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1. Carey had separation anxiety disorder as a child. In her teens, what disorder is she most vulnerable to?

A. Panic attacks

B. Obsessive compulsive disorder

C. Social phobia

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D. Generalized anxiety order

2.   Which of the following is not among the disorders that are reported to be comorbid with obsessive compulsive disorder?

A. Tourette’s


C. Disruptive behavior disorders

D. Bipolar disorder

 3. It has been found that 82% of children with OCD have families high in 

A. expressed motion

B. passive parenting style

C. maternal influence

D. authoritarian parenting style

4. Which of the following is not among the disorders that are reported to be comorbid with obsessive compulsive disorder?

A. Tourette’s
C. Disruptive behavior disorders
D. Bipolar disorder

5. It has been found that 82% of children with OCD have families high in 

A. expressed motion
B. passive parenting style
C. maternal influence
D. authoritarian parenting style

6.   Which of the following did Kovac and colleagues (1988) discover about the depressed children in their longitudinal study?

A. If children has conduct disorder as well as depression, the conduct disorder remained, but the depression dissipated as they go older.

B. Children who has depression earlier grew out of it in their teens.

C. Long-term outcomes for children with depression and conduct disorder were no different than outcomes for children with depression without conduct disorder.

D. Almost one quarter of their sample had evidence of combined depression and conduct disorder by the time the study was completed.

7.  In the 1970’s, the prevailing concept of depression in children was that

A. children experienced anaclitic depression because of a lack of contact comfort

B. depression in children was temporary

C. children’s brain are simply too inexperienced to be depressed.

D. depression in children was demonstrated as a wasting away or marasmus.

  8. In their comparative study of social phobias in teens and adults, Hoffman and colleagues found

A. no evidence to support the idea of phobia subtypes

B. like adults, teens also experienced the generalized subtype of social phobia

C. like adults, teens rated informal speaking as more fearful than formal speaking.

D. teens who experienced a speaking phobia were likely to have a comorbid disorder.

  9. What are the four systems for subtyping bipolar disorder  

A. Age of onset, nature of episodes, clinical phenotypes, and comorbid association

B. Intensity of symptoms, length of cycles, clinical phenotypes, and comorbid association

C. Family history, response to previous treatment, purity of episodes, and ability to control behavior

D. Age of onset, family history, intensity of symptoms, and length of cycles.

  10. Which of the following parental factors increase the risk for child maltreatment?

A. Gender

B. Religious affiliation

C. Poverty

D. Race

  11. What an important feature of the temper outbursts shown in disruptive mood dysregulation disorder?

A. They happens only when the child wakes up

B. They happen only at home

C. They occur once a week or so

D. They’re developmentally inappropriate

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