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Race: It’s Deeper than You Think

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Writing Assignment 3 Instructions:

For this assignment we will be digging deeper into the different facets of institutionalized racism. Pick one of the following:

Video: Roma

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(also Available on Netflix and Amazon)

Video: The Hate U Give

You can watch this for free using the following link (Links to an external site.)

Password: ncds_video

(also Available at Amazon) WARNING: Strong language

Native American (ONLY Available for rent through Amazon): WARNING: Strong political themes

Each of these stories reveals something different about racism.  Write a reflective essay in which you discuss the following:

  • What sources of institutionalized racism were revealed did the piece you selected? How deep do these sources run and do you think there is some way to dismantle these systems?
  • How did this influence the behaviors of the subjects involved?
  • In your response you might reflect upon everything we have covered in this class concerning race and inequities.

Final Product: Must be accompanied by a report from TURNitIN.

Writing Guidelines:

For this assignment you must write an essay of at least 800 to 1000 words (double-spaced with Times New Roman 12 pnt). You may write more if you wish but limit your responses to no more than 6-pages. Please write for an educated general audience. Spelling, stylistic conventions, grammar, organization, and syntax count as much as content. If you cite any sources or use quotes you need to supply an appropriate bibliography. The bibliography does NOT count towards the word/page requirement.

You will be graded on the following criteria (Rubric):1) Organization of ideas: To get full credit make sure your writing shows high degree of attention to logic, reasoning and topical content. Clearly leads reader from opening through body to conclusions. Stirs thought in conclusions. 2) Format: the assignment requirements in page length, font-size, spacing and indents. 3) Conventions: grammar, spelling, punctuation, verb/noun agreement. 4) Sentence fluency: vocabulary/word choice and sentence structure. 5) Level of content/Ideas: synthesis of ideas, use of original and novel thoughts.

The Hate U Give

Global: make sure your verb tenses agree. You switch between past and present tense. Keep it all present or all past but make it agree. Present tense is a more active form of speech and makes for better prose. For example, “She keeps her identity secret” as opposed to “She kept her identity secret”.

Revise marked sections-those that are highlights in yellow and have ?.

Make sure you have the required number of words in the assignment.

For the brief background, the film’s story is based on a young-adult novel by Angie Thomas with the same title. After watching the movie, I realized that Angie Thomas’ “The Hate U Give” is “a 2017 young grown-up novel described by about Starr Carter, a 16-year-old black girl from a helpless neighborhood who studies in a first-class tuition-based school dominating the whites aspect of the city (is this an accurate quote? Makes no sense)” (SMU Libraries Digital 2020). Her battles started (Her battle starts..) when she (see’s) saw a white cop shooting to death Khalil, her beloved friend. In the video, she talks and stands up about Khalil’s homicide in open manners and social tensions.(revise?) As a result of , her actions developed into a disorder ?) after an excellent (?) jury chose to let the cop free instead of prosecuting him for shooting.

One source of institutionalized racism, revealed in the film, is the house locationneighborhoods where the whites and blacks live separately. Starr, the protagonist, somehow conceals that she is living in Garden Heights (and what is it about Garden Hights? Who does she conceal this information from?). Another source of institutionalized racism is in school, wherein Starr triesd to portray a different version of herself just to fit in with her white friends in school. The third source is the police officer system wherein the cops judged Khalil and shot him immediately, which pushes Starr to speak to have the justice for her best friend.

These sources run more deeply within the lives of the subjects. For instance, regardless of Chris is a wealthy white student at Williamson and, he is Starr’s boyfriend, but Starr keeps hiding her real-life from him. At first, Starr hides her background from Chris because she is afraid of Chris’s his reaction if he finds out that she is living in the Garden Heights. Likewise, she keepspt Chris away from meeting her father because she was scared of her father’s reaction upon knowing she is dating a white man. Chris is devastated when he figures out the amount of her experience (?) Starr has kept from him, but he did does not leave Starr for this. He even considered (?) Starr as his own awareness of racial injustice grows throughout the novel (?). Although he was (verb tense) a white man and supposedly supporting the white policeman, it did not affect Starr’s support (?). He felt He feels the responsibility of doing the right thing of by supporting Starr throughout her struggles.

Besides, these sources run deeply by affecting individuals’ way of life (?), especially those who live in one region as (?) whites and blacks because they were not given equal opportunities. White people have a more outstandinggreater obligation to act more justly than people ofto people of other skin colors because they are not vicitms of can usually escape racial discrimination. On the contrary, black people are often subjected to racial discrimination. In organizations between the blacks and whites, the whites receive significant opportunities and gain high respect compared with the blacks.

Although whites have higher chancesgreater advantages than blacks, I believe that there are some ways to dismantle these systems (?). In this case, having the privilege bestowed upon them, white people have to act justly and morally since they have a greater chance of controlling and abolishing the racial discrimination that continuously haunts the country. Moreover, people with more power also have more responsibility to exercise power morally to avoid abusing power. Since they bestow or are given more power, the consequence for this is to have greater responsibility for one to be able to establish a harmonious relationship with others. One must be reminded that moral rights or power will always get along with moral obligations and moral responsibilities (?). Since they are entrusted with having more power, they must act morally not just for themselves but also others’ welfare.

Another way to dismantle these systems could be changing the laws governing the use of power. People with more power also have more responsibility to exercise power morally to avoid the abusing of power.(so you’ve already stated this above-) Since they are bestowed or given more power, the consequence for this is to have greater responsibility for one to be able to establish a harmonious relationship with others. One must be reminded that moral rights or power will always get along with moral responsibilities and moral obligations. Since they are entrusted with having more power, they must act morally not just for themselves but also for others’ welfare to control racism. (This paragraph is redundant with the one preceding it).

These resources significantly influenced (?) the subjects’ behaviors, somebody like Starr, who courageously speaks up to defend and get justice for her best friend, Khalil. She exposesd how absurd corrupt the system is was because the jury took the police side even though he murdered Khalil without any reason. She wantsed to abolish the disparity in how black and white people have beenare treated. She is really hurt when Khalil is being charged with several things (? Do you mean she is hurt hen people accuse Khalil of being a drug dealer?), even though he is the victim and the one who was murdered. Starr despised and hated the white police. She wanted the police to stop making assumptions about black people that get black people killed.

In conclusion, all races have their responsibilities, regardless of their skin color. Everyone has their responsibility that requires fulfillment. It does not mean that belonging to different races is disrespecting other races. Race denotes that the human species is divided into distinct groups based on their inherited behavioral and physical differences. Therefore, to fulfill their responsibilities, individuals need to perform their duties but not sacrificing how they treated other races. In the movie, Starr courageously spoke up to defend and get justice for her best friend, Khalil, regardless of her race. Her acts were to abolish disparities in the treatment of either whites or blacks.


SMU Libraries Digital. (2020, April 7). The Hate U Give. [Video file]. Vimeo.

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