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 Small group instruction can allow a teacher to focus on reinforcement of concepts or to easily observe students during a given activity. It also builds community within the classroom and allows the teacher more time to meet the specific needs of diverse learners.

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Part 1: Lesson Implementation

For this assignment, you will create a video( just put into words no actual recording.) Create a lesson, Review the lesson with your mentor teacher prior to teaching it and integrate the feedback into your implementation of the lesson. 

Part 2: Unit Plan Reflection

After your implementation, review your video and obtain feedback on how the lesson went from your mentor teacher. Write a 250-500 word reflection on your lesson, including:

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  • What you would have done differently to help prepare you for teaching the lesson.
  • Did you feel the students were engaged in the learning? Explain.
  • How you feel you monitored and adjusted throughout the lesson to meet the needs of the students.
  • What went well and what you would have done differently.
  • How you will apply the feedback you received from your mentor teacher to your future teaching?

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

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