9-1 Final Project Submission: Network Analysis and Architecture Evaluation

I have done a terrible job at writing my milestone pages because I don’t understand and can’t wrap my head around this networking details my instructor wants. I’m attaching the final rubric for the final paper and would like to see how much you would charge to make an A on this and do it for me. 

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IT 640 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric

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Within an organization, the dependability of network infrastructures has become less of a want and more of a need. Without a fully developed communication
architecture around business growth, efficiencies, and competitive advantage, many companies will find themselves underperforming. Network connectivity
used to be considered a luxury for many businesses, but it has recently become a critical piece of an organization. The fundamental understanding of how
networks play such a big role in the success of a company has to be assessed from the basic approach of the advancement in Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) communication and the functionality of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model.

Understanding how a network communicates is key to understanding how your corporate applications and services work within the business. Your
understanding around the concepts of IP communication, devices used to communicate, and the traffic that is continually passed between devices is the first key
to gaining the understanding of network infrastructure. The knowledge you develop through this course will help build on your basic understanding of network
infrastructures and the components that are critical to the success of any business communication architecture.

For your final project, you will assume the role of a network consultant for an organization looking to expand its communication reach. You have been be tasked
with analyzing the current network architecture of the organization and determining any key changes that should occur as the organization prepares for future
growth. You will evaluate traffic patterns to determine critical aspects of your business and provide basic insight into what should be done to the network from a
capability aspect and from a security viewpoint as the organization prepares for future growth. Ultimately, you will recommend a design for the future network
architecture of the organization.

The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three, Five, and Seven. The final product will be submitted in Module Nine.

Before beginning your project, read the Final Project Scenario document about SNHUEnergy, Inc., an organization that is looking to expand its operations. Then,
review all of the logical and physical design diagrams as well as the Wireshark capture showing the traffic patterns of the organization’s current network. These
files are provided below:

 Milestone One Physical Diagram – Current

 Final Project Physical Diagram – Current

 Memphis Office Logical Design – Current

 Physical Network Design Example

 Logical Network Design Example

 Dallas Office Logical Design – Current

 Traffic Flow Wireshark Capture









In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

 Determine how network applications communicate from end to end by applying the network Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model

 Analyze the network infrastructure of an existing network for determining what the basic traffic patterns are communicating

 Recommend an effective architecture design for supporting communication needs throughout an organization

 Analyze network traffic patterns for informing a network design that mitigates performance and security issues

 Develop recommendations for designing and maintaining a secure network infrastructure in accordance with industry standard best practices

Imagine that you are a newly hired network consultant for SNHUEnergy, Inc. The leadership team at the organization has asked you to create a network analysis
and architecture evaluation on the current network. Your report will also include design recommendations for the organization’s future network architecture,
including basic recommendations to mitigate any potential performance or security issues.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Executive Summary: Provide a high-level overview of the contents of your report for the leadership team. Include your findings around data traffic
flows, applications impacted, and the overall network and security recommendations for the future needs of the organization.

II. Current Network Architecture: In this section, you will analyze the information provided in the SNHUEnergy, Inc. scenario to provide high-level
assumptions about the design of the network.

A. Identify the network applications that are a part of the current network.
B. Describe how the current network is designed by explaining how the different layers of the Open Systems Interconnection

(OSI) model relate to each other within the network.
C. Develop a visual representation of an end-to-end path flow of the existing network by creating a Visio diagram showing the output

of the traffic flows. Use the provided logical network design example as a guide for creating your diagram, and include your diagram
with your submission.

D. Explain the types of physical network devices used in connecting all devices across the organization based on what you know from
the scenario.

E. Identify the critical traffic patterns currently used by the organization, supported by examples. Use the provided Wireshark
capture to guide your response.

F. Describe the traffic patterns that the organization’s critical applications take across the infrastructure from office to office.
Remember, the organization’s critical applications were specified in the scenario.

G. Describe the potential performance issues that may occur within the current network if no changes are made to support the organization’s
expansion. Provide examples to support your response.

H. Describe the potential security issues that may occur within the current network if no changes are made to support the organization’s
expansion. Provide examples to support your response.

III. Future Network Architecture
A. Determine the future communication needs of the organization based on what you know from the scenario.
B. Describe in detail a network architecture that would be appropriate for supporting the ultimate growth of the organization and defend how this

recommended network would improve communication across the company.
C. Develop a visual representation of your recommended network architecture by creating a Visio diagram. Use the provided physical network

design example as a guide for creating your diagram, and include your diagram with your submission.

IV. Planning and Security
A. Recommend the best approach to mitigate the potential performance and security issues that you previously identified, and defend your

B. Recommend a network management tool to implement into the future network and explain its potential benefit to the organization.
C. Recommend types of security devices that you would implement into the existing network, and explain how the devices would mitigate

potential security issues.
D. Explain the changes that need to be made to existing devices on the network in order to successfully integrate the security devices into the

future network design.
E. Describe specific challenges that the organization might face as it attempts to implement the future network, and recommend ways to mitigate

those challenges.
F. Concisely explain the overall risk for the network and the organization of not keeping security services up to standard.

Milestone One: Project Analysis Plan
In Module Three, you will analyze the final project scenario and provide a nontechnical description of the role and functions of key network components. This
milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

Milestone Two: Current Network Architecture
In Module Five, you will analyze the information provided in the SNHUEnergy, Inc. scenario to provide high-level assumptions about the design of the network.
This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.

Milestone Three: Future Network Architecture
In Module Seven, you will determine the future communication needs of the organization based on the work you have done and what you know about
SNHUEnergy Inc. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.

Final Submission: Network Analysis and Architecture Evaluation
In Module Nine, you will be completing Section IV. Planning and Security, and you will submitting your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact
containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be
graded with the Final Project Rubric.

Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading

One Project Analysis Plan Three Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric

Two Current Network Architecture Five Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric

Three Future Network Architecture Seven Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric

Final Submission: Network Analysis and
Architecture Evaluation

Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric

Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your network analysis and architecture evaluation should be 10 to 12 pages in length with 12-point Times New Roman font and
double spacing.

Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value

Executive Summary:

Provides a high-level overview
of the contents of the report,
including findings around data
traffic flows, applications
impacted, and the network and
security recommendations for
the future needs of the
organization (100%)

Provides an overview of the
contents of the report, but
overview is overly detailed or is
missing required components

Does not provide an overview
of the contents of the report


Current Network

Network Applications

Identifies the network
applications that are a part of
the current network (100%)

Identifies the network
applications that are a part of
the current network, but
response contains inaccuracies

Does not identify the network
applications that are a part of
the current network (0%)


Current Network
Architecture: OSI


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of the
design of the current network

Describes how the current
network is designed by
explaining how the different
layers of the OSI model relate
to each other within the
network (90%)

Describes how the current
network is designed, but does
not explain how the different
layers of the OSI model relate
to each other within the
network, or description
contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not describe how the
current network is designed


Current Network
Architecture: Visual


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
diagram created demonstrates
a complex grasp of the end-to-
end path flow of the existing
network (100%)

Develops a visual
representation of an end-to-
end path flow of the existing
network by creating a Visio
diagram showing the output of
the traffic flows (90%)

Develops a visual
representation of an end-to-
end path flow of the existing
network by creating a Visio
diagram showing the output of
the traffic flows, but diagram is
illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not develop a visual
representation of an end-to-
end path flow of the existing
network (0%)


Current Network
Architecture: Physical



Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation demonstrates
complex grasp of the network
devices that connect all devices
across the organization (100%)

Explains the types of physical
network devices used in
connecting all devices across
the organization (90%)

Explains the types of physical
network devices used in
connecting all devices across
the organization, but response
is cursory or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not explain the types of
physical network devices used
in connecting all devices across
the organization (0%)


Current Network
Architecture: Critical

Traffic Patterns

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response provides keen insight
into the organization’s critical
traffic patterns (100%)

Identifies the critical traffic
patterns currently used by the
organization, supported by
examples (90%)

Identifies the critical traffic
patterns currently used by the
organization, but does not
provide examples, examples
provided are inappropriate, or
response contains inaccuracies

Does not identify the critical
traffic patterns currently used
by the organization (0%)

Current Network

Patterns Across the

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description demonstrates a
nuanced understanding of the
application’s traffic patterns

Describes the traffic patterns
that the critical applications
take across the infrastructure
from office to office (90%)

Describes the traffic patterns
that the critical applications
take across the infrastructure
from office to office, but
description is cursory, illogical,
or contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not describe the traffic
patterns that the critical
applications take across the
infrastructure from office to
office (0%)

Current Network



Meets “Proficient” criteria and
examples provided
demonstrate a sophisticated
awareness of the potential
performance issues in the
network (100%)

Describes the potential
performance issues that may
occur within the current
network if no changes are
made to support the
organization’s expansion, and
provides examples to support
response (90%)

Describes the potential
performance issues that may
occur within the current
network if no changes are
made to support the
organization’s expansion, but
does not provide examples,
examples provided are
inappropriate, or description is
illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not describe the potential
performance issues that may
occur within the current
network if no changes are
made to support the
organization’s expansion (0%)


Current Network
Architecture: Security


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
examples provided
demonstrate a sophisticated
awareness of the potential
security issues in the network

Describes the potential security
issues that may occur within
the current network if no
changes are made to support
the organization’s expansion,
and provides examples to
support response (90%)

Describes the potential security
issues that may occur within
the current network if no
changes are made to support
the organization’s expansion,
but does not provide examples,
examples provided are
inappropriate, or description is
illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not describe the potential
security issues that may occur
within the current network if
no changes are made to
support the organization’s
expansion (0%)


Future Network
Architecture: Future


Summarizes the future
communication needs of the
organization (100%)

Summarizes the future
communication needs of the
organization, but summary
contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not summarize the future
communication needs of the
organization (0%)


Future Network

Network Architecture

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
defense demonstrates a
complex grasp of the
appropriateness of the
proposed network architecture
for improving communication
across the company (100%)

Describes in detail a network
architecture that would be
appropriate for supporting the
ultimate growth of the
organization and defends how
the future network would
improve communication across
the company (90%)

Describes a network
architecture that would be
appropriate for supporting the
ultimate growth of the
organization, but does not
defend how the future network
would improve communication
across the company, or
response is cursory, illogical, or
contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not describe a network
architecture that would be
appropriate for supporting the
ultimate growth of the
organization (0%)

Future Network
Architecture: Future

Visual Representation

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
diagram created provides keen
insight into the architecture of
the recommended network

Develops a visual
representation of the
recommended network
architecture by creating a Visio
diagram (90%)

Develops a visual
representation of the
recommended network
architecture by creating a Visio
diagram, but diagram is illogical
or contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not develop a visual
representation of the
recommended network
architecture (0%)


Planning and

Performance and
Security Issues

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
defense demonstrates keen
insight into how to mitigate
potential issues that may occur
within the network (100%)

Recommends the best
approach to mitigate the
previously identified potential
performance and security
issues and defends response

Recommends the best
approach to mitigate the
previously identified potential
performance and security
issues, but does not defend
response, or defense is cursory
or illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not recommend the best
approach to mitigate the
previously identified potential
performance and security
issues (0%)


Planning and
Security: Network
Management Tool

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation demonstrates keen
insight into how the
organization would benefit
from the recommended
network management tool

Recommends a network
management tool to
implement into the future
network and explains its
potential benefit to the
organization (90%)

Recommends a network
management tool to
implement into the future
network, but does not explain
its potential benefit to the
organization, or explanation is
cursory or illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not recommend a
network management tool to
implement into the future
network (0%)


Planning and
Security: Security


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation demonstrates a
complex grasp of how the
recommended security devices
would mitigate potential
security issues (100%)

Recommends types of security
devices to implement into the
existing network and explains
how the devices would mitigate
potential security issues (90%)

Recommends types of security
devices to implement into the
existing network, but does not
explain how the devices would
mitigate potential security
issues, or explanation is cursory
or illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not recommend types of
security devices to implement
into the existing network (0%)


Planning and
Security: Changes to

Existing Devices

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of the
changes that are required for
existing devices (100%)

Explains the changes that need
to be made to existing devices
on the network in order to
successfully integrate the
security devices into the future
network design (90%)

Explains the changes that need
to be made to existing devices
on the network in order to
successfully integrate the
security devices into the future
network design, but
explanation is cursory or
illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not explain the changes
that need to be made to
existing devices on the network


Planning and
Security: Challenges

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
recommendations demonstrate
nuanced understanding of how
to plan for the challenges
associated with implementing a
new network (100%)

Describes specific challenges
that the organization might
face as it attempts to
implement the future network
and recommends ways to
mitigate those challenges (90%)

Describes challenges that the
organization might face as it
attempts to implement the
future network but does not
recommend ways to mitigate
those challenges,
recommendations are
inappropriate, or challenges
described are not specific (70%)

Does not describe challenges
that the organization might
face as it attempts to
implement the future network


Planning and
Security: Overall Risk

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation provides keen
insight into the importance of
keeping security services up to
standard (100%)

Concisely explains the overall
risk for the network and the
organization of not keeping
security services up to standard

Explains the overall risk for the
network and the organization
of not keeping security services
up to standard, but explanation
is illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not explain the overall
risk for the network and the
organization of not keeping
security services up to standard


Articulation of

Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy-to-
read format (100%)

Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas (70%)

Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
ideas (0%)


Total 100%

IT 640 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric

Future Network Architecture

Overview: When you plan your network infrastructure, a number of key elements need to be clarified or determined because it is the network’s logical
infrastructure that makes it possible for computers to communicate using the routes defined in the physical network topology. For the final milestone, you will
provide a detailed recommendation of components that are able to meet the future communication needs of SNHUEnergy Inc.

Prompt: In this section, you will provide a future recommendation based on the information presented. In addition, analyze the information provided in the
Final Project Scenario document to develop a visual representation of your recommended network architecture in a Visio diagram.

Refer to the following files when completing this milestone:

 Dallas Office Logical Design – Current

 Final Project Physical Diagram – Current

 Memphis Office Logical Design – Current

To complete this assignment, you must address the following critical elements:

 Summarize the future communication needs of the organization based on what you know from the scenario.

 Describe in detail a network architecture that would be appropriate for supporting the ultimate growth of the organization and defend how this
recommended network would improve communication across the company.

 Develop a visual representation of your recommended network architecture by creating a Visio diagram. Use the provided physical network design
example as a guide for creating your diagram.

Guidelines for Submission: Review each critical element and designate a bold subheading for each element followed by your review of the current network
architecture. Include an introduction for this assignment that aligns with your analysis from the first milestone. Your submission should align to the current APA
standards. Add the following direction: Submit your finalized network configuration as a Visio diagram. You will submit two files for this milestone.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value



Summarizes the future communication
needs of the organization

Summarizes the future communication
needs of the organization, but summary
contains inaccuracies

Does not summarize the future
communication needs of the organization







Describes in detail a network architecture
that would be appropriate for supporting
the ultimate growth of the organization and
defends how the future network would
improve communication across the company

Describes a network architecture that would
be appropriate for supporting the ultimate
growth of the organization, but does not
defend how the future network would
improve communication across the company
or response is cursory or illogical or contains

Does not describe a network architecture
that would be appropriate for supporting
the ultimate growth of the organization


Future Visual

Develops a visual representation of the
recommended network architecture by
creating a Visio diagram

Develops a visual representation of the
recommended network architecture by
creating a Visio diagram, but diagram is
illogical or contains inaccuracies

Does not develop a visual representation of
the recommended network architecture


Articulation of

Summary is free of errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in a
professional and easy-to-read format

Summary contains errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main ideas

Summary contains critical errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent understanding of


Total 100%

IT 640 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric

Current Network Architecture

Overview: Network architecture refers to the layout of the network, consisting of the hardware, software, connectivity, communication protocols, and mode of
transmission such as wired or wireless. For the second milestone, you will provide a high-level overview of the SNHUEnergy Inc. network architecture. You will
evaluate traffic patterns to determine critical aspects of your business and provide basic insight into what should be done to the network from a capability
aspect as well as a security viewpoint. Finally, you will develop a visual representation of an end-to-end path flow of the existing network by creating a Visio
diagram showing the output of the traffic flows.

Prompt: In this section, you will analyze the information provided on SNHUEnergy Inc. in the Final Project Scenario document to provide a high-level assumption
for the design of the network.

To complete this assignment, you must address the following critical elements:

 Based on what you know from the scenario, explain the types of physical network devices used in connecting all devices across the organization.

 Identify the critical traffic patterns currently used by the organization, supported by examples. Use the Traffic Flow Wireshark Capture document to
guide your response.

o Service (Voice over Internet Protocol [VoIP])
o Application (Structured Query Language [SQL])
o Network management
o Other opportunities not specified above

 Describe the traffic patterns that the organization’s critical applications take across the infrastructure from office to office. Remember, the
organization’s critical applications were specified in the scenario.

 Describe the potential performance issues that may occur within the current network if no changes are made to support the organization’s expansion.
Provide examples to support your response.

 Describe the potential security issues that may occur within the current network if no changes are made to support the organization’s expansion.
Provide examples to support your response.

 Develop a visual representation of an end-to-end path flow of the existing network by creating a Visio diagram showing the output of the traffic flows.
Use the provided Logical Network Design Example file as a guide for creating your diagram, and include your diagram with your submission.


Guidelines for Submission: Review each critical element and designate a bold subheading for each element followed by your review of the current network
architecture. Include an introduction for this assignment that aligns with your analysis from the first milestone. Make sure your submission aligns with the
current APA standards. Upload your Visio diagram as a separate file to complete this milestone.




Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Physical Network

Explains the types of physical network
devices used in connecting all devices across
the organization

Explains the types of physical network
devices used in connecting all devices across
the organization, but response is cursory or
contains inaccuracies

Does not explain the types of physical
network devices used in connecting all
devices across the organization


Critical Traffic

Identifies the critical traffic patterns
currently used by the organization,
supported by examples

Identifies the critical traffic patterns
currently used by the organization but does
not provide examples, or examples provided
are inappropriate, or response contains

Does not identify the critical traffic patterns
currently used by the organization


Patterns Across the

Describes the traffic patterns that the
critical applications take across the
infrastructure from office to office

Describes the traffic patterns that the
critical applications take across the
infrastructure from office to office, but
description is cursory or illogical or contains

Does not describe the traffic patterns that
the critical applications take across the
infrastructure from office to office


Performance Issues Describes the potential performance issues
that may occur within the current network if
no changes are made to support the
organization’s expansion and provides
examples to support response

Describes the potential performance issues
that may occur within the current network if
no changes are made to support the
organization’s expansion but does not
provide examples, or examples provided are
inappropriate, or description is illogical or
contains inaccuracies

Does not describe the potential
performance issues that may occur within
the current network if no changes are made
to support the organization’s expansion


Security Issues Describes the potential security issues that
may occur within the current network if no
changes are made to support the
organization’s expansion and provides
examples to support response

Describes the potential security issues that
may occur within the current network if no
changes are made to support the
organization’s expansion but does not
provide examples, or examples provided are
inappropriate, or description is illogical or
contains inaccuracies

Does not describe the potential security
issues that may occur within the current
network if no changes are made to support
the organization’s expansion



Develops a visual representation of an end-
to-end path flow of the existing network by
creating a Visio diagram showing the output
of the traffic flows

Develops a visual representation of an end-
to-end path flow of the existing network by
creating a Visio diagram showing the output
of the traffic flows, but diagram is illogical or
contains inaccuracies

Does not develop a visual representation of
an end-to-end path flow of the existing


Total 100%

IT 640 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

Project Analysis Plan

Overview: For your final project, you will assume the role of a network consultant for SNHUEnergy Inc., an organization looking to expand its communication
reach. Refer to the Final Project Scenario document for details. You have been tasked with analyzing the current network architecture of the organization and
determining any key changes that should occur as the organization prepares for future growth. You will evaluate traffic patterns to determine critical aspects of
your business and provide basic insight into what should be done to the network from a capability aspect and from a security viewpoint as the organization
prepares for future growth. Ultimately, you will recommend a design for the future network architecture of the organization.

Prompt: Your first milestone for this project will be the creation of a project analysis plan. Your plan will identify the network applications of the current network
including a description of how the current network is designed by explaining how the different layers of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model relate to
each other within the network.

Refer to the following files when completing this milestone:

 Dallas Office Logical Design – Current

 Final Project Physical Diagram – Current

 Memphis Office Logical Design – Current

 Milestone One Physical Diagram – Current

To complete this assignment, address the following critical elements:

 Identify the network applications that are a part of the current network.

 Identify and label the components of the network with the appropriate OSI network layer(s) (refer to Final Project Physical Diagram – Current file)

 Provide a nontechnical description of the role and functions of key components, including routers, switches, and firewalls.

 Provide a brief analysis of the current network configuration in terms of day-to-day business operations. Consider the following questions as a guide to
your analysis:

o What is the impact of losing connectivity between the Dallas router and the Memphis router? Which applications might be impacted between

o What is the risk of just having a single router or switch within the Memphis office?
o How effective is the firewall in the current network?

 Summarize the project requirements and deliverables







Guidelines for Submission: Your assignment should be 1 to 2 pages in length with double spacing and should conform to academic writing standard expectations
for mechanics, content organization, and use of APA style.


Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value


Identifies the network applications that are a
part of the current network

Identifies the network applications that are a
part of the current network, but response
contains inaccuracies

Does not identify the network applications
that are a part of the current network



OSI Model

and Label

Identifies and labels the different layers of
the OSI model according to the components
of current network

Identifies and labels the different layers of
the OSI model according to the components
of current network, but the diagram is
incomplete or contains inaccuracies

Does not identify the different layers of the
OSI model according to the components of
current network



Provides a nontechnical description of the
role and functions of key components
including routers, switches, and firewalls

Provides a description of the role and
functions of key components, but the
description is overly technical, inaccurate, or

Does not provide a nontechnical description
of the role and functions of key components



Provides a brief analysis of current network
configuration by describing the impact on
day-to-day business operations

Provides a brief analysis of current network
configuration by describing the impact on
day-to-day business operations, but the
analysis is incomplete or contains

Does not provide a brief analysis of current
network configuration by describing the
impact on day-to-day business operations



Summarizes and addresses key elements of
project requirements

Summarizes and addresses key elements of
project requirements, but summary is
incomplete or contains inaccuracies

Does not summarize and address key
elements of project requirements


Articulation of

Plan is free of errors related to citations,
grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization
and is presented in a professional and easy-
to-read format that addresses technical and
nontechnical audiences

Plan contains errors related to citations,
grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability and
articulation of main ideas

Plan contains critical errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent understanding of


Total 100%


Dallas Office
Memphis Office

SNHUEnergy, Inc.
Physical Network Design



Dallas Office:

Total Employees – 90

Applications –





Services –

VoIP Phone System

Video Conferencing

Hardware –

Routers – 1

Switches – 2

Firewalls – 1

Connectivity –


Memphis Office:

Total Employees – 30

Applications –



Services –

VoIP Phone System

Video Conferencing

Hardware –

Routers – 1

Switches – 1

Firewalls – 0

Connectivity –






Server Farm


IP Phone


Corporate Computers



FIREWALL /24 /24 /24 /24 /24 /24

XYZ Company
Logical Network Design


EXAMPLE DIAGRAM /2410.0.6.1 /24 /24 /24 /24 /2410.0.5.1 /24 /2410.1.0.10 /24





Dallas Office



Memphis Office








SNHUEnergy, Inc.
Physical Network Design






Dallas Office:

Total Employees – 90

Applications –





Services –

VoIP Phone System

Video Conferencing

Hardware –

Routers – 1

Switches – 2

Firewalls – 1

Connectivity –


Memphis Office:

Total Employees – 30

Applications –



Services –

VoIP Phone System

Video Conferencing

Hardware –

Routers – 1

Switches – 1

Firewalls – 0

Connectivity –







IT 640 Traffic Flow Wireshark Capture



Server Farm

IP Phone


Corporate Computers


Dallas Office /24 /2410.2.4.0 /24 /24 /24

SNHUEnergy, Inc.
Logical Network Design


Memphis Office /2410.2.6.1 /24 /24 /2410.2.5.1 /24

Conferencing /24 /24



ProRubbs/it640_milestone_one_physical_diagram_current (1)

Dallas Office
Memphis Office

SNHUEnergy, Inc.
Physical Network Design



Dallas Office:

Total Employees – 90

Applications –





Services –

VoIP Phone System

Video Conferencing

Hardware –

Routers – 1

Switches – 2

Firewalls – 1

Connectivity –


Memphis Office:

Total Employees – 30

Applications –



Services –

VoIP Phone System

Video Conferencing

Hardware –

Routers – 1

Switches – 1

Firewalls – 0

Connectivity –




__MACOSX/ProRubbs/._it640_milestone_one_physical_diagram_current (1)


Office Z

Office X



Office Y









XYZ, Inc.
Physical Network Design

*** Example for Final Project ***









Z_WKS_001 Z_WKS_001















IT 640 Final Project Scenario

Imagine that you are a newly hired network consultant for SNHUEnergy Inc., a quickly growing oil and
gas company that has decided to expand its operation and begin developing a more efficient approach
to its use of the currently available technology. As a consultant for the company, you will evaluate the
current network architecture, determine any key changes that should occur, and recommend a high-
level design for future growth. The leadership team within the company has made a major commitment
to the board of directors that they will begin an initiative to create a communication architecture that
will allow the company to grow for the next ten years. You have been assigned the task of addressing
the overall framework for the architecture and evaluating the basic structure of the network, its
communication paths, and the type of traffic utilized. You will also begin to develop a basic security plan
in an effort to mitigate any risk the company currently has to internal and external factors.

SNHUEnergy Inc. is a medium-sized oil and gas company that is focused on the discovery and drilling of
oil-based products. It wants to grow from company solely focused on exploration into a company that
also provides the transportation and refinement of its discoveries. This is a big step for the company,
and it wants to make sure the communication infrastructure is ready to deliver in the next 12 to 18
months. The company is currently headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and operates small facilities in the
central United States. The total employee count is 120 across the organization, but this will grow by 50%
each year for the next two years. Initially, you will evaluate the current logical and physical design of the
network to determine the network connectivity, the traffic patterns of the organization, and what would
need to occur to enable the business to grow.

The network infrastructure consists of a single building with multiple floors and different divisions
(human resources, IT, accounting, and operations and payroll). The company will develop a plan to
expand to three additional regional offices in Kansas City and Houston. You will be asked to take the
initial design and determine what traffic will need to communicate at each office and which security
parameters will need to exist as the company grows. This work will consist of understanding the
connectivity and traffic traversing internally and externally and developing a plan to enable end-users to
access the correct communication to the key critical applications (i.e., human resources, email, and
Voice over Internet Protocol [VoIP]) across the company.

The infrastructure consists of network routers, switches, and firewall equipment that currently connect
all the users to the internet internally and externally. All the connectivity between the users is
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) traffic, which is utilized by data, voice, and
video applications across the organization.

In the future, the company will extend these services across the wide area network (WAN) by using
TCP/IP communication processes.



Server Farm


IP Phone


Corporate Computers



FIREWALL /24 /24 /24 /24 /24 /24

SNHUEnergy, Inc.
Logical Network Design


Dallas Office /2410.0.6.1 /24 /24 /24 /24 /2410.0.5.1 /24 /2410.1.0.10 /24




ProRubbs/IT 640 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric (1)

IT 640 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric

Within an organization, the dependability of network infrastructures has become less of a want and more of a need. Without a fully developed communication
architecture around business growth, efficiencies, and competitive advantage, many companies will find themselves underperforming. Network connectivity
used to be considered a luxury for many businesses, but it has recently become a critical piece of an organization. The fundamental understanding of how
networks play such a big role in the success of a company has to be assessed from the basic approach of the advancement in Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) communication and the functionality of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model.

Understanding how a network communicates is key to understanding how your corporate applications and services work within the business. Your
understanding around the concepts of IP communication, devices used to communicate, and the traffic that is continually passed between devices is the first key
to gaining the understanding of network infrastructure. The knowledge you develop through this course will help build on your basic understanding of network
infrastructures and the components that are critical to the success of any business communication architecture.

For your final project, you will assume the role of a network consultant for an organization looking to expand its communication reach. You have been be tasked
with analyzing the current network architecture of the organization and determining any key changes that should occur as the organization prepares for future
growth. You will evaluate traffic patterns to determine critical aspects of your business and provide basic insight into what should be done to the network from a
capability aspect and from a security viewpoint as the organization prepares for future growth. Ultimately, you will recommend a design for the future network
architecture of the organization.

The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three, Five, and Seven. The final product will be submitted in Module Nine.

Before beginning your project, read the Final Project Scenario document about SNHUEnergy, Inc., an organization that is looking to expand its operations. Then,
review all of the logical and physical design diagrams as well as the Wireshark capture showing the traffic patterns of the organization’s current network. These
files are provided below:

 Milestone One Physical Diagram – Current

 Final Project Physical Diagram – Current

 Memphis Office Logical Design – Current

 Physical Network Design Example

 Logical Network Design Example

 Dallas Office Logical Design – Current

 Traffic Flow Wireshark Capture









In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

 Determine how network applications communicate from end to end by applying the network Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model

 Analyze the network infrastructure of an existing network for determining what the basic traffic patterns are communicating

 Recommend an effective architecture design for supporting communication needs throughout an organization

 Analyze network traffic patterns for informing a network design that mitigates performance and security issues

 Develop recommendations for designing and maintaining a secure network infrastructure in accordance with industry standard best practices

Imagine that you are a newly hired network consultant for SNHUEnergy, Inc. The leadership team at the organization has asked you to create a network analysis
and architecture evaluation on the current network. Your report will also include design recommendations for the organization’s future network architecture,
including basic recommendations to mitigate any potential performance or security issues.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Executive Summary: Provide a high-level overview of the contents of your report for the leadership team. Include your findings around data traffic
flows, applications impacted, and the overall network and security recommendations for the future needs of the organization.

II. Current Network Architecture: In this section, you will analyze the information provided in the SNHUEnergy, Inc. scenario to provide high-level
assumptions about the design of the network.

A. Identify the network applications that are a part of the current network.
B. Describe how the current network is designed by explaining how the different layers of the Open Systems Interconnection

(OSI) model relate to each other within the network.
C. Develop a visual representation of an end-to-end path flow of the existing network by creating a Visio diagram showing the output

of the traffic flows. Use the provided logical network design example as a guide for creating your diagram, and include your diagram
with your submission.

D. Explain the types of physical network devices used in connecting all devices across the organization based on what you know from
the scenario.

E. Identify the critical traffic patterns currently used by the organization, supported by examples. Use the provided Wireshark
capture to guide your response.

F. Describe the traffic patterns that the organization’s critical applications take across the infrastructure from office to office.
Remember, the organization’s critical applications were specified in the scenario.

G. Describe the potential performance issues that may occur within the current network if no changes are made to support the organization’s
expansion. Provide examples to support your response.

H. Describe the potential security issues that may occur within the current network if no changes are made to support the organization’s
expansion. Provide examples to support your response.

III. Future Network Architecture
A. Determine the future communication needs of the organization based on what you know from the scenario.
B. Describe in detail a network architecture that would be appropriate for supporting the ultimate growth of the organization and defend how this

recommended network would improve communication across the company.
C. Develop a visual representation of your recommended network architecture by creating a Visio diagram. Use the provided physical network

design example as a guide for creating your diagram, and include your diagram with your submission.

IV. Planning and Security
A. Recommend the best approach to mitigate the potential performance and security issues that you previously identified, and defend your

B. Recommend a network management tool to implement into the future network and explain its potential benefit to the organization.
C. Recommend types of security devices that you would implement into the existing network, and explain how the devices would mitigate

potential security issues.
D. Explain the changes that need to be made to existing devices on the network in order to successfully integrate the security devices into the

future network design.
E. Describe specific challenges that the organization might face as it attempts to implement the future network, and recommend ways to mitigate

those challenges.
F. Concisely explain the overall risk for the network and the organization of not keeping security services up to standard.

Milestone One: Project Analysis Plan
In Module Three, you will analyze the final project scenario and provide a nontechnical description of the role and functions of key network components. This
milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

Milestone Two: Current Network Architecture
In Module Five, you will analyze the information provided in the SNHUEnergy, Inc. scenario to provide high-level assumptions about the design of the network.
This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.

Milestone Three: Future Network Architecture
In Module Seven, you will determine the future communication needs of the organization based on the work you have done and what you know about
SNHUEnergy Inc. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.

Final Submission: Network Analysis and Architecture Evaluation
In Module Nine, you will be completing Section IV. Planning and Security, and you will submitting your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact
containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be
graded with the Final Project Rubric.

Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading

One Project Analysis Plan Three Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric

Two Current Network Architecture Five Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric

Three Future Network Architecture Seven Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric

Final Submission: Network Analysis and
Architecture Evaluation

Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric

Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your network analysis and architecture evaluation should be 10 to 12 pages in length with 12-point Times New Roman font and
double spacing.

Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value

Executive Summary:

Provides a high-level overview
of the contents of the report,
including findings around data
traffic flows, applications
impacted, and the network and
security recommendations for
the future needs of the
organization (100%)

Provides an overview of the
contents of the report, but
overview is overly detailed or is
missing required components

Does not provide an overview
of the contents of the report


Current Network

Network Applications

Identifies the network
applications that are a part of
the current network (100%)

Identifies the network
applications that are a part of
the current network, but
response contains inaccuracies

Does not identify the network
applications that are a part of
the current network (0%)


Current Network
Architecture: OSI


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of the
design of the current network

Describes how the current
network is designed by
explaining how the different
layers of the OSI model relate
to each other within the
network (90%)

Describes how the current
network is designed, but does
not explain how the different
layers of the OSI model relate
to each other within the
network, or description
contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not describe how the
current network is designed


Current Network
Architecture: Visual


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
diagram created demonstrates
a complex grasp of the end-to-
end path flow of the existing
network (100%)

Develops a visual
representation of an end-to-
end path flow of the existing
network by creating a Visio
diagram showing the output of
the traffic flows (90%)

Develops a visual
representation of an end-to-
end path flow of the existing
network by creating a Visio
diagram showing the output of
the traffic flows, but diagram is
illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not develop a visual
representation of an end-to-
end path flow of the existing
network (0%)


Current Network
Architecture: Physical

Network Devices

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation demonstrates
complex grasp of the network
devices that connect all devices
across the organization (100%)

Explains the types of physical
network devices used in
connecting all devices across
the organization (90%)

Explains the types of physical
network devices used in
connecting all devices across
the organization, but response
is cursory or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not explain the types of
physical network devices used
in connecting all devices across
the organization (0%)


Current Network
Architecture: Critical

Traffic Patterns

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response provides keen insight
into the organization’s critical
traffic patterns (100%)

Identifies the critical traffic
patterns currently used by the
organization, supported by
examples (90%)

Identifies the critical traffic
patterns currently used by the
organization, but does not
provide examples, examples
provided are inappropriate, or
response contains inaccuracies

Does not identify the critical
traffic patterns currently used
by the organization (0%)


Current Network

Patterns Across the

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description demonstrates a
nuanced understanding of the
application’s traffic patterns

Describes the traffic patterns
that the critical applications
take across the infrastructure
from office to office (90%)

Describes the traffic patterns
that the critical applications
take across the infrastructure
from office to office, but
description is cursory, illogical,
or contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not describe the traffic
patterns that the critical
applications take across the
infrastructure from office to
office (0%)


Current Network

Performance Issues

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
examples provided
demonstrate a sophisticated
awareness of the potential
performance issues in the
network (100%)

Describes the potential
performance issues that may
occur within the current
network if no changes are
made to support the
organization’s expansion, and
provides examples to support
response (90%)

Describes the potential
performance issues that may
occur within the current
network if no changes are
made to support the
organization’s expansion, but
does not provide examples,
examples provided are
inappropriate, or description is
illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not describe the potential
performance issues that may
occur within the current
network if no changes are
made to support the
organization’s expansion (0%)


Current Network
Architecture: Security


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
examples provided
demonstrate a sophisticated
awareness of the potential
security issues in the network

Describes the potential security
issues that may occur within
the current network if no
changes are made to support
the organization’s expansion,
and provides examples to
support response (90%)

Describes the potential security
issues that may occur within
the current network if no
changes are made to support
the organization’s expansion,
but does not provide examples,
examples provided are
inappropriate, or description is
illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not describe the potential
security issues that may occur
within the current network if
no changes are made to
support the organization’s
expansion (0%)


Future Network
Architecture: Future


Summarizes the future
communication needs of the
organization (100%)

Summarizes the future
communication needs of the
organization, but summary
contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not summarize the future
communication needs of the
organization (0%)


Future Network

Network Architecture

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
defense demonstrates a
complex grasp of the
appropriateness of the
proposed network architecture
for improving communication
across the company (100%)

Describes in detail a network
architecture that would be
appropriate for supporting the
ultimate growth of the
organization and defends how
the future network would
improve communication across
the company (90%)

Describes a network
architecture that would be
appropriate for supporting the
ultimate growth of the
organization, but does not
defend how the future network
would improve communication
across the company, or
response is cursory, illogical, or
contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not describe a network
architecture that would be
appropriate for supporting the
ultimate growth of the
organization (0%)


Future Network
Architecture: Future

Visual Representation

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
diagram created provides keen
insight into the architecture of
the recommended network

Develops a visual
representation of the
recommended network
architecture by creating a Visio
diagram (90%)

Develops a visual
representation of the
recommended network
architecture by creating a Visio
diagram, but diagram is illogical
or contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not develop a visual
representation of the
recommended network
architecture (0%)


Planning and

Performance and
Security Issues

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
defense demonstrates keen
insight into how to mitigate
potential issues that may occur
within the network (100%)

Recommends the best
approach to mitigate the
previously identified potential
performance and security
issues and defends response

Recommends the best
approach to mitigate the
previously identified potential
performance and security
issues, but does not defend
response, or defense is cursory
or illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not recommend the best
approach to mitigate the
previously identified potential
performance and security
issues (0%)


Planning and
Security: Network
Management Tool

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation demonstrates keen
insight into how the
organization would benefit
from the recommended
network management tool

Recommends a network
management tool to
implement into the future
network and explains its
potential benefit to the
organization (90%)

Recommends a network
management tool to
implement into the future
network, but does not explain
its potential benefit to the
organization, or explanation is
cursory or illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not recommend a
network management tool to
implement into the future
network (0%)


Planning and
Security: Security


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation demonstrates a
complex grasp of how the
recommended security devices
would mitigate potential
security issues (100%)

Recommends types of security
devices to implement into the
existing network and explains
how the devices would mitigate
potential security issues (90%)

Recommends types of security
devices to implement into the
existing network, but does not
explain how the devices would
mitigate potential security
issues, or explanation is cursory
or illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not recommend types of
security devices to implement
into the existing network (0%)


Planning and
Security: Changes to

Existing Devices

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of the
changes that are required for
existing devices (100%)

Explains the changes that need
to be made to existing devices
on the network in order to
successfully integrate the
security devices into the future
network design (90%)

Explains the changes that need
to be made to existing devices
on the network in order to
successfully integrate the
security devices into the future
network design, but
explanation is cursory or
illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not explain the changes
that need to be made to
existing devices on the network


Planning and
Security: Challenges

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
recommendations demonstrate
nuanced understanding of how
to plan for the challenges
associated with implementing a
new network (100%)

Describes specific challenges
that the organization might
face as it attempts to
implement the future network
and recommends ways to
mitigate those challenges (90%)

Describes challenges that the
organization might face as it
attempts to implement the
future network but does not
recommend ways to mitigate
those challenges,
recommendations are
inappropriate, or challenges
described are not specific (70%)

Does not describe challenges
that the organization might
face as it attempts to
implement the future network


Planning and
Security: Overall Risk

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation provides keen
insight into the importance of
keeping security services up to
standard (100%)

Concisely explains the overall
risk for the network and the
organization of not keeping
security services up to standard

Explains the overall risk for the
network and the organization
of not keeping security services
up to standard, but explanation
is illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not explain the overall
risk for the network and the
organization of not keeping
security services up to standard


Articulation of

Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy-to-
read format (100%)

Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas (70%)

Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
ideas (0%)


Total 100%

__MACOSX/ProRubbs/._IT 640 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric (1)

IT 640 Final Project Scenario

Imagine that you are a newly hired network consultant for SNHUEnergy Inc., a quickly growing oil and
gas company that has decided to expand its operation and begin developing a more efficient approach
to its use of the currently available technology. As a consultant for the company, you will evaluate the
current network architecture, determine any key changes that should occur, and recommend a high-
level design for future growth. The leadership team within the company has made a major commitment
to the board of directors that they will begin an initiative to create a communication architecture that
will allow the company to grow for the next ten years. You have been assigned the task of addressing
the overall framework for the architecture and evaluating the basic structure of the network, its
communication paths, and the type of traffic utilized. You will also begin to develop a basic security plan
in an effort to mitigate any risk the company currently has to internal and external factors.

SNHUEnergy Inc. is a medium-sized oil and gas company that is focused on the discovery and drilling of
oil-based products. It wants to grow from company solely focused on exploration into a company that
also provides the transportation and refinement of its discoveries. This is a big step for the company,
and it wants to make sure the communication infrastructure is ready to deliver in the next 12 to 18
months. The company is currently headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and operates small facilities in the
central United States. The total employee count is 120 across the organization, but this will grow by 50%
each year for the next two years. Initially, you will evaluate the current logical and physical design of the
network to determine the network connectivity, the traffic patterns of the organization, and what would
need to occur to enable the business to grow.

The network infrastructure consists of a single building with multiple floors and different divisions
(human resources, IT, accounting, and operations and payroll). The company will develop a plan to
expand to three additional regional offices in Kansas City and Houston. You will be asked to take the
initial design and determine what traffic will need to communicate at each office and which security
parameters will need to exist as the company grows. This work will consist of understanding the
connectivity and traffic traversing internally and externally and developing a plan to enable end-users to
access the correct communication to the key critical applications (i.e., human resources, email, and
Voice over Internet Protocol [VoIP]) across the company.

The infrastructure consists of network routers, switches, and firewall equipment that currently connect
all the users to the internet internally and externally. All the connectivity between the users is
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) traffic, which is utilized by data, voice, and
video applications across the organization.

In the future, the company will extend these services across the wide area network (WAN) by using
TCP/IP communication processes.

Office Z

Office X



Office Y









XYZ, Inc.
Physical Network Design

*** Example for Final Project ***









Z_WKS_001 Z_WKS_001











  • it640_physical_network_design_example.vsdx
  • Page-1

Dallas Office
Memphis Office

SNHUEnergy, Inc.
Physical Network Design



Dallas Office:

Total Employees – 90

Applications –





Services –

VoIP Phone System

Video Conferencing

Hardware –

Routers – 1

Switches – 2

Firewalls – 1

Connectivity –


Memphis Office:

Total Employees – 30

Applications –



Services –
VoIP Phone System
Video Conferencing
Hardware –

Routers – 1

Switches – 1

Firewalls – 0

Connectivity –

  • it640_milestone_one_physical_diagram_current.vsdx
  • Page-1

Server Farm


IP Phone


Corporate Computers



FIREWALL /24 /24 /24 /24 /24 /24

SNHUEnergy, Inc.
Logical Network Design


Dallas Office /2410.0.6.1 /24 /24 /24 /24 /2410.0.5.1 /24 /2410.1.0.10 /24


  • it640_dallas_office_logical_design_current.vsdx
  • Page-1

Dallas Office



Memphis Office








SNHUEnergy, Inc.
Physical Network Design







Dallas Office:

Total Employees – 90

Applications –





Services –

VoIP Phone System

Video Conferencing

Hardware –

Routers – 1

Switches – 2

Firewalls – 1

Connectivity –


Memphis Office:

Total Employees – 30

Applications –


Services –
VoIP Phone System
Video Conferencing
Hardware –

Routers – 1

Switches – 1

Firewalls – 0

Connectivity –

  • it640_final_project_physical_diagram_current.vsdx
  • Page-1

Dallas Office
Memphis Office

SNHUEnergy, Inc.
Physical Network Design



Dallas Office:

Total Employees – 90

Applications –





Services –

VoIP Phone System

Video Conferencing

Hardware –

Routers – 1

Switches – 2

Firewalls – 1

Connectivity –


Memphis Office:

Total Employees – 30

Applications –



Services –
VoIP Phone System
Video Conferencing
Hardware –

Routers – 1

Switches – 1

Firewalls – 0

Connectivity –

  • it640_milestone_one_physical_diagram_current.vsdx
  • Page-1

Server Farm


IP Phone


Corporate Computers



FIREWALL /24 /24 /24 /24 /24 /24

XYZ Company
Logical Network Design


EXAMPLE DIAGRAM /2410.0.6.1 /24 /24 /24 /24 /2410.0.5.1 /24 /2410.1.0.10 /24


  • it640_logical_network_design_example.vsdx
  • Page-1

IT 640 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric

Within an organization, the dependability of network infrastructures has become less of a want and more of a need. Without a fully developed communication
architecture around business growth, efficiencies, and competitive advantage, many companies will find themselves underperforming. Network connectivity
used to be considered a luxury for many businesses, but it has recently become a critical piece of an organization. The fundamental understanding of how
networks play such a big role in the success of a company has to be assessed from the basic approach of the advancement in Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) communication and the functionality of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model.

Understanding how a network communicates is key to understanding how your corporate applications and services work within the business. Your
understanding around the concepts of IP communication, devices used to communicate, and the traffic that is continually passed between devices is the first key
to gaining the understanding of network infrastructure. The knowledge you develop through this course will help build on your basic understanding of network
infrastructures and the components that are critical to the success of any business communication architecture.

For your final project, you will assume the role of a network consultant for an organization looking to expand its communication reach. You have been be tasked
with analyzing the current network architecture of the organization and determining any key changes that should occur as the organization prepares for future
growth. You will evaluate traffic patterns to determine critical aspects of your business and provide basic insight into what should be done to the network from a
capability aspect and from a security viewpoint as the organization prepares for future growth. Ultimately, you will recommend a design for the future network
architecture of the organization.

The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three, Five, and Seven. The final product will be submitted in Module Nine.

Before beginning your project, read the Final Project Scenario document about SNHUEnergy, Inc., an organization that is looking to expand its operations. Then,
review all of the logical and physical design diagrams as well as the Wireshark capture showing the traffic patterns of the organization’s current network. These
files are provided below:

 Milestone One Physical Diagram – Current

 Final Project Physical Diagram – Current

 Memphis Office Logical Design – Current

 Physical Network Design Example

 Logical Network Design Example

 Dallas Office Logical Design – Current

 Traffic Flow Wireshark Capture









In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

 Determine how network applications communicate from end to end by applying the network Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model

 Analyze the network infrastructure of an existing network for determining what the basic traffic patterns are communicating

 Recommend an effective architecture design for supporting communication needs throughout an organization

 Analyze network traffic patterns for informing a network design that mitigates performance and security issues

 Develop recommendations for designing and maintaining a secure network infrastructure in accordance with industry standard best practices

Imagine that you are a newly hired network consultant for SNHUEnergy, Inc. The leadership team at the organization has asked you to create a network analysis
and architecture evaluation on the current network. Your report will also include design recommendations for the organization’s future network architecture,
including basic recommendations to mitigate any potential performance or security issues.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Executive Summary: Provide a high-level overview of the contents of your report for the leadership team. Include your findings around data traffic
flows, applications impacted, and the overall network and security recommendations for the future needs of the organization.

II. Current Network Architecture: In this section, you will analyze the information provided in the SNHUEnergy, Inc. scenario to provide high-level
assumptions about the design of the network.

A. Identify the network applications that are a part of the current network.
B. Describe how the current network is designed by explaining how the different layers of the Open Systems Interconnection

(OSI) model relate to each other within the network.
C. Develop a visual representation of an end-to-end path flow of the existing network by creating a Visio diagram showing the output

of the traffic flows. Use the provided logical network design example as a guide for creating your diagram, and include your diagram
with your submission.

D. Explain the types of physical network devices used in connecting all devices across the organization based on what you know from
the scenario.

E. Identify the critical traffic patterns currently used by the organization, supported by examples. Use the provided Wireshark
capture to guide your response.

F. Describe the traffic patterns that the organization’s critical applications take across the infrastructure from office to office.
Remember, the organization’s critical applications were specified in the scenario.

G. Describe the potential performance issues that may occur within the current network if no changes are made to support the organization’s
expansion. Provide examples to support your response.

H. Describe the potential security issues that may occur within the current network if no changes are made to support the organization’s
expansion. Provide examples to support your response.

III. Future Network Architecture
A. Determine the future communication needs of the organization based on what you know from the scenario.
B. Describe in detail a network architecture that would be appropriate for supporting the ultimate growth of the organization and defend how this

recommended network would improve communication across the company.
C. Develop a visual representation of your recommended network architecture by creating a Visio diagram. Use the provided physical network

design example as a guide for creating your diagram, and include your diagram with your submission.

IV. Planning and Security
A. Recommend the best approach to mitigate the potential performance and security issues that you previously identified, and defend your

B. Recommend a network management tool to implement into the future network and explain its potential benefit to the organization.
C. Recommend types of security devices that you would implement into the existing network, and explain how the devices would mitigate

potential security issues.
D. Explain the changes that need to be made to existing devices on the network in order to successfully integrate the security devices into the

future network design.
E. Describe specific challenges that the organization might face as it attempts to implement the future network, and recommend ways to mitigate

those challenges.
F. Concisely explain the overall risk for the network and the organization of not keeping security services up to standard.

Milestone One: Project Analysis Plan
In Module Three, you will analyze the final project scenario and provide a nontechnical description of the role and functions of key network components. This
milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

Milestone Two: Current Network Architecture
In Module Five, you will analyze the information provided in the SNHUEnergy, Inc. scenario to provide high-level assumptions about the design of the network.
This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.

Milestone Three: Future Network Architecture
In Module Seven, you will determine the future communication needs of the organization based on the work you have done and what you know about
SNHUEnergy Inc. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.

Final Submission: Network Analysis and Architecture Evaluation
In Module Nine, you will be completing Section IV. Planning and Security, and you will submitting your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact
containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be
graded with the Final Project Rubric.

Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading

One Project Analysis Plan Three Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric

Two Current Network Architecture Five Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric

Three Future Network Architecture Seven Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric

Final Submission: Network Analysis and
Architecture Evaluation

Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric

Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your network analysis and architecture evaluation should be 10 to 12 pages in length with 12-point Times New Roman font and
double spacing.

Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value

Executive Summary:

Provides a high-level overview
of the contents of the report,
including findings around data
traffic flows, applications
impacted, and the network and
security recommendations for
the future needs of the
organization (100%)

Provides an overview of the
contents of the report, but
overview is overly detailed or is
missing required components

Does not provide an overview
of the contents of the report


Current Network

Network Applications

Identifies the network
applications that are a part of
the current network (100%)

Identifies the network
applications that are a part of
the current network, but
response contains inaccuracies

Does not identify the network
applications that are a part of
the current network (0%)


Current Network
Architecture: OSI


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of the
design of the current network

Describes how the current
network is designed by
explaining how the different
layers of the OSI model relate
to each other within the
network (90%)

Describes how the current
network is designed, but does
not explain how the different
layers of the OSI model relate
to each other within the
network, or description
contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not describe how the
current network is designed


Current Network
Architecture: Visual


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
diagram created demonstrates
a complex grasp of the end-to-
end path flow of the existing
network (100%)

Develops a visual
representation of an end-to-
end path flow of the existing
network by creating a Visio
diagram showing the output of
the traffic flows (90%)

Develops a visual
representation of an end-to-
end path flow of the existing
network by creating a Visio
diagram showing the output of
the traffic flows, but diagram is
illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not develop a visual
representation of an end-to-
end path flow of the existing
network (0%)


Current Network
Architecture: Physical



Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation demonstrates
complex grasp of the network
devices that connect all devices
across the organization (100%)

Explains the types of physical
network devices used in
connecting all devices across
the organization (90%)

Explains the types of physical
network devices used in
connecting all devices across
the organization, but response
is cursory or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not explain the types of
physical network devices used
in connecting all devices across
the organization (0%)


Current Network
Architecture: Critical

Traffic Patterns

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response provides keen insight
into the organization’s critical
traffic patterns (100%)

Identifies the critical traffic
patterns currently used by the
organization, supported by
examples (90%)

Identifies the critical traffic
patterns currently used by the
organization, but does not
provide examples, examples
provided are inappropriate, or
response contains inaccuracies

Does not identify the critical
traffic patterns currently used
by the organization (0%)

Current Network

Patterns Across the

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description demonstrates a
nuanced understanding of the
application’s traffic patterns

Describes the traffic patterns
that the critical applications
take across the infrastructure
from office to office (90%)

Describes the traffic patterns
that the critical applications
take across the infrastructure
from office to office, but
description is cursory, illogical,
or contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not describe the traffic
patterns that the critical
applications take across the
infrastructure from office to
office (0%)

Current Network



Meets “Proficient” criteria and
examples provided
demonstrate a sophisticated
awareness of the potential
performance issues in the
network (100%)

Describes the potential
performance issues that may
occur within the current
network if no changes are
made to support the
organization’s expansion, and
provides examples to support
response (90%)

Describes the potential
performance issues that may
occur within the current
network if no changes are
made to support the
organization’s expansion, but
does not provide examples,
examples provided are
inappropriate, or description is
illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not describe the potential
performance issues that may
occur within the current
network if no changes are
made to support the
organization’s expansion (0%)


Current Network
Architecture: Security


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
examples provided
demonstrate a sophisticated
awareness of the potential
security issues in the network

Describes the potential security
issues that may occur within
the current network if no
changes are made to support
the organization’s expansion,
and provides examples to
support response (90%)

Describes the potential security
issues that may occur within
the current network if no
changes are made to support
the organization’s expansion,
but does not provide examples,
examples provided are
inappropriate, or description is
illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not describe the potential
security issues that may occur
within the current network if
no changes are made to
support the organization’s
expansion (0%)


Future Network
Architecture: Future


Summarizes the future
communication needs of the
organization (100%)

Summarizes the future
communication needs of the
organization, but summary
contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not summarize the future
communication needs of the
organization (0%)


Future Network

Network Architecture

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
defense demonstrates a
complex grasp of the
appropriateness of the
proposed network architecture
for improving communication
across the company (100%)

Describes in detail a network
architecture that would be
appropriate for supporting the
ultimate growth of the
organization and defends how
the future network would
improve communication across
the company (90%)

Describes a network
architecture that would be
appropriate for supporting the
ultimate growth of the
organization, but does not
defend how the future network
would improve communication
across the company, or
response is cursory, illogical, or
contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not describe a network
architecture that would be
appropriate for supporting the
ultimate growth of the
organization (0%)

Future Network
Architecture: Future

Visual Representation

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
diagram created provides keen
insight into the architecture of
the recommended network

Develops a visual
representation of the
recommended network
architecture by creating a Visio
diagram (90%)

Develops a visual
representation of the
recommended network
architecture by creating a Visio
diagram, but diagram is illogical
or contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not develop a visual
representation of the
recommended network
architecture (0%)


Planning and

Performance and
Security Issues

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
defense demonstrates keen
insight into how to mitigate
potential issues that may occur
within the network (100%)

Recommends the best
approach to mitigate the
previously identified potential
performance and security
issues and defends response

Recommends the best
approach to mitigate the
previously identified potential
performance and security
issues, but does not defend
response, or defense is cursory
or illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not recommend the best
approach to mitigate the
previously identified potential
performance and security
issues (0%)


Planning and
Security: Network
Management Tool

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation demonstrates keen
insight into how the
organization would benefit
from the recommended
network management tool

Recommends a network
management tool to
implement into the future
network and explains its
potential benefit to the
organization (90%)

Recommends a network
management tool to
implement into the future
network, but does not explain
its potential benefit to the
organization, or explanation is
cursory or illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not recommend a
network management tool to
implement into the future
network (0%)


Planning and
Security: Security


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation demonstrates a
complex grasp of how the
recommended security devices
would mitigate potential
security issues (100%)

Recommends types of security
devices to implement into the
existing network and explains
how the devices would mitigate
potential security issues (90%)

Recommends types of security
devices to implement into the
existing network, but does not
explain how the devices would
mitigate potential security
issues, or explanation is cursory
or illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not recommend types of
security devices to implement
into the existing network (0%)


Planning and
Security: Changes to

Existing Devices

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of the
changes that are required for
existing devices (100%)

Explains the changes that need
to be made to existing devices
on the network in order to
successfully integrate the
security devices into the future
network design (90%)

Explains the changes that need
to be made to existing devices
on the network in order to
successfully integrate the
security devices into the future
network design, but
explanation is cursory or
illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not explain the changes
that need to be made to
existing devices on the network


Planning and
Security: Challenges

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
recommendations demonstrate
nuanced understanding of how
to plan for the challenges
associated with implementing a
new network (100%)

Describes specific challenges
that the organization might
face as it attempts to
implement the future network
and recommends ways to
mitigate those challenges (90%)

Describes challenges that the
organization might face as it
attempts to implement the
future network but does not
recommend ways to mitigate
those challenges,
recommendations are
inappropriate, or challenges
described are not specific (70%)

Does not describe challenges
that the organization might
face as it attempts to
implement the future network


Planning and
Security: Overall Risk

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation provides keen
insight into the importance of
keeping security services up to
standard (100%)

Concisely explains the overall
risk for the network and the
organization of not keeping
security services up to standard

Explains the overall risk for the
network and the organization
of not keeping security services
up to standard, but explanation
is illogical or contains
inaccuracies (70%)

Does not explain the overall
risk for the network and the
organization of not keeping
security services up to standard


Articulation of

Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy-to-
read format (100%)

Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas (70%)

Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
ideas (0%)


Total 100%

Server Farm

IP Phone


Corporate Computers


Dallas Office /24 /2410.2.4.0 /24 /24 /24

SNHUEnergy, Inc.
Logical Network Design


Memphis Office /2410.2.6.1 /24 /24 /2410.2.5.1 /24

Conferencing /24 /24

  • it640_memphis_office_logical_design_current.vsdx
  • Page-1

IT 640 Traffic Flow Wireshark Capture

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