Role of Emotional Intelligence


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1. This part of your research paper is going to add depth and credibility to the discussion of your chosen topic. Part of the university experience is being able to combine both scholarly research with practical application. Whether it’s business or in the helping professions, we should always be making decisions based on relevant data. If we don’t then many of the decisions were going to make will be arbitrary or based on emotion, and ultimately lacking credibility. The same is true in scholarly research. The conclusions you make about your chosen topic should be based on relevant data, both from the real world and from academia. This adds credibility to what you have to say. To that end, your literature review of your topic will encompass the scope of this paper (Assignment 3). So that your paper is based on good information, you will need to limit your research to academic textbooks, scholarly journal articles. Professional research journals are sometimes published as e-journals, which would be okay. Another acceptable source would be trade journals produced by professional organizations such as the American Psychological Association or American Counseling Association because they are written by scholars/experts. Be sure that the majority of sources you use are from the last 10 years or so.

If you have never written a literature review before, you may want to do a general search of the web (there’s a lot of “how to” help out there) to get a general idea. However, keep in mind that a literature review can be a large paper in itself. Therefore, the literature review for this section of your final research paper would probably be considered, by most standards, a miniature literature review (Approx. 4-7 pages). The overall point of doing a literature review for this research paper is to educate the reader on what experts say about your topic and thus provide a solid foundation. Your literature review is probably going to have the most parenthetical citations in the body of your paper.

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2. Always include a title page, use the same abstract, and reference section with each assignment (appendices if needed). Again each assignment will look like a stand-alone paper. However, when you combine them for the final paper (Assignment 5) you will do some final editing to make it all flow as one paper with one title page, reference section, appendices, etc.

3. Reminder, Assignments 2-4 are only participation grades to keep you on track and moving forward. You are welcome to edit and change anything you want regarding these weekly assignments leading up to putting together the final paper (Assignment 5). In other words, if you reach the week of the final paper and you realize that you need to change something in your writing or content in Assignment 2, you are free to do so as much as you like, nothing is set in stone prior to turning in the final paper. 

Role of Emotional Intelligence


The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Interpersonal Relationships

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Interpersonal Relationships

Emotional intelligence is a sequence of non- intellectual abilities, aptitudes and skills that impact an individual’s levels of flexibility to the pressures and demands of the surrounding. Another definition of Emotional intelligence is the ability of identifying an individual’s own feelings and those of another person for inspiring themselves and for dealing well in themselves and other relationships. Additionally, emotional intelligence is the ability to reason about feelings of our own and others to enhance social relationships (Hall, 2018). According to Reuven emotional intelligence can be divided into five groups including interpersonal, intrapersonal, adaptability, general mood and stress management (Petrovici & Dobrescu, 2014).

Emotional intelligence has meaningly increased popularity in the universe since of its connection with and individuals to handle his or her feeling and managing other persons. Research has shown that individuals with high emotional intelligence are good in recognizing and considering themselves as well as able to respect and sense other individual’s feeling. Moreover, individuals with high emotional intelligence are more positive, resilient and affable than individuals with lower emotional intelligence. In addition, emotional intelligence is combination of cognitive and emotional abilities. Therefore, emotional intelligence offers a foundation for real performance by persons in their corresponding places of occupations thus inspiring growth in any community. Besides high emotional intelligence is tool that allows conflict resolution to occur more simply and efficiently.


Furthermore, emotional intelligence can be learnt though can also be enhanced. Hence the initial step to develop emotional intelligence is in coming to agreement with ones’ feelings and the next phase is to consciously guide actions and thoughts towards a specific recognized path. According Daniel Coleman, one of the recognized advocated emotional intelligence concepts highlight five important emotional intelligence skills. They include self-regulation, self-awareness, internal motivation, empathy, and social skills (Cherry, 2020). On the other hand, building emotional intelligence is a difficult task though people can improve how to interact with others through observation of ones thoughts, identify what works best to calm them down and having a proactive interactives with other people (Hall, 2018).

Individuals who are emotionally intelligence understand four significant things

1. They can read others’ emotions- This is difficult particularly when relating with persons who cannot be very emotion-onward. Thus, its simple to tell an individual is sad when desperate though how can recognize and individual is sad when attempting to hide it? Therefore, emotionally intelligent persons can tell all that

2. Emotionally intelligent persons can understand and control their own feelings. Basically, EI people get in touch with what they feel, rather than stuffing it down, brushing it aside or mislabeling it (Hall, 2018). The management of those feelings is actually the key, this means having the capability to wait to express the frustrations to the manager until the meeting ends since ones recognizes the consequences of expressing it the initial time one feels it. More so, it means holding emotions togethers even if something terrifying is happening.

3. Emotionally intelligent individual understands their opinions, establish their feelings, and that enabling and controlling opinion has the capability to minimize the strength of their feelings. As a result, moods and emotions can also allow specific sorts of thinking; For instance, recognizing you are able to control a fight when you are calm and make appropriate choices when you are not mad.

4. Lastly, emotionally intelligent persons understand the relationship among their actions and other individual’s emotive responses (Hall, 2018). For instance, they recognize that breaking an agreement might result in hurting other people’s feelings.

The role of effective emotional intelligence in interpersonal relationship include: 

Provide effective communication: Therefore, emotional intelligence is effective in interpersonal relationships since good communications facilitates understanding and honesty (Skills You Need, 2020). As a result, emotionally intelligent person are good communicators because they can listen to those around them and ensure they comprehend what is communicated, seek full and open sharing of info. Further they are ready to listen about challenges and deal with the issues right away. Also, good communicators ensure their message in appropriate. 

Problem solving: Disagreements and conflicts can occur at any time hence emotional intelligence enables individuals to handle the problem which leads to effective interpersonal relationship. Thus, good conflict mangers can place disagreements into the table and resolve them. Typically, these individuals utilize sharing of info to motivate debate and honest discussions, minimizing the concealed problems and currents, and assisting each party to identify each other’s emotions as well as rational position. Furthermore, they attempt to get win-win solutions.

Promote good leadership: Emotionally intelligence and leadership skills are intimately connected. It means that individuals who understand their own and other’s emotions can hope to influence (Skills You Need, 2020). Possibly the main feature of good headship is influence and ability to take others along. In short emotional intelligence enables individuals to articulate a dream and stimulate others with it. Also support and guide performance of partners whereas holding them answerable and leading by example. Thus, emotional intelligent leaders facilitate a good working environment to their employees which promote good social relationships among workers and the managers. Additionally, emotionally intelligent people can identify the need for transition and eliminate barriers.

Building bonds: Emotional intelligence enables people to build and maintain connections with other persons (Skills You Need, 2020).  Hence development this ability will facilitate better relations and more good ability to work and get on in life.  Generally, these kinds of persons are great networkers, building and sustaining a rigid network of connections and contacts thus they will possess multiple friends between their work colleagues. Moreover, emotionally intelligent people arable to collaborate, cooperate and work better in teams since they value them more as the activity. Further, they actively cooperate, share ideas, and plans and work as a team to build a better whole. In doing this they endorse a collaborative environment in which all people are invited to participate. In addition, they look for opportunities for joint working. In fact, when emotionally intelligent workers are in a group the team performs better because there is commitment.

Finally create empathy: Emotionally intelligent individuals are better at stepping into other’s people shoes and understand how they feel. In social relationships empathy permits people to appreciate various dynamics among supervisors and colleagues. Moreover, it permits people to identify who has power how it influences the feelings, conducts and interactions that flow from such connections. Lastly emotional intelligence allows people to appreciate other people’s effort even if they are wrong. However, it can be hard at times particularly when one is sure that the individual is wrong.

In a nutshell emotional intelligence is a crucial thing in in promoting interpersonal relationships. Emotionally intelligent persons can understand and control their own feelings as will read other people’s emotions. Also, they understand their opinions, establish their feelings, and that enabling and controlling opinion has the capability to minimize the strength of their feelings. More so emotional intelligence facilitates effective interpersonal relationship through good communication, problem solving, good leadership, establishment of bonds and empathy. Thus, it is important for each person to practice how to emotionally intelligent to improve social relationships either at work, school, or home.



(Skills You Need. (2020). Social skills in emotional intelligence. – Helping You Develop Life Skills.

Cherry, K. (2020, May 5). 5 ways to become more emotionally intelligent at work

Chignell, B. (2019, October 21). The importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace.

Hall, E. D. (2018, 28). Building emotional intelligence for better relationships.

Petrovici, A., & Dobrescu, T. (2014). The role of emotional intelligence in building interpersonal communication skills. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 1405-1410.

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