6-1 Short Answer: Chain of Inquiry Assignment

need this done less than 11 hours from now it is a short answer assignment I will attach the rubric and my  observation journal 

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SCS 100 Module Six Short Answer Guidelines and Rubric

Prompt: Reflect on the concepts presented in the video and overview and the example of a growing body of research as captured in the article “A Review of
Facebook Research in the Social Sciences.” Also, consider the question you posed about your advertisements in your observation journal in Module Four. Then,
in a short answer response (1 to 2 sentences per question), address the following questions:

 How does social science inquiry advance and evolve over time?

 Why is it important that our understanding of social science concepts continue to develop and expand?

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 Then, consider the question you posed in the observation journal, which you submitted in Module Four. How could others build upon this question

through additional research or follow-up questions?


Guidelines for Submission: Submit your short answers in a Microsoft Word document.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Engagement of

Response reflects on the
advancement and evolution of
social science inquiry, explains
why advancement is important,
and reflects on how others
might build off previous

Response provides general
reflection on the advancement
of social science inquiry, but is
missing specific tie-backs to
previous questions

Does not provide reflection on
the advancement of social
science inquiry


Completeness of

Provides focused responses
and/or reflections to all
questions posed

Provides responses and/or
reflections to some but not all
questions posed

Does not provide a response or
reflection to any question



Clearly communicates key ideas
and thoughts in a short answer

Response needs clarification in
order to support understanding
of key ideas and thoughts

Response is not legible and key
ideas or thoughts are not


Total 100%

SCS 100 Project 2 Observation Journal (Gender-Based Advertisement)

Kanesha Bowden
Professor Sherry Cooke
March 31, 2021

SCS 100 Project 2 Observation Journal (Gender-Based Advertisement)

Article Choice

I have chosen this topic named gender-based advertisement because in such type of advertisements there are different properties of ads assigned to the specific gender either male or female or other. Gender based advertisement technique is basically used to advertise the products which are linked directly or indirectly to the genders. Such technique appeals the consumers emotionally. This technique is also widely being used to advertise gender specific products and from this, it becomes easier to target the potential customers. The aspects of the gender-based advertisement made me more curious that how a specific gender needs to advertise the product to be used by the same gender and along with that another aspect which is linked with the persuasion and attractiveness of the product while being advertised is to keep in mind.

Assumptions and Observations

Audience. Each advertisement has a specific type of audience to which it appeals and to whom it attracts. In the case of gender-based advertisement, most important thing is the consumer o the gender specific product. For example: In the advertisement of the Carlsberg Beer: If Carlsberg Did Fitting Rooms, it is confirmed that the audience includes the male consumers. Similarly, in the ad of Tide Plus A Touch of Downy: The Princess Dress or Colgate: Sink Child, it is confirmed that the audience includes the female consumers.

Message. Basically, the message of the gender-based advertisements are dependent upon the type of product being advertised. At the same time the message is directly linked with the consumer gender that either male or female because the gender specific products need to be advertised by the same gender to influence the consumer more effectively and they ‘ll be confident to use the product and believe the assured importance and facility of the product in a better way.

Relationship between people. In my opinion, the relationship between the people in the gender-based ads needs to be franker and more cooperative so that they work together to make the best ads more persuasive towards the consumers of the product being advertised. Actually, in the entire ad it is the most important thing to be focused while making an advertisement.

Relationship with product. The relationship with the product is usually based on the decision-making ability of the consumer that how an individual has to spend the resources (money, time) available to them for buying an item or product to consume. During the advertisement based on genders, all the qualities of the product are shown in a way that the consumer will not have to argue about the properties or the quality and at the same time, the gender-based advertisement is also describing the relationship with the product in order to facilitate the consumer. So that he / she will not go anywhere else to buy the product. Usually in the gender-based advertisements the relationship between the consumer and the product is necessary to show, without that the advertisement will remain ineffective. (Adhikary, 2014)

Effectiveness. Advertisement is a type of communication tool which is being widely used now-a days to attract the consumers towards the advertised products or the services. Advertisement effectiveness is also a necessary component of the business. The basic objective of the gender-based advertisement is to grab the attention of the consumers and to motivate them to buy the product, being advertised. In the gender-based advertisement, there is also a component of emotion involved which is needed for the advertisement of some products so that it could be able to appeal those consumers facing the same emotions. (Keshari & Jain, 2014).

Social Science Evidence

Overall, I think a social scientist might be interested in the fact that the ads where not as diverse when it came to gender and that some ads represented men as the leading role or primary features rather than women or other genders. And may be in some ads which are gender specific in those that gender who is going to use that specific product has the primary role in advertising that product in a persuasive manner.


As a social scientist I can understand the specific gender stereotypes for a product to be advertised by the same gender. But one question arises in my mind that in some gender-based ads which are not gender specific or related to emotions why the females have the leading or primary role in such ads?

Adhikary, A. (2014). Avertising: A fusion process between Consumer and product. Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies Annual Research Conference(SIMSARC). West Bangal.
Keshari, P., & Jain, S. (2014). Consumer response to advertising Appeals: A Gender based study. Journal of Marketing and Communications, 9(3).

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