Essay due Friday 10/16/20


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Format- MLA. Double spaced.

Topic- Three Reasons why I plan to major in Psychology. 

-Working Bibliography needed

Find 5 SOURCES on your SELECTED topic. 

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-Need to be REPUTABLE SOURCES:  .gov, .edu, .org, OR (reputable .com.) 

TYPE:  Research

LENGTH:  5 sentence paragraph PER Works Cited entry

SOURCES:  Use the WORKS CITED page submitted last week.

Sample essay uploaded and guidelines uploaded

Annotated Bibliography Guidelines – Comp I

· Write a full citation for each source (the FIVE on your Works Cited page)

You have already done this with your Works Cited Page!

· Write an annotation for EACH source (5)

· Your entire analysis is written in present tense. (Write, “The author compares,” not “The author compared”.)

· See sample below –
Pay special attention to indentions and spacing!


· 1” margins

· Double-spaced throughout (Remove space after paragraph!!)

· MLA heading

MLA Citation:

· Write the full MLA citation for each source – ( or the “cite” button in databases)

· Put sources in alphabetical order.

Annotation: (one paragraph of 5 SENTENCES per source) (aka – at least FIVE WELL-WRITTEN sentences). You do not have to answer every SINGLE question as they are listed. These are GUIDING questions.

· Summary:

· In a sentence or two, tell if the source is an informational article or an argument, an opinion column or an article in a scholarly journal, a book review or an online article.

· Then briefly summarize the article.

· What are the main arguments or points?

· What is the point or purpose of this article or website?

· What topics are covered? If someone asked what this article/book is about, what would you say? (Be sure to say it in your own words so that you do not plagiarize!)

· Analysis:

· What you know about the author?

· Is the author a reporter, a journalist, or a professor?

· What are the author’s areas of expertise, educational background, credentials, and affiliations?

· In a sentence or two, tell what the author uses for support—facts, figures, statistics, opinion, etc.—how does the author convince you of his/her main point?

· If there is no author, tell what website you got your information from – not the title of the page, but the title of the website.

· Tell what the article/web page uses for support—facts, figures, statistics, opinion, etc.

· Briefly explain the article’s objectivity.

· Is the information reliable?

· Is this source biased or objective?

· What is the goal of the source?

· Does the writer ever confuse facts with beliefs or opinions?

· Response:

· In two or more sentences, tell your feelings on the article.

· Do you agree or disagree with the author?

· Has it changed how you think about your topic?

· In a sentence or two, tell whether or not this article was helpful to you.

· How will you use the source—to provide background information, stimulate thought, represent an alternative viewpoint, or prove your claim?

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