News Analysis 3

News Analysis Assignment # 3

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This assignment fulfills/supports

  • Module Outcome: You will have discuss how prejudice, stereotypes, and racism help to perpetuate disadvantage for less powerful groups.
  • Course Outcome: You will identify and describe key social problems and proposed solutions.
  •  Education Competency: You will demonstrate socialization skills that support cultural awareness and a global perspective.

The Assignment

Watch/browse a newscast and write a report containing the following:

  • Name, date, and time of newscast.
  • The top five stories of the day
  • A 3-5 sentence paragraph summarizing a story of interest shown during the newscast.
  • Share 3-5 sentences of your personal reaction to the story.
  • Apply five key concepts covered in the chapters of the module discussed during the story. Include a definition of each concept and provide a quote from the newscast to illustrate the concept.  See the course outline for the due date for each analysis. This assignment should also contain at least 5 concepts from chapters: 10, 11, 15 or 16. Please review sample guideline in the “News Analysis Sample Link” located in Black Board.


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You analysis should be no more than two pages.

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  • Put your name, course and section number, and assignment title at the top of the document.
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 ResourcesAttached Files:

  •  SOC 220_Chapter 8.pptx SOC 220_Chapter 8.pptx – Alternative Formats (151.957 KB)
  •  SOC 220_Chapter 14.pptx SOC 220_Chapter 14.pptx – Alternative Formats (446.891 KB)

Social Problems
Community, Policy, and Social Action

Sixth Edition

Anna Leon-Guerrero

Chapter 14
Urbanization and Population Growth

Urban Sociology
Urban sociology—examines the social, political and economic structures and their impact within an urban setting
Sociologists in the 1920s (University of Chicago) examined the city and the impact of city life and its problems on its residents, providing the basis for urban study
Initially took a functionalist approach, comparing a city to a biological organism
Human ecology—the study of the relationship between individuals and their physical environment and population dynamics
Community studies and ethnographies
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Urban Sociology
Urban sociology includes the study of
Demography—the study of the size, composition, and distribution of human populations
Analyzes the changes and trends in the population beginning with two fundamental facts—we are born and then we die
Migration—the movement of individuals from one area to another
Domestic migration—the movement of people within a country
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

The Processes of Urbanization and Suburbanization
Urbanization—the process by which a population shifts from rural to urban
Took off in the later half of the 19th century
As industrial economy grew, people were drawn by work in factories and mills
Helped by emigration of Europeans and the migration of southern rural blacks and whites
Overurbanization—an excess population is concentrated in an urban area that lacks the capacity to provide basic services and shelter
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Urban Population
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

After WWII, the U.S. experienced suburbanization—the outward expansion of central cities into suburban areas
Population shifts—from the Snowbelt (industrial regions of the North and Midwest) to the Sunbelt (South and Southwest) and from rural to metropolitan areas
Facilitated by new housing laws and the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Urban population—an area with 2,500 or more individuals.
Urbanized area—a densely populated area with 50,000 or more residents.
Metropolitan statistical area—a densely populated area with 100,000 or more.

Population Growth and Composition
Population composition—the biological and social characteristics of a population
Affected by changes in the fertility, mortality and migration rates
Ethnic composition of communities also has an impact on social and human services
Age distribution—distribution of individuals by age
Provides a community with direction in its social and economic planning, assessing its education, health, housing and employment needs
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Functionalist Perspective
Durkheim—society changed from mechanical solidarity to organic solidarity
Mechanical solidarity—members in small simple societies united through a set of common values, beliefs, and customs and a simple division of labor
Organic solidarity—the result of increasing industrialization and the growth of large complex societies, where individuals are linked through a complex division of labor
As a result of industrialization, social bonds which unite us will eventually weaken
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Functionalist Perspective
Industrialization and urbanization have been functional, creating a more efficient, interdependent and productive society, but have also been problematic
With weakening of social bonds and an absence of norms, society begins to lose its ability to function effectively
As social bonds weaken, so does sense of obligation or duty to one another
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Functionalist Perspective
Industrialization and urbanization have been functional, creating a more efficient, interdependent and productive society, but have also been problematic
Urbanization can lead to social problems such as crime, poverty, violence, and deviant behavior
Solutions—reinforcing or recreating social bonds through social institutions or instituting societal changes through political or economic initiatives
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Conflict Perspective
Critical political-economy or socio-spatial perspective—uses a conflict perspective to focus on how cities are formed on the basis of racial, gender or class inequalities
Cities are shaped by powerful actors working within capitalistic structures
Social problems are natural to this system, rising from the unequal distribution of power between politicians versus taxpayers, the rich versus the poor, or the homeowner versus the renter
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Feminist Perspective
Feminist urbanists argue for development of theory and research which acknowledge the role of women in urban structures
Feminist theory can help us understand ways cities reproduce and challenge patriarchy and the problems this creates
Living conditions of lower income, inner city women have been affected by the economic restructuring of cities and the patterns of downtown development
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Interactionist Perspective
A city’s economic, personal, and intellectual relationships can’t be defined by physical space
A city represents an opportunity for individuals to find self expression, while being connected with fellow city dwellers
The way a city is constructed might actually interfere with your social interaction with others
Urban communities are segregated by income, race/ethnicity, or immigrant status, which contributes to isolation, physically and through meanings we attach to these different neighborhoods
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

The Consequences of Urbanization and Population Growth
A major problem is the lack of affordable housing
The lack of public assistance
Increasing prices
Slow wage growth
Limited inventory of affordable apartments and houses
Discrimination and prejudice
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

The Consequences of Urbanization and Population Growth
Central city residents less likely to own a home than suburban residents with the same income
Along with the increase in homeownership rates there has been a decline in home affordability
Minorities are more likely to be denied home loans, even if they have similar financial, employment and neighborhood backgrounds
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Urban Living Environment
Substandard housing
Housing quality has been associated with morbidity from infectious diseases, chronic illnesses, injuries, poor nutrition, and mental disorders
People of color and those with low incomes are disproportionately exposed to substandard housing
Crowding is defined as more than one person per room in a household
Can lead to greater conflict and increased disease transmission
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Urban Living Environment
Homelessness—the number of homeless is at least in the hundreds of thousands, not counting those who live with relatives or friends
Homelessness is more not only the absence of a place to live
Consistently correlated with income, employment, health and disability, education, barriers to housing and social support, living environment and crime
A large proportion of homeless have experienced extreme social disadvantage and traumatic experiences in childhood
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Gentrification—the process of neighborhood change which results in the replacement of lower income residents with higher income ones
Increasing real estate values, tax revenues, and commercial activity
Low-income residents displaced, particularly elderly people and minorities
Neighborhood displacement and change is thought to have an impact on mental health of displaced
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Urban Sprawl and Transportation
Urban sprawl—when the spread of development outpaces population growth
Began with land developments after World War II
Creates 4 conditions
Population widely dispersed in low density developments
Rigidly separated homes, shops, and workplaces
A network of roads marked by huge blocks and poor access
A lack of well-defined activity centers, such as downtowns or town centers
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Federal agency responsible for addressing the nation’s housing needs and improving and developing the nation’s communities
Part of Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty—1965
Enforces fair housing laws
Administers programs to provide a decent, safe and sanitary environment for every American
Has been a major player in
Influencing land use decisions in urban areas
Spurring economic growth and development in distressed communities
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Urban Revitalization Programs
HOPE IV (1992) created with recommendations from the National Commission on Severely Distressed Public Housing
Recommended: physical improvements, management improvements, and social and community services to address residents’ needs
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Urban Revitalization Programs
The Obama administration established the Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative. Included:
Choice neighborhoods: revitalization of distressed public of HUD-assisted housing
Promise neighborhoods: revitalization program to improve the educational and developmental outcomes of children and youth
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Sustainable Communities
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Housing and Homelessness Programs
Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (1987)
20 programs were authorized to provide emergency food and shelter, transitional and permanent housing, education, mental health care, primary health care, and veterans’ assistance services
Habitat for Humanity and Project Homeless Connect provide services
Supportive services are vital, but scarce housing is at the core of much of homelessness
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Social Problems
Community, Policy, and Social Action

Sixth Edition

Anna Leon-Guerrero

Chapter 7

What is a family?
A man and a woman and their children?
An extended family-including grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins?
Single parent with children?
Same-sex couples?
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Family—a construct of meaning and relationships both emotional and economic
A social unit based on blood, by choice, marriage, partnership, or adoption
Household—an economic and residential unit
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Myths of the Family
Image of the nuclear family—a father, a mother, and biological or adopted children living together—is exalted as the ideal family
Several changes in family composition occurred between 1970 and 2010
Families composed of married couples with children declined from 40.3% in 1970 to 19.6% in 2010
There has been an increase in the percentage of non-family households, individuals living alone or with nonrelatives
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Socially Constructed Beliefs on Family
We tend to believe that families of the past were better and happier than today
We believe that families should be safe havens, protecting their members from harm and danger
There is a persistent belief that nontraditional families, such as divorced, fatherless, or working-mother families, threaten and erode the integrity of the family as an institution
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Functionalist Perspective
The family is the most vital social institution
Family confers social status and class
Family helps define who we are and how we find our place in society
Family provides for the essential needs of the child: affection, socialization, and protection
Social problems emerge as the family adapts to a modern social society which has taken over many of the family’s original functions (religion, education, work)
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Functionalist Perspective
Family functions in concert with the other institutions, so changes in the economy, politics, or law, contribute to changes and problems in the family
Because of the family’s social and emotional functions, problems in the family (e.g. divorce or domestic violence) can also lead to problems in the society, such as crime, poverty, or delinquency
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Conflict and Feminist Perspectives
Conflict theorists—the family is a system of inequality where conflict is normal
Families are also subject to powerful economic and political interest groups who control social programs and policies
Conflict arises when the needs of particular family forms are promoted while others are ignored
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Conflict and Feminist Perspectives
Feminist perspective—inequality emerges from the patriarchal family system, where men control decision making in the family
Men maintain their position of power in the family through violence or the threat of violence against women
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Interactionist Perspective
Social interaction helps create and maintain our definition of a family
Within families, interactions through words, symbols, and meanings define our expectation of what the family should be like
Problems may also occur when partners’ expectations of family or marriage do not match their real life
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Was rare until the 1970s
Rising divorce rates are attributed to:
No-fault divorce laws
Economic independence of women
Transition from extended to nuclear families
Increasing geographic and occupational mobility
Stigma has decreased
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Under some circumstances, divorce can be beneficial to the well-being of children
Although men experience minimal economic declines after divorce, most women experience a substantial decline in household income and increased dependence on social welfare
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Intimate Partner Violence
In the U.S., one in three women and one in four men reported they had been raped or assaulted
Globally, 52% of women report physical abuse from a partner
Research has linked the following to family violence: low socioeconomic status, social and structural stress, and social isolation
Feminist researchers argue domestic violence is rooted in gender and represents men’s attempts to maintain dominance and control over women
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Child Abuse and Neglect
Physical abuse—non-accidental injury
Neglect—a failure to provide for a child’s basic needs
Neglect often goes unnoticed
Immediate effects—isolation, fear, low academic achievement, delinquency—may lead to lifelong low self-esteem, depression, criminal behavior, and adult abusive behavior
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Elder Abuse and Neglect
Institutional elder abuse—forms of abuse that occur in residential facilities for older people
Domestic elder abuse—any form of maltreatment by someone with a special relationship with the elder
Includes physical, sexual, or psychological abuse, neglect/abandonment, or financial exploitation
Caregiving can positively affect physical and psychological well-being, but the added burden may strain the caregiver’s emotional and financial resources
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Teen Pregnancies
U.S. has the highest teen birthrate in the developed world
Teen mothers are likely to be poorer and less educated and are less likely to be married
Children often lag behind in early development, are less likely to receive proper nutrition, health care, and cognitive stimulation, and are at greater risk of social behavioral problems and lower academic achievement
Newborn abandonment is a significant social problem
Provision of free or subsidized contraceptives is associated with relatively low birthrates worldwide
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

The Problems of Time and Money
Many people are under constant stress for time
About 30% of families with children have parents who work full-time
Economic realities make it difficult for working-class parents to balance work and family
Lower income families deal with the most basic problems on a daily basis: managing the safety, health, and education of their children while staying employed
Structural changes in the economy undermine the quality of life among working-class families
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Family Medical Leave Act of 1993
Provides employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year
Only applies to all public agencies and all private employers with 50 or more workers
Nearly two-thirds of eligible workers have not taken advantage of FMLA because they couldn’t afford the lost wages
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Responses to Domestic Violence
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Established community-based children’s advocacy centers to provide support for victims in the investigation, treatment, prosecution, and prevention of child abuse
Violence Against Women Office
Offers a series of program and policy technical papers for individuals, leaders, and communities to support their efforts to end violence against women
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Responses to Domestic Violence
National Center on Elder Abuse
Supports community “sentinel” programs, which train and educate professionals and volunteers to identify potential victims of abuse, neglect, or exploitation
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Responses to Teenage Pregnancy
Welfare Reform Act (1996) mandated the HHS to assure that at least 25% of communities had teen pregnancy prevention programs
There is little evidence to suggest that abstinence-only education delays sex
Comprehensive programs have increased condom and contraceptive use.
Safe-surrender or safe-haven laws have been passed in all states
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

Expanding the Definition of Family
Almost half of young adults in the United States have lived in a cohabiting union at some point in their lives
Sixty-five percent of marriages began as cohabiting relationships as of 2002
Increase in unmarried childbearing
Grandparent households are more likely to be poor
Leon-Guerrero, Social Problems, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019

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