6-1 Final Project Milestone Three: Present Day

Submit one paragraph describing what the garment you chose looks like now. Provide photos or illustrations of how this garment looks today.

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FMM 208: Milestone Guidelines and Rubric

The final project for this course is the creation of presentation tracing a garment over time. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of
competency as students will demonstrate recognition for various garments worn during each costume period, including basic terminology, analyzing important
historical impacts on the garment as well as its development over time and what traces are present in today’s fashions. The project is divided into four
milestones, which will be submitted in Modules Three, Four, and Six. Your final project is due in Module Seven. For additional information and resources on
your final project, review the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document.

Milestone Information
Milestone One: Garment Introduction
In Task 3-2, you will submit one paragraph describing one item of clothing throughout fashion history. You will trace the development of this item. Explain why
you chose this particular garment. Examples: dresses, pants, skirts, suits. This assignment will be graded with the Milestone Rubric.

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Milestone Two: First Appearance
In Task 4-2, you will submit one paragraph describing when the garment you are tracing first appeared. Provide photos or illustrations of how this garment
looked. This assignment will be graded with the Milestone Rubric.

Milestone Three: Present Day
In Task 6-1, you will submit one paragraph describing what the garment you chose looks like now. Provide photos or illustrations of how this garment looks
today. This assignment will be graded with the Milestone Rubric.

Milestone Rubric

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Comprehension and
Main Components of

the Milestone

Properly completed one or
more paragraphs as per
assignment. Provided two
or more visuals as examples
(photograph or illustration)

Properly completed one
paragraph as per
assignment. Provided at
least one visual as an
example (photograph or

Completed one paragraph
as per assignment. Provided
no visuals (photograph of

Did not complete one
paragraph or provide visuals


Mechanics in
Writing Portion

No errors related to
organization, grammar, and

Errors of grammar,
organization, and style are
marginal and rarely
interrupt the flow

Errors of grammar,
organization, and style are
limited enough that the
written elements are

Multiple errors of grammar,
organization, and style
make the written elements
difficult to understand


Integration and

All of the course concepts
are correctly applied

Most of the course concepts
are correctly applied

Some of the course
concepts are correctly

Does not correctly apply
any of the course concepts


APA Style Citation All sources (information and
graphics) are accurately
documented in APA format

All sources (information and
graphics) are accurately
documented, but many are
not in APA format

Some sources are not
accurately documented in
APA format

Sources are NOT accurately
documented in APA format


Earned Total


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