Assessment 3- Revision


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Note: Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.


Vila Health is considering either upgrading its current system or implementing a new one. No matter what the final decision is, as an administrator, you must be prepared for a major overhaul or change to the health information system at Vila Health.

The chief operations officer has asked you to prepare an executive summary explaining each key step involved in developing an implementation plan, including a process and timeline to collect and analyze data, generate reports, facilitate decision making, and determine the resource requirements for a health information system (HIS).

Complete the Vila Health: Health Care Information System Implementation interactive simulation, linked in the Resources. Gather preliminary information that will allow you to develop a process and timeline for a health care information system project. You may also wish to review the previous Vila Health simulations for additional information.

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In addition, you may also wish to use the Capella University Library to explore topics relevant to project management for HIS implementation.


Develop a high-level plan for implementing a new or upgraded health information system.

Note: Remember that you can submit all—or a portion of—your draft plan to Smarthinking for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.

Document Format and Length

Format your implementation plan using APA style.

Use the APA Style Paper Template, linked in the

Required Resources

. An APA Style Paper Tutorial is also provided (linked in the Suggested Resources) to help you in writing and formatting your plan. Be sure to include:

A title page and references page. An abstract is not required.
A running head on all pages.
Appropriate section headings.

  • Your implementation plan should be 4–6 pages in length, not including the title page and references page.
  • Supporting Evidence

    Cite at least two sources of credible scholarly or professional evidence to support your plan.

    Executive Summary

    Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your implementation plan addresses each point, at a minimum. You may also want to read the HIS Implementation Scoring Guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.

    • Outline a plan for collecting and analyzing data.

      What data do you need to collect and analyze?
      What are the likely sources of that data?
      How do you plan to analyze the data?

    • Propose criteria for evaluating organizational needs.

      What evidence do you have that supports your proposed criteria?

    • Outline a plan for generating reports.

      What information should be communicated to decision makers?
      When, and how often, should reports be generated?

    • Identify the personnel and logistics needed to carry out the implementation plan.

      What are the key project requirements and considerations?
      How will you justify the needs you have identified?

    • Propose a project timeline.

      What assumptions underlie your timeline?
      Consider areas of uncertainty or lack of information that could lead to delays and missed deadlines.
      What contingencies should you account for?

    • Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.

      Express your main points and conclusions coherently.
      Proofread your writing to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your plan.


    Use this template for your implementation plan.

    • APA Style Paper Template [DOCX].

    Required Resources

    The following resources are required to complete the assessment.

    • Vila Health: Health Care Information System Implementation | Transcript.

      This multimedia simulation will enable you to practice acquiring and analyzing key information, assessing business needs, identifying necessary resources, and determining a timeline for installing a new system or upgrading the existing system at one of Vila Health’s new acquisitions.


    Running Head: Implementation Plan

    Implementation Plan

    Submitted By:

    Assignment 3

    6th Jan, 2020


    The expectation is that the extremely generous monetary, human, and hierarchical speculations being made in electronic health records, electronic endorsing, entire framework telehealth care, and related advances will streamline individual and authoritative work forms and along these lines improve the quality, security, and productivity of care. Actually, in any case, that these innovations may demonstrate disappointing for cutting edge clinicians and associations as the frameworks may not accommodate their standard work processes, and the foreseen individual and authoritative advantages set aside some effort to appear.

    Types of data to be analysed and how to implement it.

    Different health related data are required to screen and better comprehend the strength of the populace, including the occurrence and predominance of malady, dreariness and mortality related with intense and interminable disease, social hazard elements, disability, and the personal satisfaction. Data are likewise expected to plan, actualize, and assess health arrangements, projects, and administrations. The data to address these issues are delivered and utilized in both people in general and private divisions and, progressively, by open private organizations. The plan will be rolled out from the top management all the way to patients receiving treatment in the hospital. Memos with messages regarding the upgrade will be put on all notice boards in the hospital hallways.

    Criteria for evaluation of the organization

    Evaluation is a significant device for improving administration. Through hierarchical appraisal – usually known as Evaluation – the adequacy of an association is estimated as far as its working, issues and accomplishments from both the behavioural and social framework perspectives. Hierarchical evaluation in this way includes estimation of factors identified with examples of authoritative conduct and viability. It can assume a significant job in helping administrators improve the productivity and viability of their tasks and can be an instrument for making open help for the examination projects and effort exercises.

    Contingent on when Evaluation is directed, it might be ex bet, current or ex post. Ex risk Evaluation is directed preceding execution. It includes examination of inside and outer consistency of plans, projects and tasks before their usage. Current or progress Evaluation is led during usage. It gauges the degree of utilization of assets and materials; the execution of exercises and the fractional outcomes came to in connection to the set plans. It is otherwise called checking or simultaneous Evaluation, since it happens at numerous focuses during execution. Ex post Evaluation is led after execution. It includes Evaluation of the outcomes and effect in connection to the set destinations

    When planning a report, the following must be put into consideration:

    · Characterize the issue and the motivation behind the report

    It is critical to examine the issue and characterize your motivation. It is valuable at this phase to ask yourself inquiries, for example, the accompanying:

    What will the report examine?

    What is the extent of your examination?

    What are the restrictions of your examination?

    What technique will you use to direct your examination?

    What is the centrality of this examination?

    Characterizing the motivation behind your report is generally significant. When you have decided the motivation behind the report, it will be simpler to characterize your crowd and the data you have to gather.

    · Characterize the crowd

    · Decide the Ideas to Include

    · Gather the Data

    · Sort and Evaluate the Data

    · Compose the Data

    · Set up the Outline

    The outlined criteria will be used when generating weekly reports that will focus on the progress of the new upgrades. The data will be sent directly to the top management of the organization.

    Numerous health data innovation acquirements depend on expected advantages, which are regularly ineffectively determined. This can bring about troubles conceding to a mutual vision over the social insurance association. While terms like ‘improved nature of care’ and ‘improved effectiveness’ are regularly utilized, nitty gritty results coming about because of explicit usefulness are difficult to gauge and to envision as most executions require crucial changes to operational procedures.

    Consent from the top management

    Proficient, administrative, and managerial agreement should be worked around the key vision, notwithstanding making the way to help the acknowledgment of this vision. This may include thinking about whether to focus on radical changes over the association (e.g., through executing electronic health record usefulness), or whether to concentrate on streamlining explicit procedures (e.g, electronic recommending) at first and afterward extending usefulness over the long run.


    When the requirement for a mechanical framework has been built up, it is critical to submit sufficient time and assets to completely consider various choices as far as which system(s) to pick. We have discovered that this part of planning and the related composition of business cases and acquisition contemplations are some of the time under-assessed and regularly hurried.

    Reasonable systems to address clinical issues

    When a choice on the essential kind of framework has been made, it is critical to base the last decision on hierarchical, yet additionally on clinical needs. A framework ought to be both fit for authoritative reason and fit for clinical practice.

    Planning and follow up

    It takes both focused on and intelligent endeavours to get ready for transformative hierarchical endeavours of any sort. In spite of the fact that adaptability in procedure is required, there are some broad pointers that will in general portray compelling arrangement crosswise over associations and advancements. These incorporate the previously mentioned need to connect widely with potential providers and different associations who have just actualized, yet in addition the choice to organize the usage of usefulness that can carry advantages to the best number of end-clients as ahead of schedule as could be expected under the circumstances.

    Building up the correct foundation is a basic piece of planning action. On the off chance that this isn’t managed adequate consideration, at that point programming frameworks may perform sub-ideally (e.g., if remote systems are inaccessible or data transmission is excessively thin), or might be out of reach to clients by and large. Once more, this builds the likelihood that frameworks are not utilized at all or utilized in manners other than proposed, conceivably bargaining advantages and expanding dangers related with innovative frameworks

    Training the staff to follow the plan

    Prepared clients will in general be happier with new advancements than the individuals who have not been enough prepared. This might be because of an absence of comprehension of framework abilities, which can thusly prompt workarounds whereby the new frameworks are utilized in unintended manners—or more terrible still—maintained a strategic distance from totally.

    The best preparing is what is customized to the individual jobs of clients, without being excessively prohibitive as this can undermine comprehension of how the entire framework capacities. Preparing needs to enable clients to rehearse ‘hands-on’ and as intently mimic the real workplace as could be expected under the circumstances.

    Assessment of the plan

    In spite of the fact that it is currently broadly perceived that Evaluation is significant when thinking about new advances, actually it is still, as a rule, an untimely idea as quick execution exercises take need. Constant, longitudinal data assortment techniques giving developmental criticism are alluring as rising outcomes can be joined in on-going usage action, yet this is expensive and tedious.

    Keep up the framework

    Upkeep is from numerous points of view identified with the entirety of the above focuses as these issues should be returned to intermittently all through the innovation lifecycle. All things considered, upkeep merits specific consideration as it is regularly under-evaluated in connection to related exercises and cost. This isn’t just the situation in connection to on-going expenses (e.g., relating to help, framework, and framework updates), yet in addition costs identifying with potential framework changes as the vital points of associations and thusly the capacities of existing mechanical frameworks are probably going to change after some time.

    Careful planning and on-going, basic Evaluation of progress are fundamental to the effective execution of significant health data innovation. Taking a lifecycle point of view on the execution of mechanical frameworks will, we trust, help associations to keep away from a portion of the very regularly experienced entanglements and improve the probability of fruitful usage and reception. It is, nonetheless, imperative to remember that, in spite of the fact that the stages and contemplations examined here were portrayed in a straight way, they may somewhat cover. This is predictable with the intricate idea of huge scale health data innovation usage, where a scope of various between related elements are having an effect on everything. Implementation of the project will be undertaken on the 1st of July 2020. This timeline will give everyone a chance to adjust to the new strategies and working conditions.


    Berg, M. (2001). Implementing information systems in health care organizations: myths and challenges. International journal of medical informatics, 64(2-3), 143-156.

    Hash, J., Bowen, P., Johnson, A., Smith, C. D., & Steinberg, D. I. (2005). An introductory resource guide for implementing the health insurance portability and accountability act (HIPAA) security rule. US Department of Commerce, Technology Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology.

    1/9/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool 1/7

    u03a1 – Health Information System Implementation
    Learner: Monna , Joseph


    This paper is not very clear and specific. You have very genialized explanations of data and are not discussing

    data requirements from meaningful use and merit-based incentives. Also you are not supporting the data needs

    with CURRENT academic sources. You only have 2 references both from well over 10 years ago. You need

    research current trends and best practices from recent sources.

    See the rubric below for more specifics.


    1/9/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool 2/7


    Outline a plan for collecting and analyzing data.


    Incorporate project management principles into health care administration management and leadership.

    NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not outline a plan for collecting and analyzing data.


    Outlines a plan for collecting and analyzing data that is impracticable or unlikely to yield limited data for


    PROFICIENT: Outlines a plan for collecting and analyzing data.


    Outlines a plan for collecting and analyzing data. Provides a concise and well-articulated outline that

    identifies specific data needs and a clear approach to analysis.


    I am not see a plan that alignes with current trends in health care. Plan needs to address specific data that

    would common in an EHR and meet current legislative requirments.


    1/9/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool 3/7


    Propose criteria for evaluating organizational needs.

    Incorporate project management principles into health care administration management and leadership.

    NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not propose criteria for evaluating organizational needs.


    Proposes criteria for evaluating organizational needs that may lead to erroneous conclusions.

    PROFICIENT: Proposes criteria for evaluating organizational needs.


    Proposes criteria for evaluating organizational needs, and provides relevant, credible evidence that

    clearly validates the proposed criteria.


    Very unclear and is not alinging with best practices from AHIMA, HIMSS or Health IT,gov. Research

    current oversight organizations


    1/9/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool 4/7


    Outline a plan for generating reports.

    Incorporate project management principles into health care administration management and leadership.

    NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not outline a plan for generating reports.


    Outlines a plan for generating reports that is impracticable or unlikely to provide all of the information

    necessary to support sound decision making.

    PROFICIENT: Outlines a plan for generating reports.


    Outlines a plan for generating reports. Provides a concise and well-articulated outline that establishes

    clear expectations for stakeholders regarding the information they will receive.


    Also very unclear as to the specific data analysis needs – address key stakeholders by describing the



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    Identify the personnel and logistics needed to carry out an implementation plan.

    Incorporate project management principles into health care administration management and leadership.


    Does not identify the resources and logistics needed to carry out an implementation plan.

    BASIC: Overlooks key considerations or identifies resources where the need is unclear.

    PROFICIENT: Identifies the personnel and logistics needed to carry out an implementation plan.


    Identifies the personnel and logistics needed to carry out an implementation plan. Provides a

    comprehensive, perceptive, and justifiable needs assessment based on specific project requirements.


    This is not aligning with what is current today in health IT. You should focus on meaningufl use guidelines

    and merit-based incentives as guide as well as project management best practices. Your analysis of

    logistics was vague and unclear


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    Propose a project timeline.

    Incorporate project management principles into health care administration management and leadership.

    NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not propose a project timeline.

    BASIC: Proposes a project timeline based on unrealistic time estimates.

    PROFICIENT: Proposes a project timeline.


    Proposes a project timeline that explicitly acknowledges underlying assumptions and identifies the

    factors that could significantly alter the proposed timeline.


    I am not seeing an actual project timeline. You only stated the project will take place on July 2020. This is

    not what we are looking for. We want to see timeframes such as needs assessment completed by x

    months/weeks, EHR selction completed by X months weeks etc. Should have all the steps in the project

    timed out.


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    Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.


    Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with

    applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.


    Does not write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.


    Writing is unclear and disorganized, includes errors in grammar and mechanics that inhibit effective

    communication, or contains incorrect or improperly formatted source citations and references.

    PROFICIENT: Writes clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.


    Writes clearly and concisely. Grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting are error-free.


    APA is not being followed

    APA you must bold/center your headings, use hanging indent for references. Fix grammar errors


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