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· Please review the statement(s) below, providing an objective assessment and constructive feedback that will help strengthen the effectiveness of the efforts and the quality of the finished product.

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There are many aspects that the human resource department has to deal with on a daily basis and in order to show the stakeholders how important this job is to the corporation the human resource department felt that there is a need to give a generalized description of what human resources does for the company. This report will cover not only our company (Wal-Mart) human resource posture but also one of our competitors as well which is Home Depot. The document will cover both Wal-Mart and Home Depot’s competitive positions along with human resource risks and opportunities. There will be some recommendations made to improve upon in human resources and give an idea of how it will impact the organization once it is implemented.

In order to break the material down into a manageable order to help you stay focused on one area at a time and to understand the material there will be five sections to this report.

Section One

To get things started we will start out with the human resource environment. The topics that the stakeholders will be looking at include: employee engagement strategies, global talent management, corporate social responsibility, technology used in human resources, employment law and human rights, emerging trends in human resource management, human capital challenges in the 21st century, and cover the best practices to use in human resource management.

Section Two


 The assessment of Wal-Mart’s human resource posture and how they handle it. The primary concerns that are talked about in this paper are: benefits & Compensation, business leadership and strategy, diversity, employee relations, ethics & corporate social responsibility, organizational and employee development, talent management and last but not least technology.

The research and analysis of these topics should help our human resource managers to find ways to improve in these areas and help the company to continue to prosper and thrive as a company.

Section Three

Now the discussion continues on to Home Depot’s human resource posture in order for Wal-Mart’s board of directors to analyze to help them get new ideas on how to improve their performance in: benefits & compensation, business leadership & strategy, diversity, employee relations, ethics & corporate social responsibility, organizational & employee development, talent management, technology, and their best practices in human resource management.

This report shows some strengths that Home Depot has developed and should give the executive board an idea in each topic to see if Wal-Mart is ahead or trailing behind their competitor and give them an idea on how to further improve their competitive advantage.

Section Four

Now the discussion will move on to the assessment of both company’s human resource competitive positions. The topics that are learned and covered here are: the industry (Wal-Mart) and the comparator (Home Depot) competitive position, there will be three risks described and analyzed that involve human resources along with three opportunities that involve human resources that will be described and analyzed. By the end of this section there will be an overall assessment made for Wal-Marts human resource competitive position.

By the end of this report the executives should have a clear picture of where they stand against Home Depot. They have a clear view of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and with this knowledge they can eliminate or mitigate their risks and find new opportunities that can benefit their organization.

Section Five

The comprehensive report will have a recommendation to improve the duties in human resource management on the following topics: benefits and compensation, diversity, employee relations, talent management, and in technology. There will be an explanation with each recommendation that will let the stakeholders know what kind of impact this will have on the organization once they are implemented.

The comprehensive report main focus is to let the stakeholder see and understand how important the human resource department is and where they stand as a company by having an effective human resource department. They can take the information and give some feedback on ways they think that can help them develop better skills and me more productive in their positions.



Executive Summary

AT&T is an American Multinational Conglomerate holding company, Delaware-registered but head-quartered at Whitacre Tower in Downtown Dallas, Texas.  It is the largest telecommunications company, the largest provider of mobile telephone services and the largest provider of fixed telephone services in the United States through AT&T Communications. Since June 2018 AT&T has been the parent company of mass media conglomerate Warner Media making it the largest media and entertainment company in terms of revenue.  As of 2018 AT&T ranked # 9 on fortune 500 rankings of the largest United States corporations by total revenue.

Mission Statement/Vision:

Connection, Solution, Innovation, and Doing It Better, than any other telecommunication, wireless or entertainment company.


Live true, think big, pursue excellence, inspire imagine, be there, stand for equality

Products and Services:

Product mobility.  Device Management Programs.  Product Internet & Networking Services.  Soft-Ware Defining Networking.  Vehicle Solutions. Product Voice and Collaboration. Product Cyber Security Services. Clouds Solutions. AT&T Wireless Broadband Product Content and Entertainment.

Competitive Position:

In wireless, which requires very high fixed cost to build a cellular network, AT&T can spread its cost across a lot more customers than smaller competitors like T-Mobile and Sprint.  This allows AT&T to produce much higher profit margin and greater returns on invested capital. 

Niche in the Market:

AT&T Wireless is the leading wireless telecommunications provider in the United States market.  The U.S. wireless constitutes over 243 Million wireless subscribers.  This represent penetration 81%.  The wireless market sells mobility of voice and data (video-media, download content and internet access).


AT&T ranks 7th in the directory of Brand Finance.  It has brand value of $59,904 billion.  This gives them a very big edge.

AT&T had registered a loss of 11,746 billion.  A decrease of 65.9% over a year.  This shows a huge financial fall.

The demand for cloud computing is increasing as the world is going more and more wireless and digital.  It is expected to grow at a CAGR of 22% during 2014-2018 and reach to a value of around $127 billion in 2018.

Wireless penetration in the country was more than 110% in FY2014.  This show saturation in the market and no potential for growth.  This will only result in price wars and loss revenues.


Human Resource Postures of AT&T and the Human Resource Postures of AT&T’s Comparator.  I also found the benefits and compensation of AT&T, leadership strategies, employee development, 2019 proxy statements and comparator groups.


Executive Summary:

The purpose of the executive summary is to show The Walt Disney Company’s current Human Resources (HR) environment, HR posture as a whole, comparator group HR posture, HR competitive position, and recommendations and expected impact. Walt Disney, himself, came a long way to recreate the entertainment industry and, to this day, the company is very popular and always evolving. Disney continues its legacy of creating world-class stories and ‘magical’ experiences for all ages.

The process of the executive summary was to find information on The Walt Disney Company and the process of how the HR runs its business. The information was found on online credited sources and class sources. Once the information was found, it was time to plug in the information into the right sections that were asked to write about the company. When the paragraphs were created and proofread, then the citations were created.

The first section is about the current HR environment, which consists of employee engagement, global talent management, social responsibility, technology, employee law and human rights issues, diversity, emerging trends, human capital challenges, and best HR practices. It was founded about the current Disney that, in order to keep an employee engaged, is to take the time to train them and use positive reinforcement to help them feel like they are succeeding and feeling welcomed. To find the right fit, Disney uses global talent management as a bottom to top approach, meaning at Disney, managers will notice an employers talents to fill in a position regardless of where they started. Leading by example, by the managers, helps other employees follow suit and want to become a better employee. The company cares about the world around them and their own employees. Disney has a list of social responsibilities, such as, volunteering, conservations, and helping charities. Technology plays a huge role at the mega company by having video conferences to make sure communication is still strong even when managers can not always be there. Not all companies are perfect and Disney is no stranger to having employee laws and human rights issues. Wage discrimination, unfair labor practices, safety violations, and national origin discrimination were all examples of issues that Disney had to face. There are emerging trends at Disney, such as Centers of Excellence which later became the AND Model. The model focuses on different human resource topics such as talent acquisition and diversity. The human capital challenges in the 21st century are the high turnover rates. It is hard to find the right job for the right people. Some people believe that Disney uses stereotypes for employees and their jobs. The best practices at  Disney would include Disney overmanaging things that other companies ignore. The attention to detail will help create a productive workplace, as Disney believes. Praise and recognition is always mentioned throughout the company as well.

The second section is about the whole company. This section consists of Disney’s benefits, leadership and strategies, diversity, employment engagement, environmental and social issues, employee development, talent search, and technology. HR gives out great benefits to their employees. Disney offers tuition assistance, Wellness programs, child care support, discounts, commuter assistance, and volunteer work. Some of the leaderships and strategies were, even from the beginning, to ask questions and rate themselves as a company to improve any areas. There are numerous groups that Disney has created to keep Disney diversified, even though Disney is spread out to several continents in the world, including the movies that are different characters from all over the world. To keep the employee engaged and in the loop, Disney has newsletters sent to all the employees and discounts for amusement parks, food, and merchandise. There are many environmental and social issues that are significant to the business, such as, environmental sustainability, nature conservation, workforce practices, diversity and inclusion, supply chain labor standards, content and products, volunteering, and charitable giving. A cooperative multidivisional (M-form) organizational structure helps with employee development. To find the best talent, skills are very important for the job, but so is attitude and personality. To reach certain people for certain jobs, it is very important to make use of language that they will understand.  Technology has always helped create new and exciting experiences, as well as, guests’ expectations evolve. Technology, at the parks, has made stories more interactive and fun thanks to talented Imagineers. Disney is very involved in technology at the parks and movies, but also online or social media. 

The third section is about one of Disney’s comparator group, Amazon, and it consists of benefits, leadership and strategies, diversity, employment relations, environmental and social issues, employee development, talent search, technology, and the best HR practices.  At Amazon, they offer a starting minimum wage of $15/hour and healthcare starting on an employee’s first day of work, discounts on products, and tuition reimbursement. At Amazon, employees follow the leadership and strategy principles that managers have put in place to make the workplace enjoyable and innovative, but Amazon always keeps their customers in their number one slot to improve everyday and earn customer’s trust. Amazon is not only a customer-centric company, but also a diverse one with diverse and inclusive teams to make a positive impact. Through different programs, mentorship, and egalitarian benefits, Amazon proves to be a diverse company. For employee relations, Amazon management wants employees to answer some feedback questions about the company. Amazon keeps busy to help people in need for their social responsibility. Amazon helps local communities, has programs for employees, and has programs to help save energy. To help keep employees have more skills and development in the company, there are programs that will help employees access training to move into highly skilled and non-technical roles inside the company or outside of the company. Through a unique interview process involving leadership principles, the company finds diverse candidates for jobs. To help find great, diverse talent, Amazon goes great lengths to find those candidates. Over the years, Amazon has grown from a small local seller to a global company, but technology has grown too over the years. Amazon has been introduced to cutting-edge technology to assist employees on delivering packages to customers. Lastly, to create the best HR practice,  Amazon offers great programs for staff and care for their employees, but they are also focused on their customers and serving them. Essentially, feedback is very important to the HR at Amazon. Lengthy meetings are held for employees to go over customer’s reviews and feedback.


Executive Summary

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the human resource findings of the mega athletic company Nike. Inc. Nike, Inc. is multinational organization based in the United States dealing with manufacturing, design, marketing, and sale of apparel and footwear. The company was founded in 1962 by Phil Knight Bill Bowerman. Located in Beaverton, Oregon, it is the leading supplier of apparel and athletic footwear. The organization has employed more than 44,000 employees worldwide hence well-known for embracing diversity.

The process involves an in-depth study into the company’s human resource policies and how they handle the business. Some of the work involved readings from the university, as well as the company’s home website and credible sources such as the school library and Nike’s proxy statement from 2020.

The findings includes that Nike compensates their employees based on experience, job group, and skills as well as provide benefits.  Nike prides itself on continuing innovation, but there are no public records on what human resources systems they utilize. Nike seems to be under fire for diversity, even though they are attempting to hire different races as well as more women; they have been reported to not doing as such. Nike has faced numerous ethical issues like child labor, expensive products and endorsements, low wages, and poor working conditions leading to health issues. Despite these ethical issues concerns, Nike has been doing well in terms of corporate social responsibility. The organization is now committed to improving the quality of life of people than before.

This paper will continue to discuss a SWOT analysis, an assessment of how Nike continues to be competitive in business, as well as an impact and recommendations as to how Nike can improve in 

· Benefits and Compensation

· Diversity

· Employee Relations

· Talent Management

· and Technology



 Looking at any of the major corporations listed on Fortune 500 list, the top companies are there for a reason.  The Human Resources department, and especially its’ management, are what made these companies who and what they are.  Hiring, firing, promotions, anything that affects the integrity of the companies’ posture falls on their heads.  This paper will go into the HR of one of these companies, 3M.  The company is home-based in Saint Paul, Minnesota.  Formerly known as Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, 3M has grown into a multi-national conglomerate, with offices and facilities around the globe.  It has an innovative leadership style that facilitates its’ consistent growth and market performance, a Research and Development department second to none, but most importantly a Human Resources department that consistently is thinking and coming-up with ways in which to enrich the atmosphere at the company.  The report will go into the many ways that the company has too engage the employees not only in product ideas and development, but in some of the company policy decisions.  The report will go into some of the more critical items that HR is responsible for or has major influence in such as the following: 

· Benefits and Compensation

· Business Leadership and Strategy

· Diversity
· Employee Relations

· Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

· Organizational and Employee Development

· Talent Management

· Technology

· Best Practices in Human Resource Management

Within this group of items are people whose sole responsibility is to ensure that 3M is a company that people want to come and be a part of, and to stay with for a career.

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