4 Responses Aug 27

Work #1 Responses:

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Actual work where 2 students given their post on this:

Write at least 500 words on fractional ownership and it’s relation to cloud computing. Use at least one example from another industry.    

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs. Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.

Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0. 

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Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. 

Do not use attachments as a submission.  

Reply to two classmates’ posting in a paragraph of at least five sentences by asking questions, reflecting on your own experience, challenging assumptions, pointing out something new you learned, offering suggestions. These peer responses are not ‘attaboys’.   

It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your post and that you reply to two classmates in a substantive way (not ‘nice post’ or the like).  Your goal is to help your colleagues write better. Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. It usually results in nonsense and is not a good way to learn anything. . I will not spend a lot of my time trying to decipher nonsense. Proof read your work or have it edited. Find something interesting and/or relevant to your work to write about.  

Note: See the above bold lines for responses

We need to give 2 responses all should have proper APA, citations, and minimum one reference each for both.

Work #2 Responses:

Actual work where 2 students given their post on this:

1) Provide an example of the investment and financing decisions that financial managers make.  

2) Please identify and describe one (1) of the financial markets. 

We need to give 2 responses all should have proper APA, citations, and minimum one reference each for both.

Please find the two attachments.

Naren Work:

Cloud Computing Relation with Fractional Ownership



Cloud computing over the last two decades has turned out as one of the popular solutions that enhance the provision of cheap as well as easy access to the externalized information technology assets. There are many organizations all over who have benefitted from the use of cloud computing. In particular, cloud computing is a technique which continuously receives a great deal or increasing attention from individuals at home, corporations and including the government of the United States in publications.

Fractional owners increasingly implement cloud computing software for the efficient and quick sharing of data. As more organizations focus on transiting down the path of cloud computing, users continue to access information, applications, and all sorts of data on any level online as opposed to the utilization of actual devices or hardware. Dnuffy (2018) states, ” If your current priorities include lowering technology costs, improving systems security, mobility and reducing system maintenance while enhancing scalability, then a cloud solution is worth considering.” For that reason, an organization which offers reliable cloud computing technology all over the world or in a given area provides a mechanism which should allow for the more comfortable and efficient process of computing in a shared manner since the cloud is a service as opposed to a product. Srinivas, Reddy, and Qyser (2012) assert “cloud computing is not application-oriented but service-oriented.” It is evidenced in various research works that those who use the service share their data or information in a manner that is efficient to permit the accessing and also giving of access to such sites to a specific group or the whole world within the cloud.

The future of cloud computing allows for fractional ownership. This is since information can now be accessed and stored by individuals on designated sections on the cloud as they are disintegrated to enhance increased security. As such, there are numerous capabilities and opportunities with cloud computing as well as the technology behind it. Primarily, this is a new technology which is capable of opening many job vacancies, applications, services, platforms, and much more. Based on this information and others, thousands of possibilities start to arise, especially on fractional ownership to shape the future of cloud computing. An excellent example to support this fact, or maybe view about this technology is that of service providers and vendors getting on board for the development of new strategies and ways to sell their products thus benefiting from accessing a whole vast network of customers in the cloud. Since this is a modern era, Apprenda asserts, “social networking and keeping in touch with friends get a great deal easier as well” (2018). As such, organizations and businesses need to ensure they are organized to conduct their operations professionally but see to it that affordability is considered.

In conclusion, data sharing forms one of the benefits which defines the future of cloud computing as this is something that is quite apparent. Because the future of cloud computing is exceptionally beneficial, aspects such as elasticity and scalability shall be integrated to enable fractional ownership. The future of it would be expansive and powerful to create newer and flexible platforms to allow for the growth of businesses and organizations.  Besides, the efficiency of sharing of data as the future holds shall call for the concerns on the security of information as they are sent and stored in the cloud.



Apprenda. (2018). Future of Cloud Computing – Apprenda. Retrieved 27 August 2020, from https://apprenda.com/library/cloud/future-of-cloud-computing/

Duffy, H. (2018). Fractional Ownership in Accounting: Cloud Computing Infrastructures. Retrieved 27 August 2020, from https://www.firmofthefuture.com/content/fractional-ownership-in-accounting-cloud-computing-infrastructures/

Srinivas, J., Reddy, K. V. S., & Qyser, A. M. (2012). Cloud computing basics. International journal of advanced research in computer and communication engineering, 1(5), 343-347.

Srinivas, J., Reddy, K. V. S., & Qyser, A. M. (2012). Cloud computing basics. International journal of advanced research in computer and communication engineering, 1(5), 343-347.

Sri Harsha Work:

Week 1:    Cloud Computing & Fractional Ownership

Fractional ownership is mainly determined as a  decision in which various organizations take cost-share in relation to the purchase of an asset. This type of organization does not want to run various risks that are associated with the sole ownership in consideration of items that cannot afford to own items on their own. “In general fractional ownership is mainly considered as percentage ownership within the assets” (Rani & Reddy, 2019). This mainly shares within the asset that is extensively used for selling to the individual shareholders. These individual mainly share assets like rights, income, priority access as well as reduce rates.

Many organizations can easily utilize fractional ownership in cloud computing. Because the cloud storage platforms make sure of a convenient way where the users can easily share files along with engaging them within collaborations. “By executing cloud many organizations experience a wide range of benefits” (Kalyanam, 2019). Moreover, the private cloud is mainly operated by individuals in order to easily operate various practices as well as stay protected by firewalls. This will also play a key role in controlling the users’ information systems through effective data management. Public cloud will let an individual to effectively serve the information system management in consideration to this the external services providers develop various applications as well as storage. These are available for the general public through the means of the internet. 

“The excess amount of information is available on private cloud as well as a public cloud” (Xue & Xin, 2016). In consideration of this many individuals will extensively focus on a wide range of opportunities that are present within the fractional leadership model to cloud. Because this will help the individuals to allow their practices that have made the right decisions in order to go to public cloud solutions. They also recognize that cloud computing will help businesses to easily transform their current technological data.

One of the best examples of fractional ownership is a private aviation company  NetJets. The main key concept of this organization is to enable fractional ownership for individuals as well as businesses that are interested within co-ownership. In relation to this, the company has hired as well as managed the pilots (NetJets IP, LLC, 2020 ). Due to this they easily gain overall convenience along with access and time of advantages in order to own the complete aircraft this is mainly processed with respect to a fraction of cost and without any kind of responsibilities. Alternatively, the NetJet hires and manages the pilots along with maintaining plans, scheduling as well as various other logistics and secure safety. Hence likely NetJets is one of the best examples of benefits of fractional ownership within the organization.

Finally, the fractional ownership situation is one of the best practices that pay a percentage with respect to physical data infrastructure, annual management percentage, and maintenance fee. By this, the organizational owners can easily manage the percentage of data environment that is required. Fractional ownership is recognized as financially appealing alternatively that can easily provide a wide range of technological benefits by analyzing back-office technology that develops with a cloud. 


Kalyanam, K. (2019). Cloud Computing 1 Strategic Importance Of Cloud Computing In Business Organizations. Researchgate , 01-10.

Netjets Ip, Llc. (2020 ). Netjets. Retrieved From Www.Netjets.Com: Https://Www.Netjets.Com/En-Us/

Rani, V. P., & Reddy, D. B. (2019). Towards Shared Ownership In The Cloud. Reseachgate, 01-10.

Xue, C. T., & Xin, F. T. (2016). Benefits And Challenges Of The Adoption Of Cloud Computing In Business. International Journal On Cloud Computing: Services And Architecture, 06(06), 01-15.

Naren Work:

Investment and Financing Decisions

Financial managers provide a conceptual and analytical framework for financial decision-making. Investment decisions are financial decisions that are concerned with how an organization invests funds in different assets. They can be long-term assets, which involve significant investment and produce returns over some time in the future or short term assets, which can be converted into cash within a given financial year (Massey, n.d.). The inventory investment decision is an example of an investment decision that financial managers must make. The short-run adjustment of stocks often influences inventory investment to a correctly determined long-term period. Financial managers evaluate various potential investment opportunities and select the best options. Moreover, they must arrange a firm’s inventory policy and ensure the firm’s overall profitability. Financing decisions, on the other hand, are financial decisions concerned with funds that need to be raised from various long term sources, including preference shares, equity shares, debentures as well as bank loans. An example of a financing decision is selling debt in the public market. Financial managers play a critical role in seeking a balance between debt and equity through the sale of ownership in the firm.

Financial Markets

            The stock market is one of the essential types of financial markets. The stock market is where exchange activities such as issuance and trading of shares of publicly listed companies take place. It is a stock exchange market where investors buy and sell shares of stock. Investors who anticipate the growth of the economy will often invest in stocks since a robust economy enables firms to improve their earnings capability. Investing in the stock market is usually regarded as the most effective in achieving returns that overcome inflation over time. Stock market investment also leads to average returns that surpass those of other investments. However, the decision to invest in stock markets requires better insight and a comprehensive understanding of the global perspective of human nature (Wamae, 2013). In addition, it also requires sharp financial skills and the ability to the best out of investments.


Massey, N. Types of Financial Decisions in Financial Management. Retrieved 27 August 2020, from 

Types of Financial Decisions in Financial Management

Wamae, J. N. (2013). Behavioural factors influencing investment decision in stock market: A survey of investment banks in Kenya. International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship, 1(6), 68-83.

Sri Harsha Work:

Week-1 Discussion

In the present emerging competitive market to accomplish their competitive marketplace it is necessary for the organizations to take required decisions on their finance. These decisions are usually made by financial managers who play a key role in managing the organizational profit rate (Gitman & Zutter, 2015). In relation to this, they make investment decisions to earn the highest possible return for their investors. One of the best examples of investment decisions is capital budgeting decisions. Organizational assets as well as resources mainly use this kind of decision. By this, a firm can easily pick its investment to gain a huge amount of conceivable returns. Likely these decisions are extensively related to a careful selection of assets in which the funds will be invested by the organization. By this managers can easily process funds within the procuring that are fixed assets as well as current assets. Some of the major factors that influence investment decisions include profits, investment criteria, and cash flow of venture (Drobetz, Janzen, & Meier, 2018). Secondly, the financing decisions are identically considered to most essential because in consideration of this the managers make wise decisions related to business acquire funds. As an example, the market estimations of fan organizations are shared for expanding and developing the organizational investors’ wealth. This is identically related to competition of various securities within the capital structure of an organization. Some of the major factors affecting financing decisions include cost, risk, cash flow position, control, and condition of the market. 

The stock market is one of the best examples of investment and financing decisions. Because the stock market trades are shares of ownership related to public organizations. In relation to this, investors make money with stock while performing well within the market (Amidu & Haruna, 2018). Alternatively, the bond market extensively provides a large number of opportunities for organizations as well as the government in order to secure financial investments. By this the financial markets trade within each and every organization gain securities along with smooth operations of capitalist society. 


Amidu, M., & Haruna, I. (2018). The role of financial markets in promoting sustainability – a review and research framework. ResearchGate , 01-05.

Drobetz, W., Janzen, M., & Meier, I. (2018). Investment and financing decisions of private and public firms. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting , 01-10.

Gitman, L. J., & Zutter, C. J. (2015). Principles of Managerial Finance: Brief, Global Edition. Pearson Education Limited.

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