
This week you will create a spreadsheet for your employees as a managerial nurse.

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This spreadsheet must have 10 entries with job descriptions

Must have an hourly rate for each entry

Must have hours worked for the week

Must have total wages earned done with formula  (I will check)

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Must have chart with information 


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$ 65.00

12 Task
Employees Hours Rate Total
Nicole Assessment 8 $ 18.00 $ 144.00
John Bowel Clean Up $ 23.00 $ 27

Kim EKG 10 $ 30.00 $ 300.00
Tia Feedings $ 16.00 $ 128.00
Shawn Candy Stripper $ 65.00 $ 390.00
Rose CVC $ 32.00 $ 256.00
Mike Wound Care $ 45.00 $ 270.00
Kerby Audits 13 $ 50.00 $ 650.00
total: 71 $ 279.00 $ 2,414.00
Average: $ 34.88

Weekly Payout Report

Hours Assessment Bowel Clean Up EKG Feedings Candy Stripper CVC Wound Care Audits total: Nicole John Kim Tia Shawn Rose Mike Kerby 8 12 10 8 6 8 6 13 71 Rate Assessment Bowel Clean Up EKG Feedings Candy Stripper CVC Wound Care Audits total: Nicole John Kim Tia Shawn Rose Mike Kerby 18 23 30 16 65 32 45 50 279 Total Assessment Bowel Clean Up EKG Feedings Candy Stripper CVC Wound Care Audits total: Nicole John Kim Tia Shawn Rose Mike Kerby 144 276 300 128 390 256 270 650 2414











$ 65.00

12 Task
Employees Hours Rate Total
Nicole Assessment 8 $ 18.00 $ 144.00
John Bowel Clean Up $ 23.00 $ 27

Kim EKG 10 $ 30.00 $ 300.00
Tia Feedings $ 16.00 $ 128.00
Shawn Candy Stripper $ 65.00 $ 390.00
Rose CVC $ 32.00 $ 256.00
Mike Wound Care $ 45.00 $ 270.00
Kerby Audits 13 $ 50.00 $ 650.00
total: 71 $ 279.00 $ 2,414.00
Average: $ 34.88

Weekly Payout Report

Hours Assessment Bowel Clean Up EKG Feedings Candy Stripper CVC Wound Care Audits total: Nicole John Kim Tia Shawn Rose Mike Kerby 8 12 10 8 6 8 6 13 71 Rate Assessment Bowel Clean Up EKG Feedings Candy Stripper CVC Wound Care Audits total: Nicole John Kim Tia Shawn Rose Mike Kerby 18 23 30 16 65 32 45 50 279 Total Assessment Bowel Clean Up EKG Feedings Candy Stripper CVC Wound Care Audits total: Nicole John Kim Tia Shawn Rose Mike Kerby 144 276 300 128 390 256 270 650 2414

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