Nepa work


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Part 1: Define NEPA. Now describe whether or not it constitutes a special case or is it just another environmental law? (In other words, is it different from most environmental regulations?) Use specific examples to justify and defend your answer.

Part 2: Pick an environmental topic (water, air, endangered species, etc.), then find the environmental policies for two different nations (the United States and one other nation) and compare and contrast the two policies in those two nations. When looking at these two approaches, can you determine how policy and regulation are related in the case of environmental programs?

In response to both parts cite all sources used with in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your paper using APA style. A fully developed response should go beyond your textbook and required readings (although may include them), have multiple citations from valid sources (e.g., no wiki-anything) and should avoid direct quotes from others. Synthesize and summarize and explain these responses in your own voice.

Please submit your essay as an attachment to this assignment. Your report should be 2-3 pages and supported by at least two scholarly references.

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