Policy assignment 2

Assignment: Healthcare Around the World

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“The American healthcare system is the best in the world.”

“Everybody eventually gets the care they need.”

“Almost always the quality of care people get is very good.”

“The cost of care in America is not really a problem.”

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“If you like your care, nothing about it will change.”

Which statements are true? Which are false?

According to Dr. William Roper, these are common myths and misconceptions about the U.S. healthcare system. During his presentation at a conference at Emory University in 2011, Dr. Roper, Dean of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine and CEO of UNC Health Care System, explains why each statement is not true and what the future holds for U.S. healthcare. You can watch his presentation on YouTube. The link is provided in the Learning Resources area (under Required Media).

The purpose of this Assignment is for you to compare the U.S. healthcare system to the healthcare systems of at least two other countries on dimensions of performance, specifically access, affordability, quality and safety, efficiency, and health outcomes.

To prepare for this Assignment:

· Select two countries to compare to the U.S. Choose one developed country and one developing country for comparison.

· Read Chapter 2: Health, Health Care, and the Market Economy (Barr, 2016), specifically pages 24–41, located in the Learning Resources.

· Read Factors associated with multiple barriers to access to primary care: An international analysis (Corscadden, Levesque, Lewis, Strumpf, Breton, & Russell, 2018). Located in the Learning Resources area.

· Read Mirror, mirror on the wall: How the performance of the U.S. health care system compares internationally (Davis, Kristof, Squires, & Schoen, 2014). Located in the Learning Resources area.

· Carefully read the instructions for completing the Healthcare Around the World Template, located in the Required Learning Resources area.

To complete this Assignment:

Complete the Healthcare Around the World Template, located in the Required Learning Resources area.

Support the narrative portion of the template with in-text citations and references from specific Learning Resources and outside scholarly sources.

By Day 7 of Week 5

Submit your Assignment.

Required readings:









Health System Dashboard

Assignment 2—Healthcare Around the World Template

Name: Date:

The purpose of this Assignment is for you to compare the U.S. healthcare system to healthcare systems in at least two other countries on dimensions of performance, specifically access and cost, quality (includes safety), efficiency (measured by % of GNP), cost to the consumer, and health outcomes.

To successfully complete this Assignment, you need to do the following:

Select two countries to compare to the United States. Choose one developed country and one developing country for comparison.

Read Chapter 2: Health, Health Care, and the Market Economy (Barr, 2016), specifically pages 24 through 41, located in Week 4 Learning Resources area.

Read Factors associated with multiple barriers to access to primary care: An international analysis (Corscadden, Levesque, Lewis, Strumpf, Breton, & Russell, 2018), located in Week 4 Learning Resources area.

Read Mirror, mirror on the wall: How the performance of the U.S. health care system compares internationally (Davis, Kristof, Squires, & Schoen, 2014), located in Week 4 Learning Resources area.

Fill in the table and answer all the questions below.

Follow APA guidelines. Support the narrative portions of your Assignment with specific in-text citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources, as appropriate. Include all sources in the Reference section.

Submit by Day 7 in Week 5. Save your Assignment document according to the instructions provided in Week 5.

Data Sources (Use these sources to help you complete this assignment.)*

The World Health Organization: Global Health Observatory (GHO) Data site at http://www.who.int/gho/countries/en/.

The World Bank Data Catalog site at https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/search?sort_by=field_
The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care at http://www.dartmouthatlas.org/data/topic/, located in Week 4 Optional Learning Resources area.
Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker at https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/dashboard/. Located in Week 4 Optional Learning Resources area.
*These are great data sources that have been provided to help you complete this Assignment; however, do not rely solely on them for all data. You may have to search other data sources to get the most current information, depending on the countries you have selected for comparison. Always provide the most current reporting year with any statistic you insert into the table below.
Instructions: Type your answers directly into the document. The space will expand as you type. Be sure that “track changes” is off under the “Review” tab before you begin.
Fully respond to the following questions and complete the table.
Identify and briefly describe why you selected each comparison country. Consider using demographics (e.g., race, age, socioeconomic status, education level, etc.) to describe each country.
Complete the table below.

United States

Insert name of country

Insert name of country

Country Demographics: Choose
at least 3
different demographics. Provide a statistic and the reporting year for each one. Be sure to list each demographic below and use the same demographics for all three countries. Example demographics include age, birth rate, death rate, median income, education level, religious affiliation, etc.

Health expenditure per capita: Provide the statistic and reporting year.

Total expenditure on health as % of GNP: Provide the statistic and reporting year.

Who pays for healthcare? List all. (i.e., government, private insurance, out-of-pocket, etc.)

Quality: Use
at least 2
of the indicators below to describe this dimension for each country.
· Safety
· Coordinated care
· Patient-centered
· Other (choose an indicator not listed)

Access: Use
at least 2
of the indicators below to describe this dimension for each country.
· Physicians per 1,000 people
· Insurance coverage
· Equity in care
· Proximity of healthcare facilities and services
· Other (choose an indicator not listed)

Behavioral Patterns: Provide a statistic and the reporting year for each bullet.
· Smoking
· Inactivity
· Alcohol use
· Obesity

Health Outcomes: Provide a statistic and the reporting year for each bullet.
· Life expectancy at birth (female)
· Life expectancy at birth (male)
· Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)
· Death rate for cardiovascular diseases (per 100,000)
· Death rate for malignant diseases (per 100,000)
· Other (choose at least one other health outcome of your choice)

From the data gathered, describe what you have learned about the comparison healthcare systems and how they compare to the United States. Frame your response using the different dimensions of performance and other indicators shown in the table. (Must be at least 350–500 words).
From the data gathered, what relationships do you see between healthcare cost, access, and quality; country demographics; behavioral patterns; and health outcomes? Provide specific examples. What do these data tell you about the health of a country?
Considering what you have learned about the healthcare system of the two countries as compared to the United States, describe a healthcare policy recommendation that you might make to improve healthcare for U.S. consumers. Frame the policy using at least one of the dimensions of performance discussed in this Assignment.

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