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Physics tak


home Exam

(must show all work, i


a calculation is needed)


1) If you drop a rock & it accelerates at 10m/sec


, how

fast is it going in 12 seconds?

2) On a rollercoaster, i



potential energy

at the beginning of the ride was greater than the

kinetic energy at the end of the ride, what do you contribute the loss of energy and does it

violate the conservation of ene

rgy laws.

3) Your spe


d in the first hour is 40miles/hour, in the second hour is 45 miles/hour, in the

third hour is 50 miles/ hour. What is the average speed for the trip ______(show work) &

what is your acceleration ________

4) What is the difference

in average speed & instantaneous speed. Give an example as you

travel on your trip to a certain destination.

5) You travel 30miles/hour the change your speed to 60miles/hour in 3 hours. What is your


6) Is it possible to accelerate if you a

re going at constant speed? Explain your answers?

7) Newton said that the forces you feel on your body at rest is the same as when you are

going at constant speed in a straight ine. What did he mean by this?

8) If the


nited States built

another Empire

State building on the moon and you dropped a

baseball from the top floor, would the ball fall faster on the moon or on the earth & give the

reason why?

9) If you hot a golf ball on the moon with exactly the same force as you did on earth, would it go the same distance? Give several reasons for your answer:

10) A rollercoaster should not be allowed to deliver more than 3.5G’s of force to any of its riders. What does this mean? Name two places on a rollercoaster where you would experience the most G forces & why:

11)How does dropping an object in a vacuum different than in air? What object would be moving faster & why?

12) What is the different in constant speed & constant acceleration & give an example:

13) A 250 pound man & a 125 pound girl jump out of a plane. In terms of terminal velocity, what person hits the ground first & why? How would this differ in a vacuum?

14) If you were in a spacecraft moving at 1000 miles/hour in outer space and you turned off the engines, what would happen to the speed and direction of your spacecraft & why?


15) How much Horsepower does it take a 200 pound man to run 100 meters in 9.97seonds. Show all units.

16) Why is it easier to turn a bolt with a wrench vs a screwdriver?

17) How many Watts of power does a weightlifter expend when lifting a 200 pound barbell a vertical distance of 4 feet in 1.5 seconds. Be careful of units (1 found = 4.4 Newtons; 3.28 feet = 1 meter)

18) Why can’t you calculate Work (only Torque) when pushing down on your bicycle pedals as your bicycle moves forward?

19) In physics, the amount of work to move something a certain distance is the same whether you use a machine or not. Why then does the machine make it seem easier if the work is the same?

20) A 6400 pound car has an engine that moves the car 0.5 miles in 1 minute. What is the Horsepower of this engine? (1600 meters = 1 mile; 4.4 Newtons = 1 pound; 60 sec = 1 minute)

Heat & Energy

21) When you put gasoline in your car, list the types of energy conversions as you drive away. Why is the car only 35% efficient?

22) You use electrical energy to power a light bulb & an LED light. Which one gets hotter?. Why then is a light bulb less efficient in terms of light?

23) Why does layered clothing keep you warmer than just a single jacket?

24) What is so special about a “thermal blanket” that keeps you warmer than a regular blanket?

25) If you hold a metal spoon in one hand & a plastic fork in the other hand, why does the metal spoon feel colder even though both objects are at the same temperature?


26) You hear a train coming through iron tracks. It took 10 seconds for the sound to get to your ears through these tracks. How many miles away is the train (1600 meters = 1 mile)

27) You hear a sound in air travelling a distance of 10,000 meters. How long would it take the sound to reach you in air __________ seconds; if this same sound was produced under water, how long would it take the sound to reach you if you were under water = ________seconds

28) We hear different pitches based on the resonant property of fibers in our ear. Explain how the concept of resonance accomplishes this?

29) What allows sound to travel around corners better than light? What wave property is this called ?

30) What is the difference in sonar & radar and give an application of each:

31) Why is a sonic boom an extreme example of the Doppler Effect & constructive interference:

32) If I send a sound signal (sonar) or light signal (radar) at a moving object and the reflected wave off the object has a longer wavelength than the original wave, is the object coming toward me or away from me? Explain your reasoning.

33) Your friend told you they bought an expensive sound system that had a frequence range from 10 to 50,000 Hertz. Was this a waste of money? Why do older people need to spend even less money on this sound system?

34) Why does voice sound different on a tape recording?

35) Why does your voice sound different over the phone?


36) What 2 tests could you do to distinguish a diverging lens from a converging lens?

37) Let’s say you walked into a fun house & you stood in front of a mirror. When you came close, it enlarged you & when you stood far away, it made you upside down. What type of mirror was this?

38) Let’s say ou walked into a funhouse & you stood in front of of the mirror and you looked smaller. What type of mirror was this?

39) If you wanted to start a paper fire using a lens aimed at the sun, what type of lens would it have to be and why?

40) Most colorblind people can see basic colors. They do have problems with shades in between. Why?

41) Why are there more colorblind men than women?

42) Blueberries illuminated with the various lights would look like what color?

Magenta ____________ Cyan ___________- yellow _________ white _________

43) Tomato illuminated with the various lights would look like what color

Magenta _________ Cyan _________ Yellow ________ White _________

44) Microwave ovens heat food by vibrating water molecules. Why is this an application of Resonance?

45) Laser light is so intense since it is an example of coherent light. Explain what that is & why it results in such an intense single beam..

46) In the book, “Lord of the Flies,” one of the characters was severely “near sighted.” He took off his glasses & aimed it at the sun and started a fire to help warm his friends. Why is this impossible with his glasses.

47) What result would you get if you mixed:

Magenta & Cyan light vs Magenta & Cyan paint

48) When people wear bifocals they have a problem seeing far & near. What is one problem in their eye that they have for sure?

49) If you can see far, but not near, what is the problem with the eye & how do they correct it?

50) If you can see near, but not far, what is the problem with the ye and how do they correct it?

51) Name at least 3 things in the eye that help refract light:

a) b) c)

Now name one eye problem of each of the items above that would affect the person’s vision:

52) When red light shines on a red rose, why do the leaves become warmer than the petals?

53) When green light shines on a red rose, why do the petals look black?

54) What color will a yellow cloth appear under: a) sunlight b) yellow light c) blue light


55) Rubbing your clothes against the car seat, then touching your gas tank when you are filling up with gas can cause an explosion. Explain

56) Explain how a lightning rod protects a building. You need some detail here.

57) Explain why “grounded” can easily result in serious shock?

58) Explain why getting shocked by touching a door knob (which releases thousands of volts) is quite harmless yet getting shock by a 12 volt car battery could be fatal?

59) If you connected 4 speakers to an amplifier “in series”, what would happen to to the intensity of the sound if you added another speaker & why?

60) Why must circuit breaker be hooked in series with a line of appliance even though the line of appliances are hooked together in parallel?

61) Two people touch the same object drawing an electric current. One person keeps his other hand in his pocket while the other person grounds himself by touching a metal flag pole. Which person is in trouble & why?

62) Why should you have a ground fault interrupters installed in all bathrooms & kitchens.

63) Why is it wrong to say “I was not electrocuted since I was grounded?”

64) If you rub “wool” on a plastic (vinyl) comb, the comb should turn ( +, -, neutral). You now touch a neutral ball with plastic & the ball should turn ______ ( +, -, neutral). If you now bring the plastic near the ball, the ball should _______(repel, attract, nopt react).. You now rub a piece of glass with silk (polyester) and move the glass near the ball. It should ________attract, repel, not react).

65)If you rub silk (polyester) on acetate, the acetate should be _________(+, -, neutral). You touch a neutral ball with the acetate and the ball should turn _____(+, -, neutral). If you now bring the acetate near the ball, the ball should ____repel, attract, not react). Now rub a piece of wool with rubber and move the rubber near the ball. It should ______(attract, repel, not react).


66) What size fuse (or circuit breaker) would you need if you have 10 appliances all using 160 Watts of power plugged into 110 volt outlets along that circuit line?

67) What size fuse (or circuit breaker) would you need having a toaster (1100 Watts), a blnder (150 Watts) and a microwave (1500 Watts) all plugged into 110 Volt outlets

68) A 1800 Watt hair dryer plugged into a 110 Volt outlet would require how many amps of current?

69) A 220 Volt outlet for your stove is on a 20 amp circuit. How many Watts is the stove?

70) You have a 120 Watt lamp plugged into a 110 Volt outlet. How many ohms is the bulb?

71) You have a 1000 Watt toaster in your kitchen on a 110Volt outlet. How many amps does that toaster draw? What ohm toaster is this?

72) What would be the power rating on a lamp that was 5000 ohms and plugged into a 120 Volt outlet?

73) What is the resistance reading on a stereo speaker that uses 110 volts and draws a current of 11 amps.

74) How much power is required to run an 11 ohm appliance that is plugged into a 220 Volt outlet?

75) A 200 watt bulb plugged into a 110 Volt outlet has what resistance? How much current does it require?

76) Is the headlights in your car connected in series or parallel. How do you know?


77) Why does striking a magnet on a hard surface ruin its magnetic properties?

78) Why does heating a magnet ruin its magnetic properties?

79) What two things could you do to a bar magnet to make it stronger?

80) If a magnet had no labels of North & South, how could you figure it out?

Conversions & significant numbers

Answer should contain the correct number of significant numbers.

81) 84.57 km = ___________miles

82) 4.6 quarts = _________liters

83) 3.7kg = ___________pounds

84) 2.77 meters = ________feet

85) 65.5 pounds = __________ kiloNewtons

86) 6.6 meters = _________yards

87) 9725 centiliters = __________ pints

88) 41.38 feet = _______cm

89) 0.9557 tons = ________kg

90) 0.58 hectoliters = ________gallons

Metric to Metric conversions

91) 20.68 Megaliters = ___________centiliters; _________Gigaliters

92) 1400. Micrometers = __________nanometers; ________ meters

93) 3.78 kilometers = ________millimeters; _________Megameters

94) 14.7 milliamps = _________microamps; __________hectoamps

95) 16.5 gigabytes = ___________bytes; __________Terabytes

96) 565 Megahertz = ______kilohertz; _________Gigahertz

97) 1200. Kilovolts = ___________Megavolts; __________millivolts

98) 25 Megatons = __________hectotons

99) 2000. Nanoseconds = ___________milliseconds

100) 19.5 kilograms = _________micrograms

Physics take home Exam

(must show all work, if a calculation is needed)


1) If you drop a rock & it accelerates at 10m/sec
, how
fast is it going in 12 seconds?

2) On a rollercoaster, i

potential energy

at the beginning of the ride was greater than the
kinetic energy at the end of the ride, what do you contribute the loss of energy and does it
violate the conservation of ene
rgy laws.

3) Your spe
d in the first hour is 40miles/hour, in the second hour is 45 miles/hour, in the
third hour is 50 miles/ hour. What is the average speed for the trip ______(show work) &
what is your acceleration ________

4) What is the difference
in average speed & instantaneous speed. Give an example as you
travel on your trip to a certain destination.

5) You travel 30miles/hour the change your speed to 60miles/hour in 3 hours. What is your

6) Is it possible to accelerate if you a
re going at constant speed? Explain your answers?

7) Newton said that the forces you feel on your body at rest is the same as when you are
going at constant speed in a straight ine. What did he mean by this?

8) If the
nited States built

another Empire

State building on the moon and you dropped a
baseball from the top floor, would the ball fall faster on the moon or on the earth & give the
reason why?

Physics take home Exam

(must show all work, if a calculation is needed)


1) If you drop a rock & it accelerates at 10m/sec

, how fast is it going in 12 seconds?

2) On a rollercoaster, if the potential energy at the beginning of the ride was greater than the

kinetic energy at the end of the ride, what do you contribute the loss of energy and does it

violate the conservation of energy laws.

3) Your speed in the first hour is 40miles/hour, in the second hour is 45 miles/hour, in the

third hour is 50 miles/ hour. What is the average speed for the trip ______(show work) &

what is your acceleration ________

4) What is the difference in average speed & instantaneous speed. Give an example as you

travel on your trip to a certain destination.

5) You travel 30miles/hour the change your speed to 60miles/hour in 3 hours. What is your


6) Is it possible to accelerate if you are going at constant speed? Explain your answers?

7) Newton said that the forces you feel on your body at rest is the same as when you are

going at constant speed in a straight ine. What did he mean by this?

8) If the United States built another Empire State building on the moon and you dropped a

baseball from the top floor, would the ball fall faster on the moon or on the earth & give the

reason why?

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