Compile Project

The Fig Technologies Executive Leadership Council (ELC) has asked you to compile a report regarding the age demographics within the organization. Your findings are that employees between the ages of 18 to 25 comprise 11% of the workforce, employees 26 to 39 comprise 31%, employees 35 to 55 comprise 34%, employees 56 to 69 compose 18%, and the remainder are age 69 and above. You have been asked to compile a report regarding the advantages and disadvantages of developing a younger workforce in both professional and nonprofessional positions as well as for older employees 65 and above. Be sure to discuss age legislation and how this will affect any decisions the company may face. You must include a minimum of one outside resource for this component. This component of the report should be one to two pages included into the final report.

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The second part of this assignment is to submit the comprehensive research that you have compiled throughout your consulting contract over the past seven units. You are to provide a comprehensive report of the previous studies. Please add an executive summary of the steps for improving organizational diversity to the report being submitted to the ELC. The executive summary should be approximately half of a page. The report is the compilation of the previous project assignments. Please review these assignments, making any corrections based on instructor feedback. Add any transitions along with headers and sub-headers. Specific headings and sections should include the following:

Executive Summary,

Fair Treatment of Ethnicities,

Benefits of Organizational Diversity,

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Improving Organizational Culture,

Gender and Work-Life Balance, and

Age Demographics.

Your comprehensive report should include a title page and reference page. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

Original workNo plagarism




Fair treatment ethnicities

Michell Muldrow

Columbia Southern University

The executive leadership council of Fig Technologies has hired the Solution Group in order to evaluate the assimilation process, which has happened at each of the three newly obtained worksites. As a company, we have composed three teams that will pay a visit to every site located in Texas, Qatar, and Germany. We shall diversify the three teams in that there will be a team of ten members, which will consist of four local employees, three employees from Germany out of which two will be bilingual, and three Qatar employees, of which one of them will be bilingual. From all of the teams, every individual is of value in the evaluation of the three sites as they assist in bridging the cultural gap. Now that Texas and Qatar both have an individualist working culture of the collective, the insight teams will, therefore, help with the exchange of the perspectives of the culture and experience for the three sites. All of the team members have between five to eight years of working experience with assessing the assimilation within the diverse organizations. The teams are also made up of members from senior management, marketing managers, communications managers, and also the front-line managers. These members have the experience of daily operations and are also experienced in dealing with customers. The composition of this team will give a better understanding of the local practices of every site, which will be useful in providing every insight into how all the three sites are carrying out business. This team will be able to foster a distinguished exchange of ideas and also get ways for the three sites to perform their work in unison so as to achieve the objectives of the Fig Technologies.

The following are the questions that will be used by the solution group in order to interview every person from each site to gage their assimilation process and pinpoint where the issues may lay.

1. How would you describe how committed you will be to the company?

2. How does your role impact the company as an employee?

3. What is it that you need in order to be successful in your job?

4. Do you feel there are any rules that protect people against discrimination?

5. How do you understand the term diversity? Why is this important in a company?

6. What challenges do you face while living onsite and in a remote environment?

7. How much of an impact do you feel that the present diversity has on the economy?

8. Have your experiences since joining this company led you to become more aware of racial or ethnic differences?

9. What advancements, if any, can be made in order to improve the level of diversity training at this company?

All of the individuals from all three sites were given the same questions in order to get a clear picture of their assimilation into their new work environments. After assessing the responses presented, it has been determined that all three sites have the same concerns, something that confirms that the differences in culture do pose a major concern that requires to be addressed. The summary of the survey is included below.

All of the workers have expressed that they are fully committed to the company; however, the working environment has become so tense that it makes it quite difficult to remain focused on the task that they have at hand and to meet the required deadlines. There is also a lack of cohesion as a result of the differences in cultures. The majority of the personnel understand what is needed in order to complete their tasks of every day and feel that the company provides them with the required tools needed by everyone in order to complete the tasks and the know-how their work contributes to the entire success of the company. Some of the personnel, however, do not enjoy living onsite irrespective of the convenience provided. They always give reasons that because of the tense working environment this makes the personnel feel like they are not in a position to escape from work. The majority of the employees have a feeling that the PowerPoint slides on the training of diversity were not effective enough. They have owned up that they normally click through the slides, but they do not read them just to complete the training in the required deadline.

The aspect of the culture of the business in the organization is causing a serious conflict. People from Germany have proved to have a strong emphasis on efficiency, and they utilize their time in order to be highly productive. Time management is also expected; that is, people have to be punctual (


, 2018). Individuals originating from Qatar work at a much slower pace because trust is what drives the business of which takes time to be achieved. The Qatar nationals are also never on time to work, and they tend to do their work during odd hours, which is normally 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. (ExpatFocus, 2018).

When it comes to getting all the three worksites in order to understand each other, on a more personal basis, the individual from Qatar feel that they are not valued when asked about their female family members; however, they are interested to hear what everyone has to say concerning their family.

All the personnel don’t feel that there are policies in place within the organization to address discrimination and protect individuals from discrimination. When asked if they could find the company discrimination policy, all of them answered that they did not know where to locate the policy letter. Finally, the personnel within the company understand the importance of diversity within the workplace and admit that they face many roadblocks with the different cultures that are present. This is a direct result of the monotonous PowerPoint slides that have been presented by the company. This organization is made up of individuals who are from different races, genders, and have different educational backgrounds. Currently, the company is comprised of 35 percent females and 65 percent males. However, the national average of the workplace in most organizations is 47 percent females and 53 percent males (Dewolf, 2017). This data will be used to ensure that the proposed solution will connect with the company’s diverse gender makeup.

The recommended solutions that have been presented would reduce the tension in the multiple onsite work locations. They would also improve the employee’s understanding of the diverse multi-cultures that they are currently working with. This, in turn, would reduce the tensions that the worksites are currently experiencing. Employees would gain a better understanding of how each culture conducts business, and this would lead to unit cohesion and more productivity for the organization.


Advameg (2017). Qatar. Retrieved from

Browne, C. (2018). Business Etiquette in Texas. Retrieved from

Chebium, R. (2015). How to Create an Effective Cross-Cultural Training Program. Retrieved from

DeWolf, M. (2017). 12 Stats About Working Women. Retrieved from

Expatfocus (2018). Qatar Business Culture. Retrieved from



Benefits of Organizational Diversity


Institutional Affiliation




Benefits of Organizational Diversity

As the consultant assigned to assess organizational environment in Miami, Florida and the Kansas City, Missouri offices, I will apply my experience and skills in order to fully study the benefits that organizational diversity has in regards to business and the market. The main task will be assessing the environment while putting emphasis on strengths and weaknesses experienced in the two offices. The two offices act as service centers for Fig technologies hence making all employees perform similar tasks. On the other hand, managers in both sites are mandated to offer oversight role of monitoring the performance of each employee. In addition, the two offices have a huge cross section of locals who stay within the vicinity, university graduates from institutions nearby as well as transfers that occur within the organization between the two branches. Therefore, due to the facts above, my task will be assessing the two branches independently.

Assessment of findings in Miami, Florida

The Miami office has nurtured the value of organizational culture despite concerns being raised in regards to interpersonal relationships. There is a friendly rivalry that exists between this office and the local college team and the professional sports. This rivalry is healthy and it has less effect to the quality of work being produced by the employees. Friendly rivalry usually becomes a source of not only motivation but also inspiration that helps the employees to aim for the value of the organization. As a result, friendly interactions are developed regularly. Moreover, problem solving skills as well as creativity are molded by the leadership scheme that exist in the organization. However, there have been concerns and complains being raised that point out to an extreme rivalry that is being prominent in the organization. Therefore, there are obvious conditions of conflict growth in the workplace. Due to the fact that software developers from south Africa and brazil have been unable to excite people about futbol instead of football, diverse workforce has to be trained to maintain a flexible organizational culture.

Assessment of findings in Kansas City, Missouri

In the office at Kansas City, employees do not align with the set code of conduct established by the organization making the behavior and culture less effective. Due to the set code of ethics, employees’ behavior and attitudes can be regulated. The new breed of activity being done by employees is violating the code of ethics. Employees have begun hanging out together, while speaking openly about their same sex relationships that are coupled with having multiple partners which form part of the heterosexual and homosexual behaviors. This behavior does not fall in any professional line because employees tend to major on personal issues including the intimate relationships that they have with co-employees. Hence, there has been a petition raised around the city office that targets ending this culture. Moreover, organizational diversity is absent in all creativity and problem solving because employees seldom attend meetings nor share their ideas.


My recommendations to the executive leadership council will contrast between the disadvantages and the advantages of organizational diversity. Through diversity, organizational culture can easily sprout and grow. Organizational culture helps people to learn more about other cultures while accepting the incorporation of new skills and experience that help increase the efficiency and productivity. On the contrary, organizational culture may become a source of internal conflict which eventually results into lack of contribution. Therefore, it becomes critical to establish the essence of combining these issues in order to have a robust and dynamic organizational culture. Diversity will be strengthened through teamwork and enhanced communication. A positive atmosphere will be created when these two aspects are functional across the hierarchy of leadership in the workplace. It is therefore evident that the inclusion of minority groups has affected the organizational demographic composition. Therefore, the organization has to work on managing diversity at this office. The diversity that has to be implemented in this office includes multiculturalism and color blindness. The benefits of diversity in the organization include creativity promotion, teamwork establishment and conflict prevention. According to Stevens et al. (2008) inclusive multiculturalism is usually a catalyst for positive organizational change and social capital development. Also, positive relationships have proved to be helping employees grow to their full potential. As a result, the organization has to invest in supervisory support that will ensure employees are motivated and satisfied while at he workplace.

Perspectives on the findings

My skills, knowledge and experience have been instrumental in the research. Effective leadership is a fundamental aspect that enables organizations to diversify the workplace. Therefore, the organization needs to improve the leadership positions in both offices in order to improve the motivation and satisfaction of all employees. The best way of promoting staff at the workplace is through focusing on their creativity instead of their educational background or cognitive ability (Chamorro, 2017). Therefore, for the diversity to be effective, the organization has to ensure that leadership roles are well stipulated which will ensure that all employees abide by the set code of ethics. In the long run, employees will be allowed to focus on activities that help in improving their creativity and innovation.


Chamorro-Premuzic, T. (2017). “Does Diversity actually increase creativity?” Harvard Business Review, 28 June 2017. Retrieved from:

Stevens, F. G., Plaut, V. C., Sanchez-Burks, J. (2008). “Unlocking the Benefits of Diversity All-Inclusive Multiculturalism and Positive Organizational Change,” The Journal of Applied Behavioural Science,44(1): 116-133

Running head:





Organizational Culture: Religious Accommodations and Sexual Orientation

Michell Muldrow

Columbia Southern University

Unit III

Impact of Religious Beliefs and Gender Orientations on Organizational Culture

In an era driven by expanding global economy and outsourcing of employees, diversity in an organization is increasing. Employees are carrying their religious beliefs and sexual orientations to the workplace. As such, organizations are compelled to adjust their work environment to accommodate the diverse religious beliefs and sexual orientations. However, these beliefs affect organizational culture by increasing interpersonal conflicts which create a hostile work environment. As stipulated in the US constitution, every individual has a freedom of religion and expression (Scharffs, 2018). Organizations offer religious accommodations by allowing religious decorations and flexible scheduling to allow for different spiritual practices.

Religious accommodations affect organizational culture by lowering employees’ morale and retention. Employees develop perceptions that some religious accommodations are devised to favor one group over the other, which decrease their enthusiasm, leading to reduced productivity Society for Human Resource Management, 2008). Perception of bias and inequality prompt employee to disengage from organizational activities, become dissatisfied with their workplace and feel insecure about their workplace. For instance, in Christianity, the celebration of Christmas may evoke religious bias among Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus in an organization. Christian workers are likely to decorate the workplace with symbols and colors considered taboo by other religions. Such accommodation lowers the morale of other non-Christian employees. Additionally, most organizations are unaware of non-Christian holidays which may lead to discrimination of non-Christian workers. Non-Christians employees feel neglected and devalued when they are denied religious holidays. Inequality in religious accommodations lower productivity and negatively affect employee retention. Religious accommodations also disrupt work schedules by allowing for the practice of different spiritual practices. Employees may become unproductive due to continued emphasis on freedom of religion. They are likely to take advantage of the time scheduled for religious practices to run away from their duties.

Instead of denying employees freedom of speech, organizations should reserve control of employees’ activities. They should control religious practices that affect productivity and performance in an organization. For instance, over use of religious symbols and decorations should be prohibited to create a safe work environment for all workers. Fig Technologies should allow celebration of all religious holidays irrespective of religious affiliation. The company should use holiday swapping or create floating holiday policies to allow non-Christian employees to celebrate religious holidays. Holiday swapping allows employees to celebrate their religious holidays without affecting business operations. Inclusion of non-Christian holidays will promote employees’ loyalty to the organization, improve morale, and enhance productivity.

Lesbian, Gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) employees continue to enter the workforce without hiding their sexual orientations. The changing nature of workforce obliges organizations to align their b business culture with employee’s sexual orientations. Different sexual orientation beliefs affect organizational culture by allowing the creation of equality laws and inclusive workplace to gain leverage on sexual affiliation (Ozeren, 2014). For instance, LGBT employees in Fig Technologies are bound to be included in development policies. As such, the company will be forced to change its gender policies to accommodate the beliefs of LGBT employees. Sexuality views also increase interpersonal conflicts in an organization. An LGBT person may be secluded from participating in company celebration by other heterosexual employees. As a result, LGBTs may lack self-worth and have low self-esteem, which affects their morale and productivity at the workplace. Managers at Fig technologies must develop leadership roles and formulate policies that will apply equally to all employees irrespective of their sexual affiliation. They should create an inclusive diversity council and intra-organizational LGBT network champion equality in the workplace. Inclusion of sexual beliefs in organizational culture will foster satisfaction and increased commitment among LGBT employees.


Ozeren, E. (2014). Sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace: A systematic review of literature. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 109(8), 1203-1215.

Scharffs, B. G. (2018). the (not so) exceptional establishment clause of the united states constitution. Journal of Law and Religion, 33(2), 137-154.

Society for Human Resource Management. (2008). Religion and Corporate Culture: Accommodating Religious Diversity in the Workplace. SHRM.

Running head:







[Name of the Student]



[Name of the institution]

September 21, 2020

Encouraging comprehensiveness and diversity inside your working environment is probably ideal for promoting a liberal, worldwide organization culture. It was helping your organization to familiarize yourself with one another i.e., peers, customers, and clientele around the globe. It made the working environment a much more stimulating and explicitly inspiring atmosphere for everybody. Various clashing approaches have portrayed the historical backdrop of the collaboration between Native Americans and the USA Administration. On the USA Administration side, there have been arrangements of division by which the Native Americans were to be eliminated from the grounds that the imperialist whites pined for. Simultaneously there was an acknowledgment of the Indians’ autonomous rights to their new domains. This strategy was generally trailed by one of coercive digestion in which Indian ways were to be supplanted by the culture of white Anglo-Saxon Protestantism (Brookeman, 1990).

To assimilate, educate, and inform the native American environment and their values to the white Anglo-Saxon culture. A company should promote the diversity and inclusive throughout their workplace. It can be done in the following ways:

Acknowledge Differences:

First, it is necessary to acknowledge the differences in diversity, either it is related to race, gender, caste, or any management style difference. The company should acknowledge it and promote diversity across their organization.

Provide Inherent Prejudice Training session for Everybody

Irrespective of how much we consider that we are open-minded and bias-free, decisions are commonly embedded due to social interaction and educational experiences. Numerous business training creates a protected workplace to convey concerns to the light of unmindful perspectives and instructs gears to help change practices.

Provide Counsellors

Connect weakened employees with inner and outer coaches in their gathering to offer help and encourage their career growth. Support interest in suitable professional corporations.

Let People Learn by Doing:

Another strategy to promote inclusiveness and diversity is to allow people to learn by doing, which means assigning challenging tasks to employees of diverse cultural backgrounds and learning by performing such tasks (University, 2015).

Diverse correspondence:

Cross-Cultural Communication is a valuable workstation ability. Currently, like not ever beforehand, you are likely to communicate in a professional workplace environment with diverse employees having numerous societal foundations and customs. Irrespective of whether they are a coworker, boss, or a customer establishing a superior understanding of multiple civilizations and perspectives can improve communication and hold off from mistaken assumptions (Reynolds, 2016).

Assortment and inclusive training can adapt several arrangements; however, the most straightforward and most amusing can be creating an informally numerous festivals or traditions schedule. Urge your coworker to take part and find appropriate conduct to rejoice various customs.

The most idyllic method to promote diversity at the workplace is comprehending it and endeavoring to fabricate a conception. Becoming familiar with your coworkers at a personal stage, paying little or no concentration to their values and beliefs, will support you with discovering collective faith, establish your assessment for differences, and promote an inclusive and friendly workplace. Advancing diversity and establishing an international assertiveness by culturally diverse comprehension is the belief of the organization.

Brookeman, C. (1990). The Native American Peoples of The United States. American Studies Today. Retrieved from
Reynolds, K. (2016). 5 Strategies for Promoting Diversity in the Workplace. Retrieved from Hult International Business School:
University, B. (2015, October 6). 7 Ways to Promote Diversity in the Workplace. Retrieved from Bentley University:


Michell muldrow

Columbia Southern university



In the current times, it is observed that Cultural diversity in current times is more as compared to 1950’s and 1960’s
In the early years, it is observed that racial tension was quite high but in the new era there is a lot of equality for all races(Thomas, 2005).
Besides this great milestone, there is need to note that there are still a number of challenges in our societies though activists and other key individuals in our societies have made great advancement to iron them out

History – continued
In the 1941, it is said that president Roosevelt by then made an executive order which intended to reduce the level of discrimination in both governmental and private sectors(Connerley & Pedersen, 2005).
However, there is need to note that although Roosevelt made this executive order, there were no enforcement measures that were taken by the authority. This was at the long run considered as the first approach which was the first approach towards enhancing racial inclusivity.

History – continued
In the year 1948, it is said that Truman who was president by then made an executive order to make a desegregation of the armed forces.
This order was considered to be quite crucial since it enhanced equality in treatment and opportunity for all individuals who ensured that each individual would enter into army service irrespective of their race, religion, national origin or color.
However, there is need to note that no action plan were taken to implement this order to integrate until four years later(Christiansen & Chandan, 2017,).

History – continued
President John F. Kennedy in the year 1952 made an executive order for 10925 to act as pace setters for enforcement of racial equality to be undertaken by the government officials.
This was considered as the first action which was taken with consideration of the repercussions of both corporations and failure to corporate with the government legislations.
For instance, this move made a prohibition of the federal government from making any form of discrimination on the account of race and it also gave an opportunity for ensuring that there is Equal employment opportunities.
Unlike other presidents, there is need to note that President John F. Kennedy gave authority for imposition of sanctions for those individuals who made a violation of the set out orders.

Benefits of legislating diversity
Diversity can be considered to play a pivotal role more so in the work place for both as well as the entire or
For instance, it plays crucial role when it comes to solving of problems, enhancing decision making as well as enhancing creativity levels for the employees.
A diverse work environment is considered to enhance a well motivated employees who can survive under harsh working environment(Christiansen & Chandan, 2017).

Challenges of legislating diversity
Some of the challenges attributed to diversity in the workplace include;
Language or cultural barriers as well as different perspectives can sometimes lead to ineffective communication 
Some employees may refuse to accept different cultural and social diversity in the workplace and may be unwilling to go along with the changes, which can inhibit creativity and progress.
The diversity placed in the workplace must be customized to the particular environment for the greatest chance of success in the organization.

Some of Legislations which Promotes Equality in work Environment
Title VII Civil Rights Act (1964)
Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)
ADA Amendments Act
Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1969)
Equal Pay Act (1963)
Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
Civil Rights Act (1991)
Rehabilitation Act (1973)
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (2008)

Comparing historical legislation to the recent diversity legislation.
Some of the historical legislation were mostly relied on integration of races into the employment space. On the other hand, recent diversifications usually makes a focus on establishment of legislations more so for minority groups such as disabled, gender inequality and also pregnant women(Thomas, 2005).
For the case of historical legislation, we are in a place to note that they are being brought forward by political pressure and demonstration while the recent legislations are being speared by special group such as civil society and also the lobby group.

Impact of diversity legislation
As a result of increase in diversity legislation, we are in a position to note legislation of minority groups have generally increased more so in work places and nationally.
Diversity in the workplace environment helps organizations when it comes to tapping of top talents from the minority groups(Christiansen & Chandan, 2017).
Diversity legislations plays a crucial for disabled individuals in restoring their self-esteem since they know they are going to be treated fairly in those organization that they are set to work in.

Diversity in the workplace solutions

Ward off change resistance with inclusion – There is need for every employee to be involved in the creation of diversity.
It Plays a crucial role in promotion of a culture of openness in an organization(Connerley & Pedersen, 2005).
There is need for employees to be encouraged to ensure that they do express their ideas freely.
Another approach would to ensure that there is promotion of diversity in the leadership positions. This is set to encourage employees in ensure that they do express their ideas freely.
Utilization of diversity training for the employees. There is need to use a number of diversity tools so as to shape an organizations diversity policies.

Diversity projection

Christiansen, B., & Chandan, H. (2017). Handbook of research on organizational culture and diversity in the modern workforce. IGI Global.
Connerley, M. L., & Pedersen, P. B. (2005).  . SAGE Publications.
Thomas, K. M. (2005). Diversity dynamics in the workplace. Wadsworth Publishing Company.

Running head: HUMAN RESOURCE 1

  • Gender and Work-Life Attitudes
  • Michell Muldrow
  • Columbia Southern University


    Gender and Work-Life Attitudes


    Gender equality in the workplace can be attained when employees access and benefit from

    similar rewards, opportunities, and resources despite their gender (Gurchiek, 2019). Considerable

    progress has been made regarding gender equality, especially in the participation of female in the

    workforce, education, and health. In some workplaces, however, the gender gap remains

    prevalent. For instance, men continue earning more than women, are more likely to be successful

    in advancing their careers than women, and accumulate more superannuation or retirement

    savings. The goal of workplace gender equality is to attain widely equal outcomes and

    opportunities for men and women. The behavior of employees in the workplace mostly depends

    on the way they feel regarding the workplace.

    Consequently, to understand people’s behavior in the workplace will depend on

    comprehending people’s work attitudes. Regarding the workplace, an attitude describes people’s

    opinions, feelings, and beliefs regarding aspects of their environment (Gurchiek, 2019). There

    are two work attitudes in a work environment which have great potential in influencing how

    people behave. The two work attitudes are organizational commitment and job satisfaction.

    Demographics of Gender in the Workplace Concerning Position, Pay, and Expectations

    There are several common inequalities which exist in the workplace. This includes gender-

    based imbalances, of persons in command and power regarding the organization’s management.

    Women are unable to quickly shift to higher positions regarding pay, as compared to men

    (Meriküll, Jaanika & Mõtsmees, 2017). The American corporate sector has not made any

    progress regarding the improvement of women’s representation in the last four years. This is

    according to “McKinsey Study on Women in the Workplace.” The research indicates that there is

    an underrepresentation of women on all levels. The research further showed that women


    underrepresentation regarding high-level positions does not owe to lack attrition rates or

    education. It also indicates that inequality increases as employees go up the ladder. Out of one

    hundred men, only seventy women get promotions to the level of manager. Given that women

    normally earn less compared to men, eighty cents on dollar currently, they work longer to get an

    equal amount.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Flexible Schedules and Work Responsibilities

    Flexible schedules can be of benefit to both the employee and employer if the employer

    agrees to the arrangement (Shagvaliyeva & Yazdanifard, 2014). Inflexible employee schedules

    can perform their work responsibilities from anywhere, for instance, during commuting, home,

    cafes, among others. However, there may be challenges to both employees and employers

    regarding flexibility in working hours, for instance, adjusting schedules, and compressing the

    working days. Advantages of flexible schedules for employees include adaptability which helps

    employees meet their obligations efficiently, efficiency, having control over working hours,

    decreased employee stress, employee fulfilment, less cost, and minimized absenteeism, among

    others. Some disadvantages include; arrangement not suitable for each employee, taking

    advantage of hours by employees, managers may experience difficulties in monitoring, among


    Human Resources Benefits of Offering Child and Elder Care in the Organization

    When organizations offer assistance to their employees regarding how to manage both

    family and work, some positive outcomes can be achieved by both the employer and employee

    (Shagvaliyeva & Yazdanifard, 2014). Examples of such benefits include improved morale,


    reduced absenteeism, improved commitment in the organization, decreased turnover, increased

    steady productivity, job satisfaction, improved psychological and physical employees’ well-

    being, enhanced retention, enhanced recruitment perspective, among others.

    Work-Life Balances Regarding Achieving Greater Results for the Organization

    To achieve greater outcomes for the organization, companies should assist their employees

    by finding the ideal balance regarding work and personal engagements. The organization can do

    this by implementing effective strategies for work-life balances (Shagvaliyeva & Yazdanifard,

    2014). Some of the strategies include providing employees with additional flexibility, supporting

    the staff with technology, persuading employees to go for annual leave, supporting time for

    family, investing in exercises for team building.

    Help your team perform better with our expert advice . Learn more



    Gurchiek, K. ( 2019). “Study: Global Gender Pay Gap Has Narrowed but Still Exists”. SHRM.

    Retrieved May 25, 2020.

    Meriküll, L., Jaanika M., Mõtsmees, P. (2017). “Do you get what you ask? The gender gap in

    desired and realized wages”. International Journal of Manpower. 38 (6): 893–908.

    Shagvaliyeva S., Yazdanifard R. (2014). Impact of Flexible Working Hours on Work-Life

    Balance, American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, Vol. 4, pp 20 – 23

      Gender and Work-Life Attitudes
      Michell Muldrow

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