part B

 Topic:  Reducing tobacco use among adults 

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Include the following in your paper:

  • Introduction:

    Provide an overview of the community health issue as described in Part A with identified causes and influences, including knowledge gaps. 
    Detail the prevalence of the issue inside and outside the United States.
    Describe potential monetary costs associated with the issue in the United States.
    You must include data as part of your introduction (images, charts, graphs, etc., may be included as well as written data).

  • Describe advance practice roles and management strategies that affect change at the community level.
  • Identify key community and social resources that negatively and positively affect the selected issue.
  • Identify changes or enhancements in community-related services for your selected topic.
  • Develop a strategic plan that could decrease the prevalence of your selected topic.The goals for this plan needs to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Include how your plan takes into consideration health literacy, socioeconomic factors, and cultural differences.
  • Conclusion:

    A summary of the goals and challenges
    An assessment of the outlook for action/progress

  • Appendix A: Include your community assessment from Week 3 as Appendix A.

Your paper should be 4 pages in length (not including the cover or reference pages). Use APA throughout.

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Include 3 scholarly sources that are carefully selected and appropriate to the topic. References should be current—no more than four years old.

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