Institutional Treatment of Criminal Offender – The Correctional Client.


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Institutional Treatment of Criminal Offender – The Correctional Client

Required Textbook: Clear, T., Cole, G., & Reisig, M. (2013). American Corrections. (11th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

Please read chapter 6 and respond to the following Critical Thinking Questions. You will also respond to 2 of your peers:

Is the process by which correctional clients are selected discriminatory? What might be done to reduce actual or perceived discrimination? How does the classification of correctional clients reflect the fragmentation of corrections? What role should public opinion play in categorizing various offenders for the purpose of punishing them? Is classifying offenders according to the probability of future criminal conduct a good idea? What are the dangers of the practice? What are its advantages? What policy recommendations would you make with regard to the way career criminals are handled?

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When responding to a student’s post, be sure to use and address the following:

Career Criminals

Classification System

Long-term Prisoners

Mentally Handicapped Offender

Sex Offenders

Situational Offender

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