8-1 Case Study: Is It Time to Hire A Compensation Expert?

8-1 Case Study: Is It Time to Hire A Compensation Expert?


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Read the

case study

and provide a recommendation for hiring a compensation specialist that helps EasySpa’s Director of Human Resources, Jay Spento, convince his CEO of the benefits of hiring for this position. Be sure to follow APA guidelines and write your paper in the proper format (not as question and answer).

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Human Resources

Supplemental Case

Chapter 1: Is it Time to Hire a Compensation Expert?

Jay Spento is returning to his office after attending the grand opening of the 20


of EasySpa. As the Director of Human Resources at this growing chain of day spas, Jay has

faced many challenges. Opening this latest location took a significant amount of time for Jay

and his staff and they have fallen behind on some important projects. His staff has grown along

with the company, and Jay believes now is the time to expand his staff by one more position. He

now must prepare to meet with the company’s CEO to discuss his request to hire a compensation


EasySpa is a specialty day spa that provides spa services at a reasonable cost. Each of

their locations has a variety of employees including nail technicians, hairdressers, masseuses and

receptionists. EasySpa also has a centralized appointment scheduling and customer service

center. In ten years the company has grown from 15 employees at one location, to 396

employees at 20 locations. Continued growth is expected as the organization’s mission is to

become the top-rated day spa in their region.

To support this growing organization, the human resources staff includes Jay, a Human

Resources Generalist, a Recruiter and an Administrative Assistant. The Recruiter handles all

aspects of attracting and selecting new employees and the Human Resource Generalist handles a

variety of duties including employee relations and training. Jay provides leadership to the team

and works with upper management to set policies and procedures. His duties are complex as

they work with a diverse employee population in multiple locations. But, as EasySpa approaches

400 employees, Jay believes a compensation expert can help support the company’s growth


Compensation management is a responsibility that has challenged Jay. While the

company offers full employee benefits and Jay has done extensive market research to ensure they

offer attractive pay, he knows there is much more work necessary to ensure that their

compensation structure is effective and efficient. The company has no written job descriptions

and does not have a formal pay structure. Further, Jay relied upon an outside consultant to

design their benefit package, and their benefit offerings have not changed since they were

established ten years ago. Overall, Jay is convinced that a compensation professional would add

significant value to the company. However, Jay must convince the CEO, who has little human

resources expertise and is always resistant to hire more staff positions, that the addition to staff is


OL 325 Case Study Rubric

Requirements of submission: Case study assignments must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch
margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. Page length requirements: 1–2 pages.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Main Elements Includes all of the main
elements and requirements and
cites multiple examples to
illustrate each element

Includes most of the main
elements and requirements and
cites many examples to
illustrate each element

Includes some of the main
elements and requirements

Does not include any of the
main elements and


Inquiry and Analysis

Provides in-depth analysis that
demonstrates complete
understanding of multiple

Provides in-depth analysis that
demonstrates complete
understanding of some

Provides in-depth analysis that
demonstrates complete
understanding of minimal

Does not provide in-depth


Integration and

All of the course concepts are
correctly applied

Most of the course concepts are
correctly applied

Some of the course concepts
are correctly applied

Does not correctly apply any of
the course concepts


Critical Thinking Draws insightful conclusions
that are thoroughly defended
with evidence and examples

Draws informed conclusions
that are justified with evidence

Draws logical conclusions, but
does not defend with evidence

Does not draw logical


Research Incorporates many scholarly
resources effectively that reflect
depth and breadth of research

Incorporates some scholarly
resources effectively that reflect
depth and breadth of research

Incorporates very few scholarly
resources that reflect depth and
breadth of research

Does not incorporate scholarly
resources that reflect depth and
breadth of research




No errors related to
organization, grammar and
style, and citations

Minor errors related to
organization, grammar and
style, and citations

Some errors related to
organization, grammar and
style, and citations

Major errors related to
organization, grammar and
style, and citations


Total 100%

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