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module 11

, you learned about the various ways that language-minority students are currently educated in our public K-12 school system. There is a debate, however, as to which is the best way to ensure language-minority students are successful in their academic, socio-emotional and cognitive endeavors. See


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Some have argued that ESL (English as Second Language) is the best way to ensure language-minority students successfully learn educational content. Others argue that language-minority students would be best served by learning math, reading and language arts in both their native language and in English. Still some argue that total English immersion is the best way to guarantee their success in academic content.

PROMPT: In your opinion and based on evidence, what is the best way to educate language-minority K-12 children in the US public school system? In your response, provide at least three (3) reasons why you believe your chosen method for educating these children is the best method.

REFERENCES: Your answer should appropriately use/cite research; you should have a reference for each reason/argument for a total of 3 references.For this assignment, you may use books, chapters, journal articles, your textbook and any reputable website for references.

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