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         The website that I assessed was the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, HHS.gov. The site listed a host of different careers, giving a summary of what that position or field entailed. There were various aspects to the HHS.gov site that included, to name a few, Office of the Secretary, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute of Health, Health Resources and Services Administration.

         If I were to choose one of these career areas, working in the HHS career area of a Health Case Manager or a Medical Social Worker would be the right area for me. As a Health Case Manager, I would not need a license, and my B.A. would suffice. I would be able to talk with the patients in the hospital before they are discharged to find out what medical equipment, if any, they may need for in-home care as they recover. However, the Medical Social Worker would require me to have additional training and education, such as a license with a master’s degree in Social Work. This job would involve me helping to ensure that the psychological and social needs of patients and families get attended to and that all aspects of the patient’s care, inpatient, rehabilitation, outpatient, and in-home and so on are coordinated. Both careers work in a variety of settings, most commonly hospitals, patient’s homes, and nursing facilities.

         I believe working in the HHS career area would be right for me because my career is in Health and Medical as an Administrator and Clinical Assistant for private practices. I enjoy teaching patient education, my passion is for helping others, and I believe that medicine and life work well together. I will be working with other health professionals, hospitals, social services, and dedicated to the care of the patients and families the way I would provide for my own family. For example, a patient coping with a diagnosis of cancer may need help with services like insurance, in-home health services, psychotherapy, and grief counseling. It may be a complex system to coordinate but would have to make sure all the many parts are pulling together in the same direction.

         In my early childhood, my parents taught and showed my siblings and me the rewards of helping others does to the mind/spirit; it helps you stay focused and centered humbly in your life. Helping and serving others throughout the years is representative of how rewarding this career has been for me thus far and will continue my journey.



HHS.gov. (n.d). U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Retrieved from

https://www.hhs.gov/about/careers/index.html (Links to an external site.)


Medical Social Worker: What Are Medical Social Workers. (n.d.). Retrieved from

https://www.mswguide.org/careers/medical-social-work/ (Links to an external site.)


Human Service Edu.org, I found careers such as Triage nurse, Child Welfare Manager, Domestic Violence counselor, Suicide counselor, Substance Abuse Counselor, Public Health Educator, and Public Health educator.  I also searched the HHS.gov listed careers such as Public Health Advisor (Quarantine Program), Physician (Public Health), and Consumer Safety Officer (Producer Operations).

Child Welfare Case Manager is the career I would choose in the Health and Human Services career field.  Qualifications I would need to have is a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from an accredited college or university in Social Work or a related field of study, such as Human Services, Juvenile Justice, Psychology, Human Development.  One year working with at risk families in protective service role.  Maintain active certification as a child welfare case manager, strong written and verbal skills, a state valid driver’s license, good driving record, and be insurable under the corporate policy.

I believe working in this field would be right for me because many times children are afraid to speak and I could be their voice when there’s no one else to speak for them.  I love helping people and my 20 years of experience as a medic have given me the opportunity to help others.


HHS.gov. (n.d). U.S. Department of health & Human Services. Retrieved from

https://www.hhs.gov/careers/ (Links to an external site.)

Indeed. retrieved from



Qualitative research traditionally relies on data collected from interviews, focus groups, observations or documents and other written materials (Carr et al., 2019). This research method was used in the Research in Practice 5.1, Behavior and Social Environment: Controversies in Measuring Violence against Women, which examined women’s personal experiences with violence and how it has negatively affected their lives. A survey was used to uncover the psychological hurt which is an important aspect that shouldn’t be ignored, especially when its results can threaten one’s health or lead to suicidal thoughts. Hence, the utility of this approach may provide more insights into the lives and experiences of mentally ill patients (Naslund, Aschbrenner, & Bartels, 2016) and highlight those patients who are incapacitated and incapable of living a normal life due to their traumatic experiences. This method can help researchers uncover the damaging effects domestic violence has on individuals mentally, emotionally, and physically and in return implore aid and medical assistance to those who are experiencing abuse.

The qualitative research method was applied in Research in Practice 12.2, A Nonpositivist Evaluation of a Juvenile Gang Intervention Program. Researchers collected data by asking questions to group participants about their views on themselves, peers, officers, judges, crimes committed and interventions programs. This method is important because it gets data straight from the source. These qualitative approaches better enable us to understand the subjective experiences of the people being studied, and better avoid the possibility that a researcher will impose his or her own meanings in a way that misses or distorts what is really going on (Monette, Sullivan & DeJong, 2017). One thing to note is this data is opinionated, which may pose a problem for researchers who are trying to create intervention programs that cater to the troubled youth. In my opinion, questions that are centered on the reasons why these individuals are turning to crime or what is absent in their lives for example, would be more effective in reversing behaviors as well as help researches improve programs to reach this group’s needs.


Carr, E. M., Zhang, G. D., Ming, J. H. Y., & Siddiqui, Z. S. (2019). Qualitative research: An overview of emerging approaches for data collection. Australasian Psychiatry: Bulletin Of Royal Australian And New Zealand College Of Psychiatrists, 27(3), 307–309. https://doi-org.proxy-library.ashford.edu/10.1177/1039856219828164

Monette, D., Sullivan, T. & DeJong, C. (2017).

Applied social research

(9th ed.). Retrieved from


Naslund JA, Aschbrenner KA and Bartels SJ. (2016). How people living with serious mental illness use smartphones, mobile apps, and social media. Psychiatr Rehabil J 2016; 9: e110171

Greetings, Everyone

         The research in practice (5.1, pp.110). The research is displayed in the statistical numerical data and discussed the Behavioral and Social Environment: Controversies in Measuring Violence against Women. The qualitative approach is the method used in gaining the knowledge of the differences of abuse from the women and the men, between what is described in the household and partner abuse. There was pertinent data gathered it contributed to the qualitative research on how harsh trauma can happen. I can see why when conducting this type of research will be necessary for future reference to finding a solution to this issue. Both research methods are effectively used together. The persons’ account helps the reader understand how traumatic the experiences. When used in combination with the quantitative research method, you read just how common the events happen (Monette, Sullivan & DeJong, 2017).

          In research practice (12.2, p.338). Program Evaluation: A Nonpositivist Evaluation of a Juvenile Gang Intervention Program, describes methods used in interviewing three focus groups. This methodology contributed to understanding the effects both positive and negative of the gang prevention programs. Using the additional tools like notetaking and taping the interviews was qualitative based on the individual’s observation of events that happened; it helps everyone involved to stay on the same level. It seemed to be reasonably effective and can use the feedback to make improvements to the programs in the future (Monette, Sullivan & DeJong, 2017).

Monette, D., Sullivan, T. & DeJong, C. (2017). Applied social research (9th ed.). Retrieved from

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