PowerPoint APA 7th edition

In Unit II, you started your Personal Leadership Training Plan and focused on attributes. In this unit, you will add knowledge to your plan.

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Within your presentation, respond to the following points:

  • Describe the knowledge that you need to be a successful leader within your field of study. In order to do this, you may want to research job descriptions and organizations’ employment websites.
  • What knowledge do you already possess that will benefit you in your future career as a leader? What knowledge do you still need, and how do you plan to obtain this knowledge?
  • How will you leverage your knowledge to motivate and empower your employees?
  • What can you do to increase workplace morale?

Your completed PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. Submit only the specific segment concerning knowledge. Additionally, a minimum of two peer-reviewed or academic resources must be used. Keep the text on the slides concise, and use the notes section to fully explain your ideas. All sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA style.

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