300 Words

The Governor is concerned with the number of inmates who are being victimized by assaults, including sexual assaults and stabbings and beatings. You have recently been assigned to a state penitentiary to interview inmates who have been victimized and to determine why there is such an alarming increase in these assaults.  You are tasked with evaluating the conditions of the penitentiary and the effectiveness of the corrections officer force, along with the conditions in which the inmates are living.

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The Warden is also concerned and has asked you for any conditions that you may feel require correction. The Governor has promised appropriate budget increases to correct these issues.

Respond to the Warden on how you would proceed to correct one of the following conditions:

  • Residential overcrowding
  • Entire population attending meals at the same time
  • Excessive aggression by the corrections staff
  • All-inclusive yard time for the inmates when the entire population is together
  • Handmade weapons being used in the assaults
  • Locations in work areas that cannot be observed or supervised
  • No counselling for victims of the assaults
  • Weak responses to investigating the suspected offenders

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