
Assume variable x is local to the main module and to moduleG in the following pseudocode. The statement numbers next to the code is not part of the code and is only given for reference. Answer the questions (a-c) following the pseudocode.Statement number1Main2BEGIN3    x = 14    moduleG(6)5    IF (x < 4) THEN6         x = moduleH(-1, 3)7    ELSE8         x = moduleH(10, 20)9    ENDIF10DISPLAY x11END1213moduleG(var1)14BEGIN15    x = 516    sum= x + var117    DISPLAY sum18END1920moduleH(var1, var2)21BEGIN22    sum = var1 + var23    RETURN sum24END252627What is the expected output of the algorithm if the main module is invoked?Briefly explain how you determined the expected output. [4 marks]Draw the structure chart with the data type exchanged between modules. [3 marks]Use the provided statement numbers to write down the order of statements executed. Include all statement numbers except module names and other statements such as BEGIN, END, ELSE and ENDIF. 

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