5012_ASS 2 # DRAFT 2 # ASSESSMENT 2 Assessment 2 Instructions: Branding Presentation # MBA # FLEXPAH CAPELLA

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Assessment 2 Instructions: Branding Presentation

  • Develop a brand presentation of 8 12 slides for a new pet food product (or new product or line extension at your employer or future employer), using the speaker’s notes sections of each slide to expand your talking points.
    Branding is a means of differentiating a product from its competitors. Branding is an important aspect of marketing because it provides a distinctive identity to a product or family of products that sets it apart from competitors. This assessment introduces the concept of brands and discusses the various ways marketers position their products within the brand structure. By the end of the assessment, you may look at branding and products a bit differently than you do right now!
    Completion of this portfolio work project will help you understand the key components of a brand presentation.
    The Vice President of Marketing at MSH Brands (or at your employer or future employer company) was impressed with your marketing plan submitted in Assessment 1. They have now asked you to develop a brand presentation based on this work.
    Your Role
    You are a Brand Manager at MSH Brands (or at your employer or future employer company). You are being asked to develop a brand presentation for a new pet food product (or new product or line extension at your employer or future employer.)
    You are to develop a brand presentation including the following elements based on your research, building on your work submitted in Assessment 1. Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 8 12 slides that synthesize the work, using the speaker’s notes sections of each slide to expand your talking points. Be sure your presentation includes:
    What is the brand name for the product? What role does the new product play in the brand portfolio?

    Who is the target market?
    What will be the new product’s objectives (create greater customer loyalty, increase trials, expand usage among current users, support trade relations)?
    What will be the new product position? How will it complement the objectives?
    What will be the new product competitive pricing strategy? How will it complement the objectives?
    How will this be reflected in the packaging? How will it complement the objectives?
    How will this be reflected in the promotion? How will it complement the objectives?
    How will this be reflected in the placement? How will it complement the objectives?
    Deliverable Format
    PowerPoint presentation. Use Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX] as a resource.
    8 12 slides (in addition to the title and references slides).
    Include additional details on each slide in the speaker’s notes section.
    Additional requirements: 

    Title slide.
    References slide.
    APA-formatted references from at least five sources.
    Be sure you consider the audience.

    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:
    Competency 1: Apply marketing theories and models to develop marketing strategies. 

    Articulate the context of the business (product name, role in brand, target segment).

    Competency 2: Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies and methods. 

    Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies (product objectives and positioning).

    Competency 3: Use data to support evidence-based marketing decisions. 

    Evaluate the marketing mix (pricing, packaging, promotion, and placement) for a product.

    Competency 5: Communicate marketing needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders. 

    Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional. 

    This portfolio work project demonstrates your competency in applying knowledge and skills required of a MBA learner in the workplace. Save this activity to your ePortfolio for future reference in the workplace.

    Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.

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Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations


One concern about visual presentations is that the technology used to create them can be used in such a way that it actually detracts from the message rather than enhances it. To help you consider carefully how your message is presented so that it reflects care, quality, and professionalism, consider the information provided in the remaining slides.

NOTE: This presentation serves as an example in itself, by utilizing all of the guidelines mentioned.

Speaker Notes
The following topics will be covered:

Present ideas succinctly with lean prose.
Use short sentences.
Use active, rather than passive voice.
Avoid negative statements, if possible.
Avoid double negative entirely.
Check spelling and grammar.
Use consistent capitalization rules.

Develop a clear, strategic introduction to provide context for the presentation.
Develop an agenda or outline slide to provide a roadmap for the presentation.
Group relevant pieces of information together.
Integrate legends and keys with charts and tables.
Organize slides in logical order.
Present one concept or idea per slide.
Use only one conclusion slide to recap main ideas.

Present information at language level of intended audience.
Do not use jargon or field-specific language.
Follow the 70% rule—If it does not apply to 70% of your audience, present it to individuals at a different time.

Use a consistent design throughout the presentation.
Keep layout and other features consistent.
Use the master slide design feature to ensure consistency.
Use consistent horizontal and vertical alignment of slide elements throughout the presentation.
Leave ample space around images and text.

When applicable, enhance text-only slide content by developing relevant images for your presentation.
Do not use gratuitous graphics on each slide.
Use animations only when needed to enhance meaning. If selected, use them sparingly and consistently.

Use bullets unless showing rank or sequence of items.
If possible, use no more than five bullet points and eight lines of text total per slide.

Use simple tables to show numbers, with no more than 4 rows x 4 columns.
Reserve more detailed tables for a written summary.

Keep font size at 24 point or above for slide titles.
Keep font size at 18 or above for headings and explanatory text.
Use sans serif fonts such as Arial or Verdana.
Use ample contrast between backgrounds and text.

Speaker Notes
Summarize key information.
Provide explanation.
Discuss application and implication to the field, discipline or work setting.
Document the narration you would use with each slide.

Brand Presentation

Presented by



Company and Product Overview
‘Nature’s Creation’, a new product to be launched in the line of Pet foods by SNHU company.
Its an all natural foods, free of any additives
Cost slightly higher than some existing similar products in the market because of its quality.
Product has relatively shorter shelve lives
Lacks the taste of freshness

“Nature’s Creation is a new pet food product line from SNHU Pet Supply Store. This product is an all-natural pet food with no additives for a variety of pets. The cost is priced slightly higher than some of the others in the market and has a slightly shorter shelf life. It does, however, have a freshness and taste guarantee. It will be sold, in the beginning phase, at the flagship SNHU Pet.”

Marketing strategies
Online Marketing
Every service will be available just with a click reducing time taken buy customers to have the product with them.
Mobile friendly online platforms which will positively impact company consumer relationships, and hence company growth because sales will be high.
Necessary links to be made available freely and hence simplifying organizational business activities and upholding client satisfaction.
Video Ads
Capitalize on YouTube and television adverts. High number of TV users and social YouTube subscribers will facilitate creation of awareness.
Featuring animal ads on various social media platforms. Increasing number of social media subscribers will positively impact the organization.
In person Events
Organize community outreach days to create awareness among the members. Execute free pet education and regular vaccination to customers helping them understand better care procedures and right foods to offer.

“To market Nature’s Creation utilizing online marketing, in-person events, and video ads would be the most efficient use of the marketing budget. Due to the demographic population that will be targeted information and products at their fingertips at all time is a must. Having an online webpage that is mobile friendly will help to have the products of Nature’s Creation there when the customer needs it both on the go or at home. The cost of this would be about $750.00 – $1000.00 for creative consultation and set up of a website that contains a home page, about us, product page with an e-commerce store, contact page, and news and nutrition page. Maintenance cost would be $500.00 – $800.00 per month (J. Forest, personal communication” February 6, 2020)
“It will also have options for a subscription food delivery or one-time purchases that can be accessed from a desktop or mobile devices. The website will be on all marketing materials that are published or used in any way to drive traffic to the page. The online campaign would also include ads ad company page for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram that would cost about $1200.00 per month” (Forest, 2020).

Social Responsibility
Remain instrumental and support entire community: Attained holding community training about pet management.
Make products available at a cost friendly and affordable price. This will increase the number of consumers who can afford the product , hence increasing organizational sales and company growth.
Product images and description will be wholesome. This helps in convincing consumers why it is the right product and why they should be purchasing it over other products.

“Social Responsibility is very important in this market do to the demographic of the target market. The target market is often very concuss of the products they are using and the way those companies are run. This is why they often lean to smaller companies with products that are direct to consumer, so they can know the who, what, when, and how of a company and their products. “

Social Responsibility
Consumers will be able to replace the foods they have in stores with the new product. This a marketing strategy which allows a company retain its clients even after launching a new product.
Replacing foods will minimize costs of getting the new product. Replacement allows clients have a taste of the new product prior to actual purchases. Helps in building customer trust in the early stages of product launch.
Replacing the new products will earn the company a positive image among community members. Members will have fresh trust that the organization is really concerned about their well being and not making profits out of the product.

“This is also important because the product that is being offered, Nature’s Creations, is a holistic based food that will want to have its image of holism and supportive of the community around it. In short that Nature’s Creation is one of the “beautiful things in the world” and not destructive. Marketing does not want to work agents the demographics’ established wants and needs so it is very important that social responsibility is taken into consideration for this product. If the product is at all see as not being responsible to the community and world around it the product, being holistic in nature, will look hyperradical and loose creditability in the eyes of the consumers”

Internal Factors
It’s an all natural product. Consumer get attracted to natural products because of reduced health risks.
Healthy food with several nutrients. Multiple nutrients facilitates wholistic growth of pets Healthwise.
Quality pet food and hence, supporting health growth of pets.
Has a taste of freshness and money back guarantee
High cost of raw materials can result to high production cost and hence, making the product costly.
Seasonal nature of raw material supply can impact supply pattern of products to the market, making clients doubtful.
Fully relies on online business . Failure or breach of online platform can bring everything to halt, resulting to severe losses.

“More and more pet owners have a strong drive for healthier and better quality product for their pet. This is because pets are becoming a strong entity in the family unit. A pet is not just a pet but a member of the family. “Fur baby” is now being looked at as the starter child, or first child, for many of the current adult population. This is partly because the Millennial and Xllennial generations are getting married later in life and having children later as well” (Hutchinson, 2017).

External Market Factors
Increasing number of families owning pets directly implies that product demand will be high also, and so the sales.
Desire for fresh and healthy pet foods will shift potential customer focus into the product, increasing company sales and upholding product brand.
Online transaction with the product will allow on time booking and delivery of product to consumers.
Variation in seasons for the growth of raw materials can reduce the number of customers and hence causing losses to the organization.
Emergence of new similar products will result to stiffer industry competition and reduced sales.
Inability to ship products to all regions on time can send away customers because they will go for readily available options.
High costs of raw materials in use might make it difficult to price the product relatively cheap.
There is need to focus on the cost of raw materials as they determine product cost.
The climate and other factors impacting growth or raw materials should be taken into account.

“The external market factors that can impact the marketing strategies are a need to keep and eye on the cost of raw goods, where the products are coming from, climate change leading to a change in growing seasons for raw materials, lack of delivery locations, and to many new products in the market. These outside obstacles can, however, lead to some benefits. One is that manufacturing can keep a close eye on the cost of goods and the raw materials available. It will also help to know what trends are coming up in so that new products can be created before the peak of the new trends. Having a close relationship with vendors will also allow the best ability to negotiate cost of goods. “

Needs and Wants to be Satisfied
On time delivery of products ordered is what clients require as it simplifies pet cares. Achieving this positively impacts brand name.
Easy booking and purchases is what clients desires.
Food with a better taste and quality outcome acts as appetite to pets and hence, they consume the food with little difficulties.
Increasing demand of food triggered by increasing pet population. The quantity of product sold will definitely go high.
Pet foods sourced to residential homes. This is value addition that can draw so many clients.
Direct link up between consumers and manufactures minimizes retail costs and hence advantageous to both parties.
Extensive online presence supports the organization because of rapid technology advancement.

There is an increasing number of pets because every family is whishing to own one. Most families and homes have become pet friendly, making it a must to have pets at home. This directly increases the demand for foods.
“This Xennial and Milennial demographic is willing to pay a slightly higher price for better quality that is sourced close to home. They are also looking for a company that has a heavy online presence to fit into their daily lives and not take away from their other activities. The demand in the market currently is for healthy good tasting pet food that is delivered to you.” (Kestenbaum,2018)
The new product will rely on these trends to sell.

Target Market
Primary Market
Aged between 19-65
Must be in possession of pets and searching for better foods.
Have an annual income of at least $70
Distribution Regions
Expanding the market beyond Robbinsville
Washington DC
Market Expansion
Age between 19 and 60
Newly pet owners
Lifetime commercial pet owners
Newly formed families.
Taking all these into account, chances of product survival in the market are high as that is exactly what is needed for the product to flourish.

Market entry through New Jersey will be advantageous because the region comprises of all the required demographics for the company. Besides, the region has a busy and fully connected network of transportation, which will make product distribution easier within the region.
Industrialized area of Robbinsville will serve as a central position, out of which other regions will be supplied with the product.
“Average annual household income in the region is $122,661, with 67.5% of the population being homeowners, the average age is 41 (Robbinsville), 475 homes have children under 18 and 403 are married” (Google. (n.d).

Google. (n.d) Robbinsville New Jersey. Retrieved from https://google.com/maps/dir/Robbinsville+Twp.+NJ/Boston,+MA/Philadelphia,+PA/Washington+D.C.,+DC/
Kestenbaum, R. (2018, November 27). The Biggest Trends In The Pet Industry. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/richardkestenbaum/2018/11/27/the-biggest-



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