4 Discussion Board


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IT-230: Web Technologies


Modern developers have a wide variety of techniques and technologies available to improve application performance and end-user experience. One of the most frequently used technologies is that of the HTTP cache.

HTTP caching is a universal adaptation for all web browsers. Appropriate use of these standards can benefit your application greatly, improving response times, and reducing server load. However, incorrect caching can cause users to see out-of-date content and hard to debug issues.

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  1. Discuss why do we need cache?
  2. When HTTP caching occurs?
  3. How many HTTP caching types?
  4. In your opinion, could HTTP caching be harmful? and why? argue with your colleagues by posing at least one response to their post.


IT-340: Network Management:

How a typical Operations Support System (OSS) differs from the Trunk (logical entity between switches / nodes) maintenance system in data communication scenario. (Give at least one example which is not listed in the textbook and discuss its output).

Submission Instructions

  • Post your responses, examples, ideas, and discussions on this topic on the blackboard.
  • You are required to write at least ONE original post and at least ONE response giving useful comment on a post uploaded by your friends.



IT-407: Professional Issues:

To assess your ability to:

•&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ; Illustrate social and ethical issues in computing as a computer professional.

Action Items

“No technology is inherently good or evil” rather any technology can be used for either good or evil purposes. Illustrate your answer with one example that you consider beneficial and one that can caused you harm.

Submission Instructions

  • Submit an initial post of your opinion
  • Read other students’ responses
  • Respond to their comments.

Grading Criteria

  • 0.5 Mark for submitting answer for the question
  • 0.5 Mark for replying to your classmate’s comments


IT-446: Data Mining and Data Warehousing:



To help the students understand different types of data attributes.

Topic of Discussion

Suppose you have a medical dataset which you would like to mine.  The dataset consists of the following attributes: patient ID, name, zip code, height, weight, eye color. What are the major considerations about the attribute type that we need to understand before mining the dataset? Which of the attribute in this dataset need to be transform? and justify your answer.

Submission Instructions

    Post your responses, examples, ideas, and discussions on this topic on the blackboard.

  • You are required to write at least ONE original post and at least ONE response commenting on the posts uploaded by your classmates.

Marking Criteria

  • Original Post: Maximum 0.75 mark

    Justification: 0.5
    Name attribute: 0.25

  • For Response: Maximum 0.25 mark

Total Marks:  1


 I need two response commenting on the posts uploaded by my classmates for every Discussion Board

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