500 words 5 hrs must read all reading stuff

Instructions: After you have completed all readings on New Negro Movement & the Harlem Renaissance for week seven, answer the following question(s)/prompt(s) based upon what you have read. All answers must be provided using complete sentences.Note: Your reader report will be different each week. 

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Harlem Renaissance Questions: 

1. What was the contribution of women to the Harlem Renaissance? List three important women and the contributions they each made to the movement. (4pt)

2. What genres were essential to the artistry of the Harlem Renaissance? (1pt)

3. What themes recurred during the Harlem Renaissance? (1pt)

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4. Why was New York City the natural center for the Harlem Renaissance? (1pt)

New Negro Questions:

1. Define the New Negro. (3pts)

2. Why, according to Erin D. Chapman, is “New Negro Renaissance” a more appropriate term? (2pts)

Claude McKay, “If We Must Die,” Questions:

1. To whom is McKay referring when he repeats “we” and “us”? (1pt)

2. What is the effect of the animal imagery? What is McKay trying to reveal through this imagery? (1pt)

3. What is the meaning and significance lines 13 and 14 of the poem? (1pt)

4. What elements in this poem make it a quintessential Harlem Renaissance poem? (1pt)

Langston Hughes, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers,” Questions:

1. To whom is Hughes referring when he repeats “I”? (1pt)

2. Why does Hughes use “rivers” as a symbol? Why not another symbol? (1pt)

3. What references does Hughes makes to time, and what is he trying to reveal through these references? (1pt)

4. What elements in this poem make it a quintessential Harlem Renaissance poem? (1pt)

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