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In the article, “Change Management Initiatives: Moving Sales Organizations from Obsolescence to High Performance.” it talks about how an organization will struggle as it grows more and more. One thing I realized as I was reading this as they were asking themselves questions as to what variables were causing this failure in a sales organization. Whether that was the salesperson selling to the best customers or if it was the sales force that was causing the issue. So, they were trying to analyze the root of the problem. From here, it can be difficult because in a sales environment, customers needs and wants change periodically. So, the organization must be able to pivot to the needs and wants of the customers as needed. If the organization cannot keep up with the customers they will eventually go out of business.  There can be lots of change agents from the economy to the thing that goes viral over the web that makes customers craze about the product. When an organization in a sales environment is able to analyze this change and be able to incorporate a road map for the trend, they will be better successful. If they do not follow this trend, they have the potential of going out of business because customers gravitate towards the trends. 

Colletti, J. A., & Chonko, L. B. (1997). Change Management Initiatives: Moving Sales Organizations from Obsolescence to High Performance. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 17(2), 1–30.

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There is an article written by Eric Clemons in which they discuss the current organization for which I am employed. Currently I work for McKesson corporation, which is one of the largest organizations in the world, and tops out at number 7 on the fortune 500 list. In Mr. Clemons article he discusses several topics but I would like to focus on a case study that was done on the strategic information system. “McKesson’s order entry and distribution system, Economist, is one of the most widely cited strategic information systems, with wide acceptance; nearly 100% of McKesson’s orders are entered electronically by customers.” (Clemson 2015) In 2013 McKesson had decided to look into changing their order processing system. McKesson decided to do this because they wanted a better way to control inventory while also making it more convenient for their customers to order. Upon implementing the new system McKesson started it in waves with the largest customers first. This was an error made on McKesson part and caught rather quickly. The roll out had some obvious kinks that needed to be worked out and the smartest way to do this would be to start with the smaller customers and perfect the roll out, then begin to roll the technology out to the larger customers. Management at McKesson had a paradox. They had to make the decision of who to release the technology to first. A paradox is defined as, “two or more apparently correct ideas contradict each other.” (Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. 2017).  When choosing the roll out of the technology the leadership team needed to decide weather launching to the big customers to make their ordering priority would be best or starting with the smaller customers to iron out the kinks would be best. Ultimately the organization had to try both ways and the later won

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Eric K. Clemons, Nehal Madhani. (2010) Regulation of Digital Businesses with Natural Monopolies or Third-Party Payment Business Models: Antitrust Lessons from the Analysis of Google

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. Journal of Management Information Systems 27:3, pages 43-80.

Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. (2017). Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach (3rd ed.). Retrieved from https://redshelf.com/

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