Essay***NEED ASAP***

Two months after you complete this course you find yourself in a  dispute with a friend, colleague, acquaintance, etc. who claims that  mythology is nothing more than a pack of lies, falsehoods and  imaginative stories that don’t serve any real purpose. Given your  participation in this course, what type of counter-argument would you offer?

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Your assignment is to write a persuasive essay that illustrates  mythology as a vibrant, important and entirely useful collection of  stories that continues to assert a positive influence on the world  today.

Make sure that your language is passionate and make sure that you use  information from the course material that we studied this term. Support  your argument with AT LEAST one major content example from each of the  modules that you completed this term – specific readings and videos.

Please make sure that your content is clear, plausible and strongly  defends the importance of mythology. Do your best to include the  vocabulary and terms that have played an important role in this course. I  want your answer, not a plagiarized answer. Remember the CWI format –  make sure that you are thorough in your presentation. This is your  opportunity to process everything you have learned during the term. Your  paper must be AT LEAST 4 pages in length, typed and double-spaced.  You  do not need to use outside source material.  Include a works cited page  and cite your sources in the body of the paper for any specific  information you include from a specific source.  

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