HN 522 Assignment 8


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Advocating With the Community

Establishing rapport, building networks, and creating collaborative  partnerships within communities are important components of the work  that human service professionals do when advocating for children and  their families. For this assignment, you will assume that you are a  human service professional working in a community and advocating for a  social issue that impacts children and their families.

Assignment Directions

Please be sure to address all of the following in your assignment:

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  • Describe a fictional community, or one that already exists, and  assume that you are doing work within this community as a human service  professional. 

    In your description, provide information related to the demographics, history, culture, and economics of the community.

  • Determine what type of social issue related to children and their  families that the community is struggling with and that you will be  advocating for as a human service professional.
  • Based on the specific information pertinent to the community that  you described, examine at least two ways you will establish and build  rapport with members of the community. 

    In your answer, explore how you will build trust with community  members and how you will involve citizens in building rapport. Make sure  the information you discuss is specific to the social issue you are  looking to address.

  • Determine how you will build networks in the community you described  that are specific to the advocacy work you will be doing for the social  issue you discussed.
  • Assess how you will build collaborative partnerships in the community. 

    If your community is fictional, make up organizations that would be  beneficial to partner with. If you are using a real community, research  organizations, or other groups, that would be beneficial to partner  with.

  • Justify whether or not you will seek to establish multicultural collaborations in your community. 

    If you do determine these collaborations are appropriate, explore  why they are beneficial with regard to your overall goal to advocate for  the social issue you chose.


Your assignment should be a 3- to 5-page expository essay, not  including the title and reference pages, and should include the  following elements:

  • Title page: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and section number, and date.
  • Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs. 

    Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using  proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be  correct and accurate, and reflect knowledge of advocacy for children and  families.

  • Reference page: Sources listed in APA format

    Include a minimum of four scholarly or academic sources to support your responses and conclusions. One of these references should be your text.

  • Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left aligned.
  • Use standard 1″ margins on all sides.
  • Use current APA formatting and citation style. 


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