3352 Assignment 7

For this assignment, imagine you are an expatriate manager for a subsidiary of a major company headquartered in the United States. You are preparing a PowerPoint presentation to brief the CEO on your plan to address the safety issues specific to the country (of your choice) where you are working as the expatriate manager.

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In your introduction, discuss four concerns in the workplace: benefits, safety, health, and global security issues. List one issue for each concern listed.

Next, prepare a solution for each of the four concerns. Discuss how your solutions address the issues within the workplace. Discuss what would be the responsibility of the global leadership team.

Conclude your presentation with a summary of how you noted the needs of your global audience, how you will design and deliver the training for employees keeping in mind Geert Hofstede’s research about cultural differences, and your plans to assess its success.

Be sure to include clear and specific speaker notes for each slide. You must include a minimum of one image or graphic within your presentation. You must use at least two sources, with one being the textbook.

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Your PowerPoint presentation must be at least seven slides in length, not counting title or reference slides. Ad

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