Case Study File

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  • Case Study B
  • The course specification for AGR8003 shows that assessment is by two (2) case
    studies and a presentation. The background statement and task specifications to the
    second case study is provided bellow.
    Note: All assessment for AGR8003 is to be submitted via studydesk.

    Background Statement and task specification
    In this case study, you are to assume that you are working for a non-government
    organisation focused on global agricultural development. Your organisation is
    currently undertaking a strategic planning activity and you have been tasked by your
    supervisor to provide a briefing paper on the future challenges that agriculture is
    facing. You have been asked to identify the top three challenges and then critically
    dissect the top challenge so your organisation can position itself to meet this
    challenge. Your task is to provide a briefing paper that your organisation can use to
    inform its strategic planning process. Your briefing paper should at a minimum do
    the following:

    (i) State the purpose of the briefing paper (to be developed from the
    background statement)

    (ii) Provide a brief synopsis of the top three challenges that agriculture
    is facing

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    (iii) Rank with justification these three challenges in order of

    (iv) Critically dissect the most important challenge that you have

    (v) Identify how your organisation should best position itself to meet
    this challenge.

    Presentation of the briefing paper
    Your briefing paper should be no more than 4000 words in length (excluding
    references) and at a minimum it should contain the following sections.

    Cover Page
    Table of contents
    Statement of Purpose*
    Sections that:
    – Provide a brief synopsis of each of the top three challenges facing

    – Rank these top three challenges in order of importance and justify this

    – Critically dissect the highest ranked challenge.
    – Make recommendations so your organisation can best position itself to

    meet this challenge.
    * This can be derived from the background statement and task specification.

    Marking Guide
    Inadequate (Deficient to

    Fair to Good Excellent Your


    Statement of

    Approx 200 words

    Vague statement of
    purpose which provides
    little information on the
    expected content of the
    briefing paper

    Fair to good statement of purpose
    which provides a sound though
    somewhat limited guide to content of
    the briefing paper

    Good to excellent statement
    of purpose which provides a
    clear guide to content of the
    briefing paper

    0-3 3.5-5.5 6-7.5

    Synopsis of the top
    three challenges
    facing agriculture

    Approx 600 words

    Vague statements
    showing limited
    understanding of the
    challenges facing

    Fairly clear to clear statements
    showing substantial understanding of
    the challenges facing agriculture

    Clear and incisive
    statements showing
    understanding of the
    challenges facing agriculture

    0-3 3.5-5.5 6-7.5

    Ranking of the top
    three challenges
    and with
    justification for the
    Approx 300 words

    Vague statements
    showing limited
    justification for the
    ranking chosen

    Fairly clear to clear statements
    showing justification for the ranking

    Clear to excellent
    statements showing
    comprehensive justification
    for the ranking chosen

    0-3 3.5-5.5 6-7.5

    Critical dissection of
    the top ranked

    Approx 600 words

    Vague statements
    showing limited
    understanding and critical
    analysis of the challenge

    Fairly clear to clear statements
    showing substantial understanding
    and critical analysis of the challenge

    Clear to excellent
    statements showing
    understanding and critical
    analysis of the challenge

    0-4.5 5-7.5 8-10


    Approx 250 words

    recommendations not well
    supported by foregoing

    Fairly precise recommendations
    supported by foregoing material, but
    some limitations in scope

    Comprehensive and precise
    recommendations supported
    by the forgoing material,
    covers the scope of the
    industry chosen

    0-4.5 5-7.5 8-10

    In text Referencing,
    Bibliography and
    report structure

    Limited, too much reliance
    on a few references,
    diversity of sources not
    evident, relies on a few
    sources, non- standard
    citation and bibliographic
    listing, report does not
    follow structure provided

    Reasonably comprehensive, some
    errors in citation and bibliographic
    listing, some limitations in diversity
    of sources and some over-reliance on
    a few references, few deviations from
    report structure provided

    Comprehensive, correctly
    cited and presented, uses a
    diversity of source, does not
    rely on a limited number of
    sources, follows report
    structure provided.

    0-3 3.5-5.5 6-7.5

    Total Marks: _____/50


      Case Study B
      Your briefing paper should be no more than 4000 words in length (excluding references) and at a minimum it should contain the following sections.

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