For this course, you will be creating an Organizational Change Action Plan. Please read the following description of the Key Assignment to understand what this will entail.

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Key Assignment Description You have been engaged as an Organizational Development (OD) consultant by an organization with which you have deep familiarity that has endeavored to implement a system of organizational change and has failed. For the purposes of the assignment, the organization should be one that you know well, such as your employer, former employer, or a client. For the sake of confidentiality, you may disguise the actual identity of the organization. The chief executive officer (CEO) of the organization has asked for your help to determine what went wrong with the failed change attempt and to develop an action plan for re-engaging the organization with change efforts that are based upon systems thinking and decision making.

Stages for Developing the Organizational Change Action Plan Start with a thorough analysis of the current situation, an analysis of the factors requiring the organization to adopt change, and an analysis of the failed change effort. Ground your analysis in a comprehensive review of the literature that is pertinent to the organizational environment as well as for academic and practitioner support for the new action plan that you will develop.

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