another hospital that makes transferring the family economically sustainable.

Health Education Plan

I choose Lisa as my patient due to the stress of fretting about his family’s safety at Garden Heights neighborhood. Lisa presented to the clinic for her annual physical examination, her assessment findings include blood pressure of 155/92 mmHg compared to last visit of 145/86 mmHg. The normal blood pressure should be less than 120/80 mmHg. In Lisa’s case, since her blood pressure has been taken on three different occasions, a reading of 155/92 mm Hg indicates (stage 2 hypertension) of which the doctor confirmed to be. Her body temperature reads 98.5 (0F), Respiratory rate (18 pm), Pulse (86 bpm), weight 175 pounds, height 5’5. For diagnosis and interventions, family history and lifestyle practices were assessed of which Lisa stated that her mother and father had high blood pressure and were both died from cardiovascular disease (Heart Failure). She also stated that she quit smoking and drinking few years ago. She reported of having occasional headaches and blurred vision sometimes, but although she is a nurse it did not occur to her to check her blood pressure since her last readings were high.

Evidence-Based Interventions for Hypertension Prevention/Management

The two evidence-informed intervention to be adopted based on the social determinant of health (SDOH) framework and health promotion model would be lifestyle modification such as diet and exercise and stress reduction techniques. My proposed health promotion model is the relapse prevention model.

Relapse prevention model is a health promotion model employ to ensure that adherence to the proposed intervention plan are followed through without behind. Relapse models have five concept to be address which are based on the following negative emotional states, lack of, or limited coping skills; decreased motivation; stress; and high-risk experiences (Harkness, and DeMarco, 2016, p. 96).

Intervention based on Social Determinant of Health

The major contributing factor to Lisa health is stress of her family continual residing in Garden Height community where there is constant gang related crime and police brutality.

Intervention Basis on Relapse Prevention Model

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