7 slide powerpoint

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Must be a biology topic. Try to be specific and not so general such as a topic on GMO [better topic is corn GMO, the wide usage in United States]. Try to not duplicate a classmate’s topic.

Must have at least 4 other credible resources. Do NOT use Wikipedia, Blogs, Encyclopedia, or other non-credible sources.

Make a PowerPoint with bullet points of concepts and information obtained from your research. PowerPoint should contain at least 10 slides of information plus 1 title slide and 1 reference slide (in APA format). You can have more than 10 slides.

Write your talk in the note section of the PowerPoint. These notes should contain details from your research and not just general information.

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What Happens To The Human Body As We Age

By: Chloe

Life Span
Aging- “The time-related deterioration of the physiological functions necessary for survival and fertility” (Gilbert, 2000).
The life span of a human is said to be 121 years but rarely do we live that long.
The only species expected to live longer than humans is tortoises and lake trout which can live up to 150 years

Scott F Gilbert is the author of Developmental biology, 6th edition. In this article he talks about the maximum life span and life expectancy of certain species. He talks about how no matter what species the life expectancy depends on populations on the species. In this world today the life span of a human is different depending where you live. Someone in the United States is expected to live longer than someone who lives in Afghanistan.

Survival rates
Survival curves for U.S. females in 1900, 1960, and 1980. M50 represents the age at which 50% of the individuals of each population survived. (After Arking 1998.)

In this figure Scott Gilbert shows the aging curve in females from the 1900s to the 1980s. It shoes how in the 1900s females where living an average of 58 years and in the 1980s females were living an average of 81 years.

Causes of Aging
Oxidative damage- metabolism
General wear-and-tear and genetic instability- small traumas to the body over time
Mitochondrial genome damage- energy production
Telomere shortening- Telomeres are found at the end of human chromosomes
Genetic aging programs- aging rapidly

Scott Gilbert describes five ways what causes humans to age. He states there are many different theories how we age and there is no clear agreement what exactly causes humans to age.

Genetic Aging Syndrome
Out of the five Genetic aging has no cure. This is a rare form that causes kids to age at a very high speed making there life span very short.
White, A. (2014, January 12). Sam Berns, The Brave Teenager Who Was The Face Of Progeria – And The Patriots’ Honorary Captain – Has Died. Retrieved from https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/alanwhite/sam-berns-the-brave-teenager-who-was-the-face-of-progeria-ha

This is a picture of a boy named Sam and his family. He suffers from genetic aging syndrome and was only 17 years old when he sadly passed away.

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