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I have attach the previous assignment first then I attach the current assignment. PLEASE READ THE RUBRIC IT GIVE SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION.

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Also respond to student posts. When responding to your peers’ posts, consider how the work of the scientists they chose has influenced the modern world. Why does their research matter to us as individuals? Are there any connections to the natural-science topic you identified in your news article?

Carin post


I had to start to think like a scientist. What is required of the scientists today that are tracking and studying these storms, recreating different atmosphere’s and making small disturbances to record what the outcome of said disturbance is? While I reviewed the course material over and over trying to find a link between the scientists in the material and my article I couldn’t link those scientists with the study of hurricanes. 

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I decided to do my own research, if this was not permitted I apologize. What I found however was that Benito Vines in 1870 began the study of hurricanes in Cuba. He devoted most of his adult life to the science of meteorology as well as patterns in weather, and changes of climates and of course hurricanes. The information in which he collected data was in regard to barometric pressure, evaporation, rainfall, temperature, humidity, cloud formation, and wind speed and direction. His direct observations itself led to tracking and predicting of hurricanes as well as weather forecast. Surely Vines studies and observations have paved the way for weather watching, predicting, and forecasting the weather. These studies are directly related to the article in which is chose regarding changes in atmosphere that cause these storms to occur. Without the discoveries of Vines, which progressed into further studies, more technology and information needed today to continue learning about the atmosphere and weather scientists today may not be able to conduct the studies they do regarding weather and storms.

Shalamar post

 The initial article I chose from Science Daily was, ” Look beyond opioids to solve national substance use epidemic.” The scientist that goes hand and hand with this article is Aristotle. Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher that covered many subjects, including physics, biology, ethics, logic, psychology, politics, government, poetry, and many more. His specializations would help focus on people’s substance abuse issues. I believe his methods would help with opioid complexities. Aristotle Being prone to politics and government could help the nation fight this epidemic.
Science has impacted everyday living and exposed the modern impact medicine has on us. I would categorize the opioid crisis as apart of physical science. Aristotle’s views on physics, ethics, and logical thinking are still influencing us today. Aristotle’s philosophical theory “hylomorphism,” which is the concepts of a particular substance and its essence. The opioid is the substance, and the way it affects our bodies would be the essence. When you think of science, Aristotle is apart of the foundation. 

SCI219 Milestone One Worksheet

This milestone activity is the first of several activities that will build toward the completion of your final project for the course. For this milestone activity, you will submit this completed worksheet in which you will outline and identify the elements below regarding your chosen local environmental issue. See the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document for more detailed information. You may use the information from the Module One journal assignment. Be sure to integrate any feedback you received from your instructor on the journal assignment.

For this milestone worksheet assignment, complete the following:

1. Download this Milestone One Worksheet document.

2. Review the Milestone One Rubric.

3. Complete the three parts below that address the critical elements.

NOTE: Refer to your module resources as well as additional resources you identify for information to help you answer the questions below. Remember that you will need to use current APA style guidelines for your citations and reference list in the final project submission. You will note that each question in the worksheet has you track your citations.

You do not need to provide long answers to the questions. You should be concise, writing 3- to 4-sentence responses. Once you receive feedback from your instructor, you will expand on your answers to complete the final paper at the end of the course.

Part I: Environmental Issue

Environmental Issue

A. Identify the local environmental issue you have chosen and briefly describe its impact on the environment on a global level. Also, state specifically which human activities caused the problem. Support your description with scientific facts. Include citations for your resources using APA guidelines as needed.

Water pollution has a great impact on the environment on especially in developing countries where disease outbreaks such as typhoid and cholera have been reported as the primary cause of infant mortality. The main causes of water pollution is inappropriate disposal of domestic wastes, excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides as well as population growth (Haseena et al., 2017). When the substances are released into the environment they get their ways into water bodies and after consumption affect the human health negatively.

B. Describe the impact of this environmental issue on your local community. This may include impact on local ecology or impact on local human activities. Support your description with specific examples.

In the local community, water pollution has been associated with depletion of aquatic life. Some elements released into water bodies results in overgrowth of algae which in turn reduces the supply of oxygen in water (Denchak, 2018). Animals and plants which depend on the oxygen may die or rather get depleted.

Part II: Human Impact

Ecological Processes

A. Identify the ecological processes that are impacted by this environmental issue and briefly describe how each has been impacted by the environmental issue. Support your description with scientific facts.

Water pollution results in death of organisms that live in water bodies such as fish, crabs and seagulls. Insufficient oxygen in the water results in death of the organism. Water pollution also disrupts the natural food chain. For instance, the use of DDT insecticide results in laying thin-shelled eggs by birds of prey which rely fish for survival (Denchark, 2018).

Haseena, M., Faheem Malik, M., Javed, A., Arshad, S., Asif, N., Zulfiqar, S., & Hanif, J. (2017). Water pollution and human health. Environmental Risk Assessment And Remediation, 01(03). doi: 10.4066/2529-8046.100020
Denchak, M. (2018). Water Pollution: Everything You Need to Know. Retrieved 16 September 2020, from

SCI 219 Module Four Activity Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: This activity will aid you in completing the potential solutions and personal impact sections of the final project. Based on the issue you have chosen to
investigate, you will assess your personal contribution to the problem by analyzing your consumption and/or use of the resource.

Prompt: For this assignment, think about your personal contribution to the environmental issue you chose to present for the final project. Then, you can either
monitor and record your consumption or use for a few days and extrapolate the information to represent a year or gather existing data that represents your
annual consumption or use.

For example, if the issue you chose to investigate is local air pollution, you could monitor and record how far you drive for a few days, then extrapolate that
information to represent a year. This data could be presented as a summary table. You could also summarize your home electric use for the past year using
utility bills and present this data as a graph of use over time. Then, state how automobile fuel and the source of your home power (coal, solar, wind, natural gas)
impact air pollution. Using the Global Footprint Network’s Footprint Calculator or statistics from credible online sources, comment on whether your fuel and
power use are typical of U.S. consumption rates and how they rate globally. List the possible alternatives to your resource use (e.g., buy a more fuel-efficient car,
carpool or ride a bicycle to work, switch to solar or wind power for electricity). End your submission with a candid discussion of the changes you would consider
making to reduce your impact on the resource (e.g., will carpool but will not ride a bike, greener sources of electricity are not available in my area but will adjust
my thermostat to use less electricity).

Submit your data as a table or figure and answer the following questions. To aid your reflection, you may want to refer back to your results from Module One
from the Global Footprint Network’s Footprint Calculator.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

 Explain (in 1 to 2 paragraphs) how your use of the resource impacts the environmental issue you have chosen.

 Discuss (in 1 to 2 paragraphs) whether your use of the resource is typical of U.S. consumption rates and how your personal use rates globally. Support
your discussion with scientific fact.

 List the possible alternatives to lessen your resource use. (This list should have at least three alternatives.)

 Discuss (in 1 to 2 paragraphs) the changes you would consider making to lessen your personal impact on the resource.

Guidelines for Submission: This assignment is not a formal paper, but your answers should be submitted as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with
double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. You must include a properly labeled table, figure, or graph to represent the data. Use
and properly cite at least three sources in APA format and list them at the end of the document.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Use of Resource Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides exceptional detail in
explaining how personal use of
the resource impacts the
environmental issue

Explains how personal use of the
resource impacts the
environmental issue

Explains how personal use of the
resource impacts the
environmental issue but
explanation lacks details or is

Does not explain how personal
use of the resource impacts the
environmental issue



Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides exceptional detail in
discussing whether personal use
of resource is typical of U.S.
consumption rates and how
personal use rates globally

Discusses whether personal use
of resource is typical of U.S.
consumption rates and how
personal use rates globally

Discusses whether personal use
of resource is typical of U.S.
consumption rates and how
personal use rates globally but
discussion lacks details or is

Does not discuss whether
personal use of resource is typical
of U.S. consumption rates or how
personal use rates globally


List List three possible alternatives to
lessen resource use

Does not list three possible
alternatives to lessen resource


Changes Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides exceptional detail in
discussing changes to consider
making to lessen personal impact
on the resource

Discusses changes to consider
making to lessen personal impact
on the resource

Discusses changes to consider
making to lessen personal impact
on the resource but discussion
lacks details or is unclear

Discusses changes to consider
making to lessen personal impact
on the resource

Articulation of

Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and organization
and is presented in a professional
and easy-to-read format

Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of


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