W7 professionalism

3 full page APA

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Prepare a 3 page paper (double spaced, APA format, NOT including title page and reference list) based on the topics presented below:

Using the concepts discussed in the Week 7 lecture on “Professionalism”, see attached file ( EMA 305 week 7 online lecture Professionalism outline a program of activities for emergency managers to improve their professional standing (pp. 3-6, 11-13). You must specifically discuss the role of each one in building such a professional program of activities, they include:  

1. Education:  inter-disciplinary

2. Training:  federal & state

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3. Standards

4. Executive Core Qualifications for Leaders

5. Certifications:  CEM and IAEM

6. Accreditation:  EMAP

7. Code of Ethics – IAEM



In this session, the we define professionalism in general and how it is applied to the field of
emergency management. The importance of education, training, credentialing and standards are
mentioned. The session describes leadership and applies the Executive Core Qualifications to
the emergency management profession. The need for professional ethics and advocacy is
highlighted in this class period.

What “professionalism” is in the context of emergency


To start off this session, we need to consider the status of emergency management today. A
basic issue is to consider if emergency management is a profession. We should also consider
how emergency managers have changed over time (refer to our discussion of the historical
context of EM we had in Week 1. Also, reviewing Attachment A (Dr. Wayne Blanchard’s
Emergency Manager Stereotype presentation). See http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/edu/ and
look at the left column for Higher Education Program Presentation (slides 28-33 in particular).
(See also Waugh and Tierney 2007, 330-331).

It is clear that emergency managers of the past, today or in the future are in a constant state of
redefinition. Emergency management is changing and being transformed in remarkable ways.

Define what the term “professional” or “professionalism” means.

Note that dictionaries (see http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/professional?qsrc=2888) often
suggest that the word “professional” implies:

 a career that is followed to acquire income
 to be engaged in employment that requires specialized knowledge
 an expert in a particular occupation
 a person involved in a recognized discipline or field

In the context of emergency management, the term “professional” therefore implies that one has
acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to help communities prevent disasters and prepare
for response and recovery operations. However, the term professional goes beyond specific
careers and specialized knowledge.

Dr. Thomas E. Drabek, the John Evans Professor Emeritus at the University of Denver, is well-
known for his important study on emergency managers (see Canton 2007, 71)




In The Professional Emergency Manager (1987), Drabek sought out to identify what makes
emergency managers successful. His study also explored the perceptions of those government
officials that work with emergency managers (e.g., police chiefs, fire chiefs, mayors or county
commissioners, public works directors, Red Cross Chapter managers, and others from business
and the medical community). The study included two tiered methodology.

Drabek researched 12 emergency management directors to determine what qualities make them
successful. After validating this research design, he then compared these directors to other
emergency managers in 50 additional cities and counties.

In his interviews, Drabek found that the emergency managers that were regarded to be successful
had three characteristics.

First, successful emergency managers were admired as professions. That is to say, the
emergency managers were perceived as having specialized knowledge.

These emergency managers understood emergency management law and regulations, and
were aware of the many organizations involved in dealing with disasters.

Some of these emergency managers were certified by professional organizations such as
the National Coordinating Council of Emergency Managers (now the International
Association of Emergency Managers).

Most had strong skills in terms of facilitating, integrating, coordinating, etc. In other
words, they were willing and able to work with others to get things done.

Second, successful emergency managers had several unique qualities.

They could communicate and manage human resources effectively.

They were able to maintain composure under stressful conditions.

They had expertise in areas such as volunteer management, military planning, or

They could illustrate, if required, their performance during actual disasters.

Finally, successful emergency managers were able to perform emergency management functions


Their approach to emergency management included, but went beyond, a traditional civil
defense perspective of disasters.

They were involved with all of the different stakeholders that play important roles in
emergency management.

They were valued for their accomplishments, whether this was conducting an exercise,
speaking in public, or acquiring a warning system.

According to Gary A. Kreps (1991, 50), “Drabek’s study shows that successful [emergency
management] directors were dedicated professionals who worked hard to improve emergency
management capabilities in their localities.” Such emergency managers earned “credibility”
through “performance.”

Valuing education, training, credentialing and standards in the profession of emergency


If it is true that emergency management is an emerging profession, improvement can be
promoted through education, training, certification, and standards. A discussion of each of these
topics will be covered below.

In “Designing Educational Opportunities for the Hazards Manager of the 21st Century,” Deborah
Thomas and Dennis Mileti (2003, 19) state “A few short decades ago, the men and women who
worked and accomplished a great deal in the field of emergency management often did not hold
university degrees. If they did, it was usually in a topic unrelated to their endeavors, let alone in
emergency/hazards management itself.” If emergency management is to progress in the future,
this historical precedent obviously needs to change.

For instance, “Emergency management is different than it was a decade ago and not yet what it
will be in the future. It is more complex and includes many more topics than it did just a few
years ago. Emergency/hazards management includes mitigation, preparedness, response and
recovery. It demands knowledge and skills in the natural and physical sciences, the social and
behavioral sciences, aspects of engineering, and technology. Emergency/hazards management
is, without question, interdisciplinary in nature, since it requires drawing on knowledge now
housed in various disciplines” (Thomas and Mileti 2003, 17). Emergency managers therefore
require advanced education.


According to the International Association of Emergency Managers, an emergency manager
requires a great deal of knowledge, skills and abilities. This requires that the emergency
manager be familiar with basic management principles, government organization and operations,
budgeting, planning, public and media relations, and marketing. It also requires understanding
of geophysical processes, human behavior, politics, and many functions relating to disasters
(e.g., risk assessment, warning, evacuation, damage assessment, donations management, disaster
assistance, recovery, etc.

Fortunately, education is widely available to students and professionals interested in emergency
management. Since 1983, the number of emergency management programs (at the associates,
bachelors, masters, Ph.D. and certificate levels) has expanded dramatically.

Academic degrees in emergency management help students acquire the broad knowledge, skills
and abilities needed in this important profession. It helps future professionals avoid the mistakes
of the past, and equips them with tools to succeed in the future. Degrees increase earning
potential while education helps individuals make better decisions about potential disasters and
what to do about them. Emergency management cannot be considered a profession without a
recognized body of knowledge and educational opportunities to expand it to those working in the

Training is another excellent way to promote the emergency management profession.

According to Thomas and Mileti (2003, 8) “Training is really continuing education or job
qualification activity.”

Training includes formal courses provided by federal or state governments. For instance, FEMA
has a professional development series and states have their own training opportunities (see
Attachment C). Some of these may be given at conferences, workshops or even on-line.

Training may also come informally as colleagues and peers share information one with another.
For instance, a well-seasoned emergency management may advise an apprentice on how to apply
for and manage emergency management grants.

The whole point of training is to make sure emergency managers are keeping up with the latest
research and practices. For example, you wouldn’t want a doctor to operate on your knee if
he/she had not reviewed the most recent techniques. In the same way, emergency managers also
need to keep on top of new developments in their field (e.g., new laws, changing technology,
novel approaches to mitigation or recovery, etc.) to help their communities deal effectively with


According to Canton, certification is yet a third way to promote professionalism in emergency
management (Canton 2007, 78). This can occur in two ways.

First, individual emergency managers may meet professional requirements and therefore be
endorsed by the International Association of Emergency Managers. If emergency managers
have sufficient time in their position, if they have made contributions to the profession and if
they have passed a test, they may become certified as an emergency manager.
This is known as the Certified Emergency Management credential (refer to Attachment B).

Second, emergency management programs can be evaluated by peers in the field to ensure that a
jurisdiction is meeting basic expectations in emergency management. These basic expectations
cover emergency management law, risk assessment, phases of emergency management, and
other disaster functions. This is known as the Emergency Management Accreditation Program
(EMAP). (Refer to Attachment C.

Standards, which are the foundation for certification in emergency management, provide
additional ways to professionalize the field of emergency management (see NFPA 2008).
Standards are goals to be promoted or pursued as a way to regulate or self-regulate a profession.
For instance, hospitals have standards that must be met in terms of the number of doctors and
nurses, available beds, cleanliness practices, available medical supplies, etc.

The National Fire Protection Agency has created standards in emergency management (NFPA
1600). These cover a variety of subjects including pertinent definitions, incident prevention,
mutual aid, facilities, crisis communication, etc.
http://www.nfpa.org/assets/files/pdf/nfpa1600 .

Leadership qualities among those who work in emergency management.

Because emergency managers work with so many individuals (politicians), groups (volunteers),
organizations (American Red Cross), departments (police and fire) and others (citizens), and
because emergency management is a challenging profession, it is imperative that they develop
leadership skills.

Leadership can be defined as an ability to motivate people and organizations to accomplish
goals. In terms of emergency management, leadership implies managerial skills that result in the
coordination of effective disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery operations.



According to the Guide to Senior Executive Service Qualifications (see Kushma, Benini,
Holdeman, and Sebring 2008), there are five Executive Core Qualifications for leaders. These

 Leading change. Leading change includes strategic planning for an organization that is
based on vision, creativity and innovative thinking. In emergency management, moving
a city from a response mentality to a proactive form of emergency management is an
example of leading change.

 Leading people. Leading people refers to team building and conflict resolution. In

emergency management, motivating others to participate in mitigation and preparedness
activities or resolving concerns about response plans are examples of leading people.

 Driving results. Driving results deals with goal accomplishment, customer service and

accountability. In emergency management, driving results includes reducing disaster
losses and serving those affected by disasters.

 Business Acumen. Business Acumen covers the management of human and material

resources for efficiency. In emergency management, the oversight of employees,
partners, volunteers, budgets and donations are examples of business acumen.

 Building Coalitions. Building coalitions includes persuasion, negotiation and networking

to get others to buy into your objectives. In emergency management, effective
presentations to decision makers and alignment with key stakeholders are examples of
building coalitions.

Promoting ethics and advocacy in emergency management.

An important responsibility of emergency managers is to understand ethical issues and promote
such considerations. There are many things emergency managers should not do, but there are
other dilemmas that are not resolved so easily. Read each of the scenarios below and consider
the ethical implications of each.

A. A hurricane is approaching your community and is projected to be a 3-4 days

from landfall. The mayor calls you up to discuss the warning and evacuation
process. He/she asks for the status of the hurricane and requests your advice.
You tell him/her that the National Hurricane Center projects landfall near your
area. You recommend that an evacuation order be given in the next 12 hours.


The mayor pauses for a moment, and then comments that the tourism and
business industries have been complaining about the last evacuation order.
He/she implies that the National Hurricane Center has not been accurate in the
past and also states that your community is rarely affected by hurricanes. In fact,
he/she says, it has been over 27 years since the last event. He/she recommends
you do not issue an evacuation order this time because tax revenues are already at
an all-time low due to the failing economy. He/she thanks you for your outstand
service and quickly hangs up before you can get a word in otherwise.

B. Your city has just experience a major disaster. The tornado has produced a great

deal of debris, and you are actively involved in trying to coordinate its removal.
Your boss, the emergency manager, sets an appointment with you to discuss the
process. After shutting your door, he/she states that he/she appreciates all of the
hard work you are doing to get your city back to normal. He/she also notes that
there is a great deal of debris and that the Presidential declaration has opened up
an opportunity to pay for the expenses associated with the disaster. He/she states
that a contractor jokingly mentioned the desire inflate the debris estimates slightly
in order to bring additional funds into the city. The emergency management
coordinator also implies that this could be the way to fund the new warning
system you have been advocating for the past few years. Your supervisor then
mentions that you are a team player and suggests that it would be ironic if you did
not want to take advantage of opportunities to improve your emergency
management program now. He/she asks your opinion on the matter.

C. An earthquake occurred a few days ago and many parts of the city are without

power. Some of the more well-to-do neighborhoods have had power restored, but
the commercial and lower-income areas have not. As you meet with public and
private utility providers to plan the days activities, you are confronted with a
difficult decision. Should you restore power to the business and industrial
districts first or to the trailer park across town? Either decision will delay power
to the other area for at least 2 more days. One person suggests that the lack of
power in the commercial area will hurt employment for the poor – those who need
paychecks the most. Another person counters that the wealthier neighborhoods
already have power and that a failure to address the needs of the mobile home
park amounts to discrimination. They then turn to you to seek your advice.

D. For over 4 years, you have been arguing with city council about the need to

improve emergency management in your jurisdiction. Risk analysis reveal that
the dams and levies near your community are poorly maintained and that they are
expected to be breached the next time 50 year flooding episode occurs. At


another budget meeting, city leaders again reject your proposal to mitigate against
this hazard. As you leave the meeting, several thoughts cross your mind. You
feel the media and public should be alerted to these dangerous policies, but the
mayor has already mentioned that some individuals on city council are talking
about letting you go. You have contemplated resigning from your position
anyway, but you need the income for your family. You feel like you are caught
between a rock and a hard spot.

Questions to consider:

 Is the situation clear cut and easy to understand and resolve? Why or why not?
 What should the emergency management employee do in this situation?
 What are the consequences of their decision?
 What would you do if this was your choice?
 Are some decisions easier to make than others? Why or why not?
 What thoughts do you have about ethics?

Another priority for emergency managers is advocacy. Advocacy suggests being a champion of
the profession and promoting the interests of emergency managers. Involve the students in a
discussion about things emergency managers can do to promote improved disaster prevention
and management. During the discussion, ensure that the following points are addressed.

 Seek to understand the politics of disasters and find ways to change elected officials
tendency to neglect long-term disaster concerns (i.e., illustrate the potential for disaster
and the need for proactive emergency management efforts).

 Gain a better idea of the budgeting processes in your community and find the
appropriate balance between asking for too many resources and not asking enough.

 Counter citizen apathy towards disaster by speaking frequently in schools, churches,
and public events (e.g., preparedness summits, community fairs, etc.).

 Keep disasters on people’s minds by providing flyers in utility bills.
 Participate in social events with other city employees that are likely to be involved in

emergency management activities (e.g., go golfing to movies with fire, police, public
works, engineering department personnel, etc.).

 Educate businesses about the dangers of downplaying industrial hazards and safety

 Take a self-improvement class and work on various skills relating to communications,
public speaking, management, etc.

 Monitor legislative activities on emergency management and pressure politicians to do
something about the consequences of such laws and regulations (or the lack thereof).


 Stay on top of the latest research provided by disaster and emergency management

 Join professional associations and network with other members to understand the latest
methods for dealing with disasters.


Attachment A

The Changing Nature of Emergency Management
(Adapted from Dr. Wayne Blanchard’s

Higher Education Program Power Point Presentation)

Emergency Managers of the Past Future Emergency Managers
Not college educated College educated, with EM degrees
Middle to late middle-aged Caucasian male Younger, diverse and culturally sensitive
Experiential knowledge Knowledge based on scientific literature
Job gained by who you know/other factors Job based on EM competencies
Does not read academic literature Life-long learner
2nd or 3rd career Career of 1st choice
Spends career in one jurisdiction Upward and geographically mobile
Part-time/volunteer Full time
Has other work responsibilities Focuses on EM issues predominantly
Plans for response for jurisdictions Involves jurisdiction in strategic planning
Works primarily with emergency services Works with all stakeholders in all phases
Has not completed a risk assessment Understands risk assessment processes
Employs a hazard-based approach Focuses on hazards and vulnerabilities
Unaffiliated with professional associations Member of professional associations
Not well-paid or funded Better paid and funded


Attachment B
Becoming a Certified Emergency Management

(Taken from http://www.iaem.com/certification/generalinfo/cem.htm)

What Is a Certified Emergency Manager®?
Here are just a few of the reasons why many employers now list the CEM® as a job requirement when posting open positions for
emergency managers:

 A Certified Emergency Manager® (CEM®) has the knowledge, skills and ability to effectively manage a
comprehensive emergency management program.

 A CEM® has a working knowledge of all the basic tenets of emergency management, including mitigation,
preparedness, response and recovery.

 A CEM® has experience and knowledge of interagency and community-wide participation in planning, coordination
and management functions designed to improve emergency management capabilities.

 A CEM® can effectively accomplish the goals and objectives of any emergency management program in all
environments with little or no additional training orientation.

Why Become a Certified Emergency Manager®?
There are many reasons why emergency managers decide to pursue certification as a Certified Emergency Manager®. Here are
some of the benefits:

 To receive recognition of professional competence.
 To join an established network of credentialed professionals.
 To take advantage of enhanced career opportunities.
 To gain access to career development counseling.
 To obtain formal recognition of educational activities.

Requirements for the Certified Emergency Manager® Program:

 Emergency management experience. Three years by date of application. Comprehensive experience must include
participation in a full-scale exercise or actual disaster. Three professional references. Including current supervisor.

 Education. Any 4-year baccalaureate degree; or additional experience may be substituted to satisfy this requirement, 2
years per 30 college credits up to the 120 credits comprising most baccalaureates.

 Training. 100 contact hours in emergency management training and 100 hours in general management training. Note:
No more than 25% of hours can be in any one topic.

 Contributions to the profession. Six separate contributions in areas such as professional membership, speaking,
publishing articles, serving on volunteer boards or committees and other areas beyond the scope of the emergency
management job requirements.

 Comprehensive emergency management essay. Real-life scenarios are provided, and response must demonstrate
knowledge, skills and abilities as listed in the essay instructions.

Multiple-choice examination. Candidates sit for the 100-question exam after their initial application and the other
requirements are satisfied. A pamphlet is available further describing format and sources.


Attachment C
The Emergency Management Accreditation Program

(Taken from http://www.emaponline.org/?22)

The Emergency Management Standard by EMAP is the set of 63 standards by which programs
that apply for EMAP accreditation are evaluated. The Emergency Management Standard is
designed as a tool for continuous improvement as part of the voluntary accreditation process for
local and state emergency management programs.

The Emergency Management Standard covers:

 Program Management
 Administration and Finance
 Laws and Authorities
 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Consequence Analysis
 Hazard Mitigation
 Prevention and Security
 Planning
 Incident Management
 Resource Management and Logistics
 Mutual Aid
 Communications and Warning
 Operations and Procedures
 Facilities
 Training
 Exercises, Evaluations and Corrective Action
 Crisis Communications, Public Education and Information


Attachment D
IAEM Code of Ethics Paper

The International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the goals
of saving lives and protecting property by mitigating, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disasters/emergencies.
IAEM sponsors the Certified Emergency Manager® (CEM®) and Associate Emergency Manager (AEM) Program to maintain
professionalism through the certification process.
The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct must be embraced and upheld by all individuals who are awarded the CEM®/AEM
designation. The promise to uphold the Code signifies the assumption that the emergency manager will act prudently and
responsibly beyond the requirements of law and codes.
The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct embodies the certification program philosophy and objectives. Each CEM®/AEM
promises to adhere to the Code.

Maintenance of public trust and confidence is central to the effectiveness of the emergency management profession. The
members of the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) adhere to the highest standards of ethical and
professional conduct. This Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for IAEM members reflects the spirit and proper conduct
dictated by the conscience of society and commitment to the well-being of all. The members abide by the association’s core
values of respect, commitment, and professionalism.


 Respect: Respect for supervising officials, colleagues, associates, and most importantly, for
the people we serve is the standard for IAEM members. We comply with all laws and
regulations applicable to our purpose and position, and responsibly and impartially apply
them to all concerned. We respect fiscal resources by evaluating organizational decisions
to provide the best service or product at a minimal cost without sacrificing quality.

 Commitment: IAEM members commit themselves to promoting decisions that engender
trust and those we serve. We commit to continuous improvement by fairly administering
the affairs of our positions, by fostering honest and trustworthy relationships, and by
striving for impeccable accuracy and clarity in what we say or write. We commit to
enhancing stewardship of resources and the caliber of service we deliver while striving to
improve the quality of life in the community we serve.

 Professionalism: IAEM is an organization that actively promotes professionalism to ensure
public confidence in emergency management. Our reputations are built on the faithful
discharge of our duties. Our professionalism is founded on education, safety, and
protection of life and property.



Drabek, Thomas E. 1987. The Professional Emergency Manager: Structures and Strategies for

Success. Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado: Boulder, Co.

Kreps, Gary A. (1991). “Organizing for Emergency Management.” Pp. 30-54 in Drabek, Thomas

E. and Gerard J. Hoetmer (eds.) Emergency Management: Principles of Practice for
Local Government, first edition. ICMA: Washington, D.C.

Kushma, Jane and Janet K. Benini, Eric Holdeman and Amy Sebring. (2008). Leadership

Challenges in Emergency Management: A Moderated Panel Discussion. EIIP Virtual
Forum Presentation.

Waugh, William L. Jr. and Kathleen Tierney. 2007. “Future Directions in Emergency

Management.” Pp. 319-333 in Waugh, William L. Jr. and Kathleen Tierney (eds.).
Emergency Management: Principles and Practice for Local Government, second edition.
ICMA: Washington, D.C.

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