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You have been practicing counseling skills either on a volunteer or on yourself throughout this course. This paper is an opportunity to reflect on everything you learned. It is also an opportunity to examine yourself as a potential counselor. Please refer to the attached counselor dispositions and use language from the dispositions when responding to each of the following areas. You may write in the first-person perspective in this assignment. 

Write a 500-750-word paper addressing the following: 

  • What is the most significant information you learned about the skills required to be an effective counselor? Were there any skills that surprised you as you worked through the course? 
  • What are your strengths as a potential counselor? These could be attending or communication skills, attitudes or behaviors that will be an asset in the counseling role.
  • What skills do you think will be most difficult for you? What might be your handicaps as a counselor?
  • What are some specific actions you will take to prepare yourself for your future practicum and internship experience?
  • Review your text regarding consultant-counselor and the additional reading on the topic. Explain the role of consultant-counselor. Do you see yourself acting in this role? Why or why not? 
  • Please include an introduction and conclusion 

Include a minimum of  four scholarly resources in your paper.

 Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide 

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