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Running Head: DARK WEB 1


Dark Web

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What is the Dark Web?

The dark is considered an encrypted network of websites that one can only access through a special secure network—a good example of such a form of network os Tor. One thing to note about it is that it can’t be censored by the government, which means that it is a web that is not regulated. Research conducted in the market shows that there are so many sites that are run through the Dark-Web. Some of these might include blogs that are being run by privacy-conscious individuals who are unwilling to disclose their identity. Other parties who are likely to run their activities on the dark Web include whistleblower, protesters, and individuals who are selling illegal products (Chen, 2011).

How Criminals use dark Web

Forensic experts have revealed that the illegal market and drug traders have been able to grow exponentially through the use of the dark Web. For instance, reports show that criminals in the current times are finding new ways and techniques to launder money generated from their illegal activities. Over several years, the dark Web has become a good place for criminals’ operations since it has got very extreme protection and privacy measures (Croy, 2018).

How the Dark Web can be used in a positive way

Even though the dark Web is associated with bad things, it is key not that it also has good things that one can attain. On a positive side, we can note that activities and whistleblowers can be used to communicate or enlighten society. For instance, the dark Web has been in a place to helped greatly in both Egypt and Iran people to express their freedom of expression (Retzkin, 2018).

How Law enforcement officers can use dark Web

One of how Dark Web can be used by Law enforcement is the detection of illegal activities. Reports released shows that most of the dark web anonymity activities are a major contributor to illegal activities. Therefore, there is a need for legal officers to learn its existence and how it is operated to be in a better position to learn how crimes are conducted (Retzkin, 2018).

How private Individuals can use the dark Web

One of the forms in which individuals can use the dark Web is to make a whistleblow if they detect a wrong society. Such information can be critical for law enforcement officers. In case an individual is a freedom fighter, he/she can use it to gather support and attention from like-minded citizens.


Chen, H. (2011). Dark Web: Exploring and data mining the dark side of the Web. Springer Science & Business Media.

Croy, A. (2018). The Dark Web: The covert world of cybercrime. Greenhaven Publishing LLC.

Retzkin, S. (2018). Hands-on Dark Web analysis: Learn what goes on in the Dark Web and work with it. Packt Publishing.





Study on Dark Web





An Exposition on The Dark Web.

The deep web is a part of the internet which bypasses regular search engines such as bing and Google. The Deep web is mostly composed of private information such as library catalogs and court case files (Hurlburt, G. (2017). The dark web is where illegal; activities such as drug trafficking and terrorism occur. This part of the internet is hard to trace and needs special software to access, making it easy for criminal activities to occur.

To access the dark web, a user requires a special software known as The Onion Router (TOR) that can index a special URL that ends with dot onion. Unlike regular browsers, the software bounces the search request around several TOR relays before completion, making it hard for anyone to obtain information (DiPiero, 2017). To communicate directly with anyone on the dark web, users have special emails used to keep the sender and recipient completely unknown. TOR’s security is not flawless; therefore, users double their protection using Virtual Private Networks.

Criminals take advantage of the anonymity provided to carry out illegal activities while maintaining buyer-seller anonymity (Dalins et al., 2018). Services like hacking and stealing information, drug trafficking, and sale of ammunition are standard in this part of the web. Terrorists also use this service to recruit soldiers. One famous market was the silk road, which was said to be worth 28.5 million dollars. The FBI put them down for drug trafficking, sale of weapons, and several major hacks.

This site has a bright side as characterized by its lack of geographical limitations. Journalists living in countries that face censorship can air their opinion through the dark web (Coffey, 2020). This aids them in shedding light on social evils that lack any other medium to reach the masses. Information concerning court processes can be hidden in the deep web, keeping them free and fair.


Coffey, M. L. (2020). Library application of Deep Web and Dark Web technologies. School of Information Student Research Journal, 10(1), 8.

Dalins, J., Wilson, C., & Carman, M. (2018). Criminal motivation on the dark web: A categorisation model for law enforcement. Digital Investigation, 24, 62-71.

DiPiero, C. (2017). Deciphering cryptocurrency: Shining a light on the deep dark web. U. Ill. L. Rev., 1267.

Hurlburt, G. (2017). Shining light on the dark web. Computer, (4), 100-105.

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