Case Study. At least 3 pages in APA format with at least 2 references.

Jill Bartok is a line supervisor for an East Coast center for Speedy Delivery Services. This high-speed delivery company has both national and international deliveries ongoing continually. The area where Jill works is secured and monitored. Loaders and handlers process thousands of parcels every day. Jill has four crews whose shifts normally overlap. Crew 2 has the 3 PM to midnight shift. Bob Carnaghan is the crew chief and is responsible for the orderly flow of packages from the receiving dock to the shipping dock. This includes packages that have to be shipped out from the local franchise shipping stores. Jill receives a note from Jim Ferguson, crew chief of Crew 3, that a small access door that should usually be locked has been found unsecured for the past two nights just after the start of the 11 PM to 8 AM shift. The security camera in that area does not quite cover the door itself. There have been no other reports of problems in that area. Review of the security tapes shows normal flow of workers in and around the door for the past two nights. Jill is concerned that the door may have been left unsecured prior to being found open by Jim Ferguson. The door opens to a hall that connects to the employee break room that is not in a secured part of the facility. Jill decides to go to HR to discuss possibilities.

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  • Is there a security problem? If yes, is it a major problem?
  • What actions, if any, should HR take?

case studyHuman Resources

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