History of California-8

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1-Which New Deal program put unmarried young men to work in the forests?

A-Civilian Conservation Corps
B-Civil Works Administration
C-Federal Writers Project
D-Federal Emergency Relief Act

2-The Democratic Party’s candidate for governor in 1934 was

A-Upton Sinclair.
B-William Gibbs McAdoo.
C-George Creel.
D-Colbert Olson.

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3-Franklin D. Roosevelt felt that economic relief for individuals hurt by the Depression
was primarily the responsibility of

A-private charities.
B-the federal government.
C-state and local governments.
D-religious institutions

4-Farmers in the San Joaquin/Sacramento delta wanted

A-to protect the ability of fish to swim up the Sacramento River to spawn.
B-to create salt beds in the delta for commercial salt mining.
C-Sacramento River water to be used for irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley.
D-Sacramento River water to flow into San Francisco Bay.

5-The Townsend plan

A-promised “ham and eggs” for all citizens.
B-called for payments to seniors that had to be spent within a month.
C-peaked in popularity just prior to the outbreak of World War II.
D-grew in popularity after the passage of the Social Security Act.

6-The “Okie subculture” contained strong _______ elements.


7-The election of Colbert Olson in ______ was the first Democratic Party win of the
governorship in the twentieth century.


8-Which Central Valley Project dam was built first?

A-New Melones Dam
B-Folsom Dam
C-Nimbus Dam
D-Shasta Dam

9-John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath focused on

A-scandals in Hollywood studios.
B-racism in Los Angeles.
C-the plight of migrant farm workers during the Depression.
D-the struggles of the middle class during the Depression.

10-Which of the following statements BEST summarizes the success of agricultural
unions in 1930s California?

A-Successful on par with unions in other economic sectors
B-A few successes, but little long-term progress
C-No success because of no significant union organizing activity
D-Highly successful compared to other economic sectors

11-Upton Sinclair’s 1934 EPIC program

A-would have ended all pensions
B-was more Republican than Socialist.
C-called for repealing the sales tax.
D-was supported by the movie industry.

12-Prior to switching to the Democratic Party in 1933, Upton Sinclair had belonged to the
________ Party.


13-The “Okies” came primarily from ________ states.

A-northern Plains
B-southern Plains

14-Which of the following did NOT exacerbate the Depression in California?

A-The economic importance of tourism
B-The prominence of the movie industry
C-The percentage of retired people
D-The availability of good land for agriculture

15-Harry Bridges was a union leader in this industry:

B-auto and airplane manufacturing.
C-shipping and warehousing.
D-oil production and refining.

16-In his 1938 campaign for governor, Colbert Olson

A-seemed more conservative than most Republicans.
B-promised that utilities would be privately owned.
C-antagonized organized labor.
D-had the support of President Roosevelt.

17-Governor Culbert Olson did all of the following, EXCEPT

A-support New Deal legislation.
B-oppose internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.
C-protect civil liberties and rights of minorities.
D-appoint liberal judges.

18-In 1932, the unemployment rate in San Francisco was about


19-The Central Valley Project

A-was designed primarily to protect the San Joaquin-Sacramento River Delta.
B-was first a state project that became a federal project.
C-enjoyed strong support south of the Tehachapis.
D-provided unlimited irrigation water for Sacramento Valley farmers.

20-The New Deal dealt with unemployment in California primarily by

A-sending the unemployed back east to work in factories.
B-hiring people for public works projects
C-supporting the unemployed with welfare checks.
D-doing essentially nothing

21-The onset of the Depression began with

A-a massive run on American banks.
B-rising tariffs in Europe in the early 1930s.
C-Adolph Hitler winning control of the German government.
D-the stock market crash of 1929.

22-Which of the following is NOT a factor that helps explain why successful union
building in Los Angeles was difficult in the 1930s?

A-Well-organized business opposition
B-Relatively small percentage of manufacturing workers
C-Use of illegal tactics by businesses
D-Lack of quality leadership of unions

23-Herbert Hoover felt that economic relief for individuals hurt by the Depression was the
responsibility of

A-private charities.
B-state and local governments.
C-the federal government.
D-religious institutions.

24-The administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt

A-actively supported union organizing.
B-forbade union activity during the Depression.
C-did nothing significant to help unions
D-said that regulating labor unions was a state matter, not a federal matter.

25-Depression-era governor James Randolph

A-was passionate about protecting farm workers’ rights to organize.
B-did little to combat the Depression’s effects.
C-was defeated in the 1934 election.
D-was well-connected to the national Democratic Party.

26-Compared to the 1920s, California labor unions in the 1930s

A-did less to organize workers.
B-had less government support.
C-had fewer members.
D-had greater success.

27-During his term as governor, Frank Merriam

A-refused to cooperate with New Deal programs.
B-stymied progress on the Central Valley Project.
C-backed a state income tax.
D-cut taxes on corporations.

1-President Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066

A-justified the internment of Japanese Americans.
B-was not implemented by the Army.
C-was never actually applied.
D-applied only to people of Japanese descent.

2-Japanese immigrants are referred to as _______.


3-The major source of dissent among Japanese-American internees during World War II
was over

A-the distribution of food.
B-who would get what housing.
C-requests for cooperation with, and loyalty to, the United States.
D-whether children should be taught in Japanese or in English.

4-Living arrangements at the World War II internment camps for Japanese Americans

B-an equal mix of solitary, family-centered, and communal.

5-Japanese immigrants to California

A-assimilated quickly into mainstream American culture.
B-eventually moved into farming specialty crops.
C-were all allowed to become naturalized citizens.
D-first arrived in significant numbers in the 1850s.

6-In 1942, Americans fears of Japan were heightened by

A-the uncooperative attitudes of Japanese Americans.
B-the major military successes of Japan.
C-Japan’s seizure of Pearl Harbor.
D-Japanese Americans getting jobs in key defense industries.

7-The children of Japanese immigrants are referred to as _______.


8-Of the following terms, which BEST describes the attitudes of Japanese Americans
toward impending incarceration in internment camps during World War II?


9-Military Area A including all or part of the following states, EXCEPT


1-Which of the following terms BEST applies to Earl Warren as governor?


2-During World War II, the United States officially encouraged temporary foreign laborers

B-the Philippines

3-During World War II, California women

A-stayed in the same careers they had before the war.
B-saw no significant increase in their incomes.
C-took many industry jobs that had been done by men.
D-moved in large numbers to the Midwest to work in factories.

4-World War II in Europe began when this country was invaded:


5-During World War II, California was most prominent in manufacturing

A-tanks and munitions.
B-aircraft and munitions.
C-aircraft and ships.
D-tanks and ships

6-What was the initial reason for the development of the atomic bomb?

A-To deter the Soviet Union from expanding into western Europe
B-To use as a tactical battlefield weapon against Japan
C-To provide work for the nation’s unemployed physicists
D-To counter the potential development of an atomic bomb by Germany

7-The internment of Japanese Americans during World War II

A-didn’t take place until the last year of the war.
B-was not approved by President Roosevelt.
C-took place primarily in camps on the East Coast.
D-was eventually declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

8-All of the following statements are true about Earl Warren, EXCEPT

A-he became Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
B-he began his political career as a Democrat.
C-he won three terms as California’s governor.
D-he hired a PR firm to help with his election campaigns.

9-World War II was initiated by the military actions of this country:

C-the Soviet Union.

10-Which California university was MOST important in the development of the atomic

A-UC Berkeley
B-California Institute of Technology
C-UC Los Angeles

11-Which of the following was a factor for those who argued that California would have
tough economic times after World War II ended?

A-Changing employment levels in aircraft and shipbuilding
B-Passage of the GI Bill of Rights
C-The change in Californians’ savings compared to prewar levels
D-The change in total California personal income compared to prewar levels

12-During World War II, California’s deserts were ideal for preparing the American
military to fight in

A-North Africa.
B-the tropical Pacific.
C-the Soviet Union.
D-western Europe.

13-Japan initiated war with the United States by

A-seizing the Dutch East Indies.
B-bombing Pearl Harbor.
C-entering into a pact with Germany and Italy.
D-invading China.

14-Which of the following countries/areas was FIRST invaded by Japan prior to American
entry into World War II?

B-All three were invaded at about the same time.
C-French Indochina

15-In the immediate aftermath of the bombing of Pearl Harbor

A-few Californians appeared to be concerned.
B-a submarine attacked Santa Barbara.
C-the U.S. Navy closed its California bases and moved its fleets to Hawaii.
D-most Japanese Americans in California migrated to eastern states.

16-The outbreak of World War II in Europe

A-had both positive and negative impacts on California’s economy that mostly canceled each
other out.
B-stimulated California’s economy.
C-had no significant impact on California’s economy.
D-hurt California’s economy.

17-This brought California out of the economic difficulties of the 1930s:

A-America’s entry into World War II.
B-Roosevelt’s New Deal programs.
C-smaller budgets of state governments, including California.
D-a return to the free-market policies of the 1920s.

18-The percentage of _______ in California nearly quadrupled during World War II.

D-British citizens

19-Which of the following ports was LEAST important during World War II?

B-San Diego
C-San Francisco

20-What were resident aliens promised in return for military service?

A-American citizenship
B-Cancellation of debts
C-A large bonus
D-Subsidized mortgages

21-Prior to World War II, California’s aircraft industry

A-was concentrated primarily in the hands of the Lockheed Aircraft Company
B-produced more planes than it did during World War II.
C-was located primarily in northern California.
D-had to deal with high rates of obsolescence of its planes.

22-In _____ Allied forces crossed the English Channel and landed in France, and it was
clear to most observers that the Allies would eventually be victorious.


23-All of the following statements about shipbuilding in California during World War II are
true, EXCEPT

A-most of the ships were sent to the European theater.
B-it employed large numbers of workers.
C-Richmond was a major center of shipbuilding.
D-it was helped by the managerial skills of Henry J. Kaiser.

24-California’s location on the west coast made it crucial for America’s World War II
efforts in

A-western Europe.
B-southern Europe.
C-North Africa.
D-the Pacific.

25-Before and during World War II, California’s shipbuilding industry was concentrated in

A-the San Francisco Bay Area.
B-San Diego
C-the Los Angeles area.
D-Santa Barbara.

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