Weekly Work Log and Hands-on Progress Report

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Weekly Work Log and Hands-on Progress Report

Use the following table to record this week’s work and progress. Each week you should set goals for what you’d like to accomplish. Then, as you accomplish each of the deliverables, you should provide a short explanation about your experience (what went right and what went wrong), along with any sources that you used to complete or troubleshoot the task. You’ll also want to include screenshots of any errors or accomplishments you encounter. In addition to gaining points for this week, you’ll have a great reference point when you begin to write your final paper. Each week you should have 5-10 entries in this table.



Explain the desired outcome – i.e. install operating system, create users, setup router, etc.

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Explanation of Deliverable

Describe what you did, and how the process went – did things go smoothly? Did you encounter any problems? Did you complete the task?


List any sources that you used for installation, completion, troubleshooting, etc.


Each deliverable should have at least one screenshot showing your progress (successful installation, listing of all created users, a successful connection test, etc.)

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