Assignment #5: Native American Athletes

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  1. The Title of the Film and why you chose it.  (5 points)
  2. Director, Leading actors/actresses and brief Summary of the plot.  (5 points)
  3. Who was favorite actor/actress in the film and discuss who did a good job and who did not. Use specific details. Or you could talk about your least favorite actor or actress. (10 Points)
  4. Talk about what you liked about the movie and what you did not like.  Be sure to include specific details and scenes.   You need specific examples which could include dialogue, if appropriate, to support what you liked or did not like. (10 Points)
  5. What lessons did you learn from this story (10 points)
  6. Grammar/Sentence Structure (5 points)

Assignment #5: Native American Athletes


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Category V Native American Athletes, Suggested Due Date: 10/02

Follow the outline, keep your writing concise and to the point.  Do not try and baffle me with B.S.  Don’t waste your time – get to the point.  I would expect the word count to be 200-500 words, which is about 1 page double spaced.

I. The


of the Film and why you chose it.  (5 points)

II. Director, Leading actors/actresses and brief Summary of the plot.  (5 points)

III. Who was favorite actor/actress in the film and discuss who did a good job and who did not. Use specific details.   Or you could talk about your least favorite actor or actress. (10 Points)

IV. Talk about what you liked about the movie and what you did not like.  Be sure to include specific details and scenes.   You need specific examples which could include dialogue, if appropriate, to support what you liked or did not like. (10 Points)

V. What lessons did you learn from this story (10 points)

VI. Grammar/Sentence Structure (5 points)

Category V Native American Athletes

Select 1 film from this category




Crooked Arrows


Lacrosse is oldest organized sport in North America

Edge of America

Basketball – True story

An African American teacher/coach of a Navajo women’s high school basketball team.  Depicts Native Americans struggle to balance traditional lifestyle in today’s society. Interesting point of view on racism.

Indian Horse


A 6-year old Ojibwe boy is taken from his family and sent to a Government school.  This was common practice in those times.

Jim Thorpe

Football, Track, Olympics

A docudrama about Jim Thorpe.  This is a classic older film from 1951.  It real displays the racism against Native Americans.  Thorpe is taken from his home and forced to the Carlisle Indian school and then became one of America’s greatest athletes.

The Rider


Interesting film; true story – no professional actors, no sets.  It was filmed mostly on the Pine Ridge Reservation.  It is about a rodeo Bronc rider his head injury and his rehab.  The scenes are real.

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